Queries the information about a service.

Request headers

This operation uses only the common request header. For more information, see the topic about common request parameters.

Request syntax

GET /services/{serviceName[.qualifier]} HTTP/1.1

Request parameters

Parameter Type Position Required Example Description
serviceName String Path Yes service_name

The name of the service.

qualifier String Path No test

The version or alias of the service.

Response parameters

Parameter Type Example Description
ETag String e19d5cd5af0378da05f63f891c7467af

The ETag value of the service name. This value is used to ensure that the modified service is consistent with the service to be modified.

createdTime String 2020-04-03T05:57:28Z

The time when the service was created.

description String test_description

The description of the service.

internetAccess Boolean true

Indicates whether functions were allowed to access the Internet. Valid values:

  • true: Functions are allowed to access the Internet.
  • false: Functions are not allowed to access the Internet.
lastModifiedTime String 2020-04-03T05:57:28Z

The last time when the service was updated.

logConfig LogConfig

The log configuration, which specifies a Logstore to store function execution logs.

nasConfig NASConfig

The configuration of the Apsara File Storage NAS file system, which allows functions in the specified service in Function Compute to access the NAS file system.

role String acs:ram::198613743****:role/fc-public-test

The Alibaba Cloud Resource Name (ARN) of the RAM role that is used to grant required permissions to Function Compute. The RAM role is used in the following scenarios:

  • Sends function execution logs to your Logstore.
  • Generates a token for a function to access other cloud resources during function execution.
serviceId String c910061f-f6fa-44e6-b659-568fb***

The unique ID generated by the system for the service.

serviceName String service_name

The name of the service.

vpcConfig VPCConfig

The virtual private cloud (VPC) configuration, which allows functions in the specified service in Function Compute to access the specified VPC.

tracingConfig TracingConfig

The configuration of Tracing Analysis. After you configure Tracing Analysis for a service in Function Compute, you can record the execution duration of a request, view the amount of the cold start time for a function, and record the execution duration of a function. For more information, see Overview.


Sample requests

GET /2016-08-15/services/service_name[.test] HTTP/1.1 
Common request parameters

Sample success responses

JSON format

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

  "createdTime" : "2020-04-03T05:57:28Z",
  "description" : "test_description",
  "internetAccess" : true,
  "lastModifiedTime" : "2020-04-03T05:57:28Z",
  "logConfig" : {
    "logstore" : "test-prj",
    "project" : "test-logstore",
    "enableRequestMetrics" : true,
    "logBeginRule" : "DefaultRegex"
  "nasConfig" : {
    "groupId" : "100",
    "mountPoints" : [ {
      "mountDir" : "/home/test",
      "serverAddr" : "***-uni85.cn-hangzhou.nas.aliyuncs.com:/"
    } ],
    "userId" : "100"
  "role" : "acs:ram::198613743****:role/fc-public-test",
  "serviceId" : "c910061f-f6fa-44e6-b659-568fb***",
  "serviceName" : "service_name",
  "vpcConfig" : {
    "securityGroupId" : "sg-bp18hj1wtxgy3b0***",
    "vSwitchIds" : [ "vsw-bp1ozpcrdc6r****" ],
    "vpcId" : "vpc-***"
  "tracingConfig" : {
    "type" : "Jaeger"