The first time you use Realtime Compute for Apache Flink, you must assign the regular role AliyunStreamAsiDefaultRole to Realtime Compute for Apache Flink by using your Alibaba Cloud account. After the role is assigned, Realtime Compute for Apache Flink uses this role to call API operations and access resources in other Alibaba Cloud services, such as Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), Elastic Compute Service (ECS), and Application Real-Time Monitoring Service (ARMS), to start services in Realtime Compute for Apache Flink.
A regular service role is a RAM role whose trusted entity is an Alibaba Cloud service. A regular service role is used to authorize access across Alibaba Cloud services. For more information, see RAM role overview.
The following content describes the regular service role in Realtime Compute for Apache Flink and the policies that are attached to the role:
Regular service role: AliyunStreamAsiDefaultRole
System policies: AliyunStreamAsiDefaultRolePolic and AliyunDLFFullAccess
Create a regular service role
The first time you activate Realtime Compute for Apache Flink, the system automatically completes the authorization, creates the regular service role AliyunStreamAsiDefaultRole, and attaches the AliyunStreamAsiDefaultRolePolic and AliyunDLFFullAccess policies to the role. If the AliyunStreamAsiDefaultRole role is not created, go to the Cloud Resource Access Authorization page, and click Confirm Authorization Policy to automatically create the role for Realtime Compute for Apache Flink.
View the regular service role
You can view the basic information about the regular service role AliyunStreamAsiDefaultRole and the trust policy and policies that are attached to the regular service role. For more information about how to view the regular service role, see View the information about a RAM role.
You must use an Alibaba Cloud account or a RAM user that has the administrator permissions to access the Resource Access Management (RAM) console. If you cannot view the preceding information, contact the administrator to grant your RAM user the administrator permissions.
Delete the regular service role
After you delete the service-linked role AliyunStreamAsiDefaultRole, the normal use of Realtime Compute for Apache Flink is adversely affected. Proceed with caution when you delete the role.
You can delete the service-linked role AliyunStreamAsiDefaultRole in the RAM console. For more information, see Delete a RAM role.
Why am I unable to go to the RAM console after I click Authorize in RAM?