This topic describes limits that apply to edge instances and scene rules when you use Link IoT Edge.

Limits on edge instances

Limit Description
Maximum number of edge instances: 100,000 You can use an Alibaba Cloud account to create a maximum of 100,000 edge instances.
Maximum number of users that you can authorize to access an edge instance: 20 You can authorize a maximum number of 20 users to access each edge instance.
Number of gateways: 1 Each edge instance has only one gateway.
Maximum number of drivers: 30 You can add a maximum of 30 drivers to each edge instance.
Maximum number of sub-devices: 1,000 You can add a maximum of 1,000 sub-devices to each edge instance.
Maximum number of scene rules: 30 You can add a maximum of 30 scene rules to each edge instance.
Maximum number of Function Compute applications: 30 You can add a maximum of 30 Function Compute-based applications to each edge instance.
Maximum number of message routes: 30 You can add a maximum of 30 message routes to each edge instance.

Limits on drivers

Limit Description
Maximum number of custom drivers: 50 You can use an Alibaba Cloud account to create a maximum of 50 custom drivers.
Maximum size of a custom driver package: 50 MB The maximum size of a custom driver package is 50 MB.
Maximum number of driver versions: 10 Each driver can have a maximum of 10 versions.
Maximum number of key-value pairs: 100 You can add a maximum of 100 key-value pairs to the configurations of a driver.
Maximum size of JSON data for a driver: 1 KB Each driver contains up to 1 KB configuration data in the JSON format.
Maximum size of a configuration file for a driver: 1 MB. The size of a configuration file that you can upload to configure a drive can be a maximum of 1 MB.
Maximum size of JSON data for a device: 1 KB Each device contains a maximum of 1 KB configuration data in the JSON format.

Limits on scene orchestration

Limit Description
Maximum number of scene rules: 100 You can create a maximum of 100 scene rules in the Scene Orchestration section.
Maximum number of triggers: 10 You can add a maximum of 10 triggers to each rule.
Maximum number of conditions: 5 You can add a maximum of 5 conditions to each rule.
Maximum number of actions: 10 You can add a maximum of 10 actions to each rule.
Note If you want to increase one of the preceding limits, we recommend that you submit a ticket in the console for further assistance.