To set a DingTalk chatbot for a DingTalk group or a contact, you must obtain the webhook URL of the DingTalk chatbot in your DingTalk group. This topic describes how to obtain the webhook URL of a DingTalk chatbot.


A DingTalk group used to receive alert notifications is created.


To add a custom DingTalk chatbot and obtain the webhook URL, perform the following steps:

  1. Run the DingTalk client on a PC, go to the DingTalk group to which you want to add an alert chatbot, and then click the Group Settings icon in the upper-right corner.
  2. In the Group Settings panel, click Group Assistant.
  3. In the Group Assistant panel, click Add Robot.
  4. In the ChatBot dialog box, click the + icon in the Add Robot card. Then, click Custom. Add Robot
  5. In the Robot details dialog box, click Add.
  6. In the Add Robot dialog box, perform the following steps:
    Add Robot
    1. Set a profile picture and a name for the chatbot.
    2. Select Custom Keywords in the Security Settings section. Then, set two keywords: alert and dispatch.
    3. Read the terms of service and select I have read and accepted <<DingTalk Custom Robot Service Terms of Service>>.
    4. Click Finished.
    Note For more information about operations related to DingTalk chatbots, see Integrate with a custom DingTalk chatbot.
  7. In the Add Robot dialog box, copy the webhook URL of the DingTalk chatbot and click Finished. Add Robot