Updates the IP address whitelist for access to the Kibana console of a specified Elasticsearch cluster.

Usage notes

  • Before you call this operation, make sure that the instance is not in the activating, invalid, or inactive state.
  • You can update the whitelist in two ways: IP address whitelist list and IP address whitelist group. The two methods cannot be used at the same time. In addition to InstanceId and clientToken, the two methods support different parameters, as follows:
    • IP address whitelist list: kibanaIPWhitelist
    • IP address whitelist groups: modifyMode and whiteIpGroup
  • Public network access whitelists do not support configuring private IP addresses. Private network access whitelists do not support configuring public IP addresses.


OpenAPI Explorer automatically calculates the signature value. For your convenience, we recommend that you call this operation in OpenAPI Explorer. OpenAPI Explorer dynamically generates the sample code of the operation for different SDKs.

Request headers

This operation uses only common request headers. For more information, see Common request headers.

Request syntax

PATCH|POST /openapi/instances/{InstanceId}/kibana-white-ips HTTP/1.1

Request parameters

Parameter Type Position Required Example Description
InstanceId String Path Yes es-cn-tl329rbpc0001****

The ID of the instance.

clientToken String Query No 5A2CFF0E-5718-45B5-9D4D-70B3FF****

The client token that is used to ensure the idempotence of the request. You can use the client to generate the value, but you must make sure that it is unique among different requests. The token can contain only ASCII characters and cannot exceed 64 characters in length.

modifyMode String Query No Cover

The modification method. Valid values:

  • Cover (default): overwrites the original IP address whitelist with the value of the ips parameter.
  • Append: Add the IP addresses entered in the ips parameter to the original IP address whitelist.
  • Delete: Delete the IP addresses entered in the ips parameter from the original IP address whitelist. You must retain at least one IP address.
Object Body No

The body of the request.

kibanaIPWhitelist Array of String Body No ["110.0.XX.XX/8"]

The list of IP address whitelists. This parameter is available if whiteIpGroup is left empty. The value of this parameter updates the IP address whitelist configurations in the Default whitelist group.

You cannot configure both kibanaIPWhitelist and whiteIpGroup.

whiteIpGroup Object Body No

You can use a whitelist group to update the configuration of a Kibana whitelist. You can update only one whitelist group.

You cannot configure both kibanaIPWhitelist and whiteIpGroup.

groupName String Body No test_group_name

The group name of the whitelist group. This parameter is required if the whiteIpGroup parameter is optional.

whiteIpType String Body No PUBLIC_KIBANA

The type of the whitelist. Only PUBLIC_KIBANA (public network whitelist) is supported.

ips Array of String Body No ["", "10.2.XX.XX"]

The list of IP addresses in the whitelist group. This parameter is required if the whiteIpGroup parameter is optional.

Notice The addition and deletion of whitelist groups are implemented by calling modifyMode to Cover. Delete and Append cannot add or delete whitelist groups at the same time. You can only modify the IP address list in the whitelist group. Take note of the following items:
  • If the modifyMode parameter is set to Cover, the whitelist group is deleted if ips is empty. If groupName is not in the list of existing whitelist group names, a whitelist group is created.
  • If the modifyMode parameter is set to Delete, you must retain at least one IP address for the deleted ips.
  • If the modifyMode parameter is set to Append, make sure that the whitelist group name has been created. Otherwise, the NotFound error message appears.

Response parameters

Parameter Type Example Description
RequestId String E5EF11F1-DBAE-4020-AC24-DFA6C4345CAE

The ID of the request.

Result Object

Returns the details of the corresponding Elasticsearch instance.

kibanaPrivateIPWhitelist Array of String [ "192.168.XX.XX/24" ]

The list of Kibana private network access whitelists.

kibanaIPWhitelist Array of String ["0.0.XX.XX", "10.2.XX.XX", "110.0.XX.XX/9"]

The list of Kibana access whitelists.

networkConfig Object

The network configuration information.

vpcId String vpc-bp1jy348ibzulk6hn****

The ID of the virtual private cloud (VPC).

vswitchId String vsw-bp1a0mifpletdd1da****

The ID of the vSwitch to which the instance is connected.

vsArea String cn-hangzhou-h

The ID of region in which you want to create the instance.

type String vpc

The network type of the instance. Valid values:

whiteIpGroupList Array of whiteIpGroupList

The list of whitelists.

groupName String test_group_name

The name of the whitelist group.

ips Array of String ["", "10.2.XX.XX"]

The list of IP addresses in the whitelist group.

whiteIpType String PUBLIC_KIBANA

The type of the whitelist.

Note In the following return example, this article only guarantees that the parameters in the return data list are included, and the parameters not mentioned are for reference only. The program cannot force to rely on obtaining these parameters.


Sample requests

PATCH /openapi/instances/es-cn-tl329rbpc0001****/kibana-white-ips HTTP/1.1
    "kibanaIPWhitelist": [
    "whiteIpGroup": {
        "groupName": "test_group_name", 
        "ips": [

Sample responses

JSON format

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

  "Result" : {
    "instanceId" : "es-cn-tl329rbpc0001****",
    "version" : "7.10.0_with_X-Pack",
    "description" : "lrr",
    "nodeAmount" : 0,
    "paymentType" : "postpaid",
    "status" : "active",
    "privateNetworkIpWhiteList" : [ "11.22.XX.XX", "0.0.XX.XX/0" ],
    "enablePublic" : false,
    "nodeSpec" : { },
    "dataNode" : false,
    "networkConfig" : {
      "vpcId" : "vpc-bp1jy348ibzulk6hn****",
      "vswitchId" : "vsw-bp1a0mifpletdd1da****",
      "vsArea" : "cn-hangzhou-h",
      "whiteIpGroupList" : [ {
        "groupName" : "default",
        "ips" : [ "0.0.XX.XX/0", "11.22.XX.XX" ],
        "whiteIpType" : "PRIVATE_ES"
      }, {
        "groupName" : "default",
        "ips" : [ "110.0.XX.XX/9" ],
        "whiteIpType" : "PUBLIC_KIBANA"
      }, {
        "groupName" : "default",
        "ips" : [ "192.168.XX.XX/24" ],
        "whiteIpType" : "PRIVATE_KIBANA"
      }, {
        "groupName" : "test_group_name",
        "ips" : [ "0.0.XX.XX", "10.2.XX.XX" ],
        "whiteIpType" : "PUBLIC_KIBANA"
      } ],
      "type" : "vpc"
    "createdAt" : "2021-07-21T01:29:38.510Z",
    "updatedAt" : "2021-07-21T06:12:12.370Z",
    "commodityCode" : "elasticsearch",
    "extendConfigs" : [ {
      "configType" : "usageScenario",
      "value" : "log"
    }, {
      "configType" : "maintainTime",
      "maintainStartTime" : "02:00Z",
      "maintainEndTime" : "06:00Z"
    }, {
      "configType" : "aliVersion",
      "aliVersion" : "ali1.4.0"
    }, {
      "configType" : "followCube",
      "followClusterEnabled" : true
    } ],
    "endTime" : 4782556800000,
    "clusterTasks" : [ ],
    "vpcInstanceId" : "es-cn-tl329rbpc0001****-worker",
    "resourceGroupId" : "rg-acfmxxkk2p7****",
    "zoneCount" : 1,
    "protocol" : "HTTP",
    "zoneInfos" : [ {
      "zoneId" : "cn-hangzhou-h",
      "status" : "NORMAL"
    } ],
    "instanceType" : "elasticsearch",
    "inited" : true,
    "tags" : [ {
      "tagKey" : "acs:rm:rgId",
      "tagValue" : "rg-acfmxxkk2p7****"
    } ],
    "serviceVpc" : true,
    "domain" : "es-cn-tl329rbpc0001****.elasticsearch.aliyuncs.com",
    "port" : 9200,
    "esVersion" : "7.10.0_with_X-Pack",
    "esConfig" : {
      "action.destructive_requires_name" : "true",
      "xpack.watcher.enabled" : "false",
      "action.auto_create_index" : "+.*,-*"
    "esIPWhitelist" : [ "11.22.XX.XX", "0.0.XX.XX/0" ],
    "esIPBlacklist" : [ ],
    "kibanaProtocol" : "HTTPS",
    "kibanaIPWhitelist" : [ "", "10.2.XX.XX", "110.0.XX.XX/9" ],
    "kibanaPrivateIPWhitelist" : [ "192.168.XX.XX/24" ],
    "publicIpWhitelist" : [ ],
    "kibanaDomain" : "es-cn-tl329rbpc0001****.kibana.elasticsearch.aliyuncs.com",
    "kibanaPort" : 5601,
    "kibanaPrivateDomain" : "es-cn-tl329rbpc0001****-kibana.internal.elasticsearch.aliyuncs.com",
    "kibanaPrivatePort" : 5601,
    "haveKibana" : true,
    "instanceCategory" : "IS",
    "dedicateMaster" : false,
    "advancedDedicateMaster" : false,
    "masterConfiguration" : { },
    "haveClientNode" : false,
    "warmNode" : true,
    "warmNodeConfiguration" : {
      "spec" : "elasticsearch.d1.2xlarge",
      "amount" : 3
    "clientNodeConfiguration" : { },
    "kibanaConfiguration" : {
      "spec" : "elasticsearch.n4.small",
      "amount" : 1,
      "disk" : 0
    "elasticDataNodeConfiguration" : { },
    "haveElasticDataNode" : false,
    "dictList" : [ {
      "name" : "SYSTEM_MAIN.dic",
      "fileSize" : 2782602,
      "sourceType" : "ORIGIN",
      "type" : "MAIN"
    }, {
      "name" : "SYSTEM_STOPWORD.dic",
      "fileSize" : 132,
      "sourceType" : "ORIGIN",
      "type" : "STOP"
    } ],
    "synonymsDicts" : [ ],
    "ikHotDicts" : [ ],
    "aliwsDicts" : [ ],
    "haveGrafana" : false,
    "haveCerebro" : false,
    "enableKibanaPublicNetwork" : true,
    "enableKibanaPrivateNetwork" : true,
    "advancedSetting" : {
      "gcName" : "CMS"
    "enableMetrics" : true,
    "readWritePolicy" : {
      "writeHa" : false
  "RequestId" : "E815C5C9-E82D-4B10-BDE0-D25340C2ACEF"

Error codes

For a list of error codes, visit the API Error Center.