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Last Updated:Jul 04, 2023

This topic describes how to view basic resolution statistics on the homepage of the HTTPDNS console.


  1. Log on to the Enterprise Mobile Application Studio (EMAS) console.

  2. Go to the HTTPDNS console. The Overview page appears by default.

    The upper part of the Overview page displays basic resolution statistics of the account. The lower part displays the numbers of resolutions within the current account over the last 7 days, last 30 days, and last 12 months. overviewnew



    Account ID

    This ID is generated when HTTPDNS is activated. This ID is bound to the current logon account and needs to be provided when the HTTPDNS API is called.

    Free Requests per Month

    The number of times HTTPDNS can be used to resolve domain names free of charge in each calendar month. For more information, see Limits.

    Total HTTP Requests of This Month

    The total number of times that HTTPDNS resolves domain names over HTTP this month.

    Total HTTPS Requests of This Month

    The total number of times that HTTPDNS resolves domain names over HTTPS this month.