Starting from November 3, 2022, Function Compute reduces the price of billable items in all regions. The optimized billing rules of Function Compute help you flexibly allocate resources and improve resource utilization. In addition, the prices for the pay-as-you-go billing method and resource plans in Function Compute are reduced. Function Compute helps you reduce your costs by 12% to 47% even when your daily resource utilization reaches 30%.

Price adjustment details

Reduced unit prices for the pay-as-you-go billing method

  • Function invocations: 25% off
  • Active vCPU usage: 11% off
  • Idle vCPU usage: 10% as that of active vCPU usage
  • GPU usage: 20% off
  • Memory usage: 20% off
  • Outbound Internet traffic: 37.5% off
Note The original resource usage billing by memory usage is changed to vCPU and memory usage. You can flexibly configure the vCPU and memory specifications based on your business requirements. The number of vCPUs increases by 0.05 and the memory capacity increases by 64 MB. The vCPU-to-memory ratio (vCPU:GB) ranges from 1:1 to 1:4.

New resource plan purchase scheme

The new version of the Function Compute resource plan allows you to flexibly purchase resources for various billable items based on your business requirements. If the same resources are purchased, the price of the new version of the resource plan is only 29% to 80% of the price of the pay-as-you-go billing method. For more information, see Resource plans.

Free trial quota

Note This article defines new and existing users.
  • New users: users that activate Function Compute in the Function Compute console after 11:25 on November 2, 2022.
  • Existing users: users that activated Function Compute before 11:25 on November 02, 2022.
New users

Users that activate Function Compute for the first time can enjoy a free trial quota worth USD 13. The validity period of the trial quota is 1 year. For more information, see the section "Trial quota" in Overview.

Existing users

Starting from 24:00:00 on December 31, 2022, Function Compute cancels the original free monthly quota for existing users, which was 400,000 GB-seconds of resource usage and 1 million invocations per month.

From 0:00:00 on November 1, 2022 to 24:00:00 on December 31, 2022, existing users can still enjoy free quota and enjoy a free trial plan, which is valid for 1 year and worth USD 13.

Starting from 12:00:00 May 16, 2023, existing users can no longer buy the free trial plan. The purchased trial plans can still be used within the validity period of 1 year.