Alibaba Cloud Elasticsearch provides more than 20 plug-ins, which include open source plug-ins and self-developed plug-ins. The plug-ins improve the stability, query performance, write performance, tokenized queries, and data searches of Alibaba Cloud Elasticsearch clusters. This topic describes the built-in plug-ins and custom plug-ins that are supported by Alibaba Cloud Elasticsearch.

Built-in plug-ins

You can install or remove built-in plug-ins based on your business requirements. For more information, see Install and remove a built-in plug-in.

The following tables describe the built-in plug-ins and provide the Elasticsearch versions in which the plug-ins are available.
  • Self-developed plug-ins
    Plug-inDescriptionApplicable Elasticsearch versionSupported operation
    analysis-aliwsThe analysis plug-in. This plug-in integrates an analyzer and a tokenizer into Elasticsearch. This allows you to search for and analyze documents. V6.0 and laterInstall, Remove, and Dictionary Configuration
    Important Elasticsearch clusters of V7.16 or later and Elasticsearch V7.10 clusters deployed based on the new cloud-native control architecture in some regions do not allow you to configure dictionaries for the analysis-aliws plug-in.
    aliyun-sqlThe SQL plug-in that is used to parse SQL statements. This plug-in allows you to execute SQL statements to query data in Elasticsearch by using the same way you query data in common databases. V6.7.0 and later (except V7.10.0)Install and Remove
    apackThe plug-in that provides the physical replication and vector search features. The physical replication feature improves the write performance of clusters. The vector search feature implements image searches. V6.7.0 (with a kernel version of V1.2.0 or later) and V7.10.0Install
    aliyun-knnThe vector search engine. This plug-in allows you to use vector spaces in different search scenarios, such as image searching, video fingerprinting, facial and speech recognition, and commodity recommendation, based on your preferences. V6.7.0 (with a kernel version of V1.2.0 or later) and later
    Important If the cluster version is V6.7.0 and the kernel version of the cluster is V1.2.0 or later, or the cluster version is V7.10.0, the aliyun-knn plug-in is integrated into the apack plug-in. The apack plug-in is installed by default. If the cluster version is later than V6.7.0 (except V7.10.0), or the cluster version is V6.7.0 and the kernel version of the cluster is earlier than V1.2.0, you must manually install the aliyun-knn plug-in on the Plug-ins page in the Elasticsearch console.
    Install and Remove
    faster-bulkThe plug-in that aggregates bulk write requests in batches. This plug-in implements the aggregation based on specific maximum request size and aggregation interval. This plug-in improves write throughput and reduces write request rejections. V6.7.0 and V7.10.0Install and Remove
    codec-compressionThe index compression plug-in. This plug-in supports the Brotli and zstd compression algorithms and provides a higher index compression ratio. This significantly reduces the storage costs of indexes. V6.7.0Install and Remove
    aliyun-qosThe throttling plug-in. This plug-in implements node-level read and write throttling and reduces the priority of specific indexes when required. V6.7.0 and later
    Important You can upgrade the aliyun-qos plug-in to rc4 only for an Elasticsearch cluster of V6.7.0 or later. If the version of your Elasticsearch cluster is earlier than V6.7.0, you must upgrade your cluster to V6.7.0 or later first.
    gigThe plug-in that implements throttling for client nodes in an Elasticsearch cluster. This plug-in performs a switchover within seconds to address query jitters, and detects traffic to handle the surges in query latency caused by enabled warm nodes. V6.7.0 (with a kernel version of V1.3.0) and V7.10.0
    Note If the cluster version is V7.10.0, the gig plug-in is integrated into the aliyun-qos plug-in. The aliyun-qos plug-in is installed by default. If the cluster version is V6.7.0 and the kernel version of the cluster is V1.3.0, you must manually install the gig plug-in on the Plug-ins page in the Elasticsearch console.
    Install and Remove
  • Open source plug-ins
    Plug-inDescriptionApplicable Elasticsearch versionSupported operation
    analysis-ikThe IK analysis plug-in. This plug-in integrates the IK analyzer of Apache Lucene into Elasticsearch and supports custom dictionaries. All versionsStandard Update and Rolling Update
    Important Elasticsearch clusters of V7.16 or later and Elasticsearch V7.10 clusters deployed based on the new cloud-native control architecture in some regions do not allow you to perform the Standard Update operation for the analysis-ik plug-in.
    analysis-icuThe ICU analysis plug-in. This plug-in integrates the Lucene ICU module and ICU analysis components into Elasticsearch. All versionsInstall and Remove
    analysis-kuromojiThe Japanese (Kuromoji) analysis plug-in. This plug-in integrates the Lucene Kuromoji analysis module into Elasticsearch. All versionsInstall and Remove
    analysis-phoneticThe phonetic analysis plug-in. This plug-in integrates the phonetic token filter into Elasticsearch. All versionsInstall and Remove
    analysis-pinyinThe Pinyin analysis plug-in. All versionsInstall and Remove
    analysis-smartcnThe smart Chinese analysis plug-in. This plug-in integrates the Lucene smart Chinese analysis module into Elasticsearch. All versionsInstall and Remove
    elasticsearch-repository-ossThe plug-in that stores snapshots. This plug-in allows you to use Alibaba Cloud Object Storage Service (OSS) to store Elasticsearch snapshots. V5.XNone
    ingest-attachmentThe ingest attachment processor. This plug-in uses Apache Tika to extract content. All versionsInstall and Remove
    ingest-geoipThe ingest geoip processor. This plug-in queries geographic data in MaxMind databases based on IP addresses. V5.XInstall and Remove
    ingest-user-agentThe ingest user_agent processor. This plug-in extracts information from a user agent. V5.XInstall and Remove
    analysis-stconvertThe analysis plug-in that allows you to switch between simplified and traditional Chinese. Versions earlier than V7.10Install and Remove
    mapper-attachmentsThe plug-in that allows you to use Apache Tika to add attachments of more than 1,000 types of formats, such as PPT, XLS, and PDF, when you create indexes. V5.XInstall and Remove
    mapper-murmur3The plug-in that computes the hash values of field values when you create an index and stores the hash values in the index. All versionsInstall and Remove
    mapper-sizeThe plug-in that allows you to record the size of documents before they are compressed when you create an index. All versionsInstall and Remove
    repository-hdfsThe plug-in that provides support for Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) repositories. All versionsInstall and Remove
    sqlThe SQL query plug-in. V5.5.3Install and Remove
    x-packAn Elasticsearch extension that provides security, alerting, monitoring, reporting, and graph capabilities in an all-in-one easy-to-install package. X-Pack is integrated into Kibana to provide capabilities, such as authorization and authentication, role-based access control, real-time monitoring, visual reporting, and machine learning. V5.XNone
    analysis-vietnameseThe Vietnamese analysis plug-in.
    Important This plug-in can be installed only for Elasticsearch clusters in the China (Hangzhou), China (Shanghai), China (Beijing), and China (Shenzhen) regions.
    V7.10 (with a kernel version of V1.8.0 or later)Install and Remove

Custom plug-ins

You can upload, install, and remove custom plug-ins based on your business requirements. For more information, see Upload and install a custom plug-in.