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Last Updated:Feb 28, 2024

Lindorm is available in the following series: Lindorm, Lindorm Lightweight Edition, Lindorm AIGC Trial Edition, Single-node Lindorm, and Lindorm Tunnel Service (LTS). This topic describes the scenarios of each series and how to view the series of instances.


When you create a Lindorm instance, you can specify the series of the instance by selecting a value for Product Type. The following table describes the series that you can specify.



Supported engine type and storage type



Lindorm clusters are individually deployed in standard mode. Each engine is deployed on an independent node. This series is suitable for business scenarios that have high requirements for cluster resources.

  • Supported engine types: wide table engine, time series engine, search engine, file engine, compute engine, and streaming engine.

  • Supported storage types: Standard, Performance, Capacity, Local SSD, and Local HDD.

  • Production environments of medium and large-sized enterprises.

  • Scenarios such as Internet of Vehicles (IoV), IoT, Industrial IoT (IIoT), risk control, billing, advertising, feeds, and data dashboards.

Lindorm Lightweight Edition

Lindorm Lightweight Edition is a series that is light-weighted and more flexible. You can purchase and use an instance by specifying only an engine with one node. The starting price of Lindorm Lightweight Edition instances is 80% lower than that of Lindorm clusters. The service level agreement (SLA) of Lindorm Lightweight Edition instances is not guaranteed. We recommend that you use this series to build test environments and verify Lindorm features.

  • Supported engine types: wide table engine and time series engine.

  • You can purchase LTS when you create Lindorm Lightweight Edition instances.

  • Learning for individual developers.

  • Feature verification and testing for small enterprises.

Single-node Lindorm

  • Single-node Lindorm instances are no longer available for purchase from November 6, 2023.

  • All features of Single-node Lindorm are supported by Lindorm Lightweight Edition. We recommend that you use Lindorm Lightweight Edition instead of Single-node Lindorm.

Single-node Lindorm clusters can be quickly created. The specification of single-node Lindorm clusters can be upgraded and downgraded. The SLA of single-node Lindorm clusters is not guaranteed. This series is cost-effective and is suitable for testing or experiencing Lindorm features.

  • Supported engine types: wide table engine, time series engine, search engine, and file engine.

  • Supported storage types: ultra disks.

  • Learning for individual developers.

  • Development and testing environments of small enterprises

Lindorm AIGC Trail Edition

Lindorm AIGC Trail Edition provides various AIGC features such as intelligent Q&A, text-based image searching, and text-based image generation. You can use this series to easily experience AIGC features in a cost-effective manner without the need for development and O&M. This series is suitable for you to experience the AIGC features provided by Lindorm.


  • Learning for individual developers.

  • Modeling reference and intelligent Q&A.

Lindorm Tunnel Service

LTS is a data ecosystem service that is customized based on the characteristics of Lindorm business scenarios. LTS provides easy-to-use capabilities, including data exchange, processing, and subscription. This way, you can migrate data, subscribe to real-time data, dump data to data lakes, and configure backflow to data warehouses. You can also apply multi-active redundancy based on units and implement backup and restoration. LTS provides a unified data ecosystem service for Lindorm. For more information, see Introduction to LTS.


  • Data migration without service downtime.

  • Decoupling online workloads from offline workloads.

  • Primary/secondary disaster recovery.

  • Storage of historical data in ApsaraDB RDS databases.

View the series of an instance

You can view the series of an instance on the Instances page in the Lindorm console. The following figure shows how to view the series of an instance in the Lindorm console.查看产品系列 The following table describes the mappings between the service type that is displayed in the Lindorm console and the series of the instance.

Service type displayed in the Lindorm console





Lindorm Lightweight Edition

Lindorm AI Trail

Lindorm AIGC Trail Edition

Lindorm Standalone

Single-node Lindorm

Lindorm TS

Lindorm Tunnel Service