Call ListCollectors to obtain the list information of collectors.


OpenAPI Explorer automatically calculates the signature value. For your convenience, we recommend that you call this operation in OpenAPI Explorer. After you call an operation, OpenAPI Explorer dynamically generates the sample code of the operation for different SDKs.

Request header

This operation uses only the common request header. For more information, see Common request parameters.

Request structure

     GET /openapi/collectors HTTP/1.1 

Request parameters

Parameter Type Position Required Example Description
resId String Query No ct-cn-77uqof2s7rg5c****

The collector ID.

name String Query No collectorName1

The name of the collector.

instanceId String Query No es-cn-nif1q8auz0003****

The instance ID associated with the collector.

page Integer Query No 1

The number of pages of the returned result. Default value: 1, minimum value: 1, maximum value: 200.

size Integer Query No 10

The number of results per page. Default value: 20, minimum value: 1, maximum value: 500.

sourceType String Query No ECS

Specify the type of the machine where the collector is deployed, and return all types without filling in. Valid values:

  • ECS:ECS instances
  • ACK: Container Kubernetes cluster

Response parameters

Parameter Type Example Description
Headers Struct

The header of the response.

X-Total-Count Integer 5

The number of returned records.

RequestId String 5FFD9ED4-C2EC-4E89-B22B-1ACB6FE1****

The ID of the request.

Result Array of Result

The return results.

collectorPaths List ["/var/log"]

The acquisition path of Filebeat.

configs Array of configs

The configuration file information of the collector.

content String - key: log\n title: Log file content\n description: >\n Contains log file lines.\n ....

The content of the remote file.

fileName String fields.yml

The name of the mezzanine file.

dryRun Boolean false

Whether to verify and create a collector. Then, you can perform the following operations:

  • true: only check and not create
  • false: Check and create
extendConfigs Array of extendConfigs

The extended parameter information.

configType String collectorDeployMachine

The type of the configuration. Then, you can perform the following operations:

  • collectorTargetInstance: collector Output
  • collectorDeployMachine: Deployment Machine of Collector
  • collector Elasticsearch ForKibana: Elasticsearch instance information that supports Kibana dashboards
enableMonitoring Boolean true

Whether to enable Monitoring, when configType For collectorTargetInstance , and instanceType For elasticsearch When displayed. Then, you can perform the following operations:

  • true
  • false
groupId String default_ct-cn-5i2l75bz4776****

machine group ID. When configType For collectorDeployMachine When displayed.

host String es-cn-n6w1o1x0w001c****

The private network access address of Kibana after Kibana Dashboard is enabled. When configType For collectorElasticsearchForKibana When displayed.

hosts List ["es-cn-n6w1o1x*****"]

Collector Output specifies the list of access addresses of the instance. When configType For collectorTargetInstance When displayed.

instanceId String es-cn-nif1z89fz003i****

The instance ID associated with the collector. When configType For collectorTargetInstance is the instance ID of the collector Output; when configType For collectorDeployMachines , and type For ACKCluster is the ACK (Container Kubernetes) cluster ID.

instanceType String elasticsearch

The instance type specified by the collector Output. Support Elasticsearch , logstash. When configType For collectorTargetInstance When displayed.

kibanaHost String https://es-cn-nif1z89fz003i****

The Internet access address of Kibana after Kibana Dashboard is enabled. When configType For collectorElasticsearchForKibana When displayed.

machines Array of machines

The list of ECS machines deployed by the collector. When configType For collectorDeployMachines , and type For ECSInstanceId When displayed.

agentStatus String heartOk

The status of each collector on ECS. Then, you can perform the following operations:

  • heartOk: normal heartbeat
  • heartLost: abnormal heartbeat
  • uninstalled: not installed
  • failed: installation failed
instanceId String i-bp13y63575oypr9d****

The list of ECS machine IDs.

protocol String HTTP

The transmission protocol needs to be consistent with the access protocol of the instance specified by the collector Output. HTTP and HTTPS are supported. When configType For collectorTargetInstance When displayed.

successPodsCount String 8

The number of all successfully collected pod nodes of the ACK cluster. When configType For collectorDeployMachines , and type For ACKCluster When displayed.

totalPodsCount String 10

The number of all collected pod nodes of the ACK cluster. When configType For collectorDeployMachines , and type For ACKCluster When displayed.

type String ECSInstanceId

The type of machine deployed by the collector, when configType For collectorDeployMachine When displayed. Then, you can perform the following operations:

  • ECSInstanceId:ECS
  • ACKCluster: Container Kubernetes
userName String elastic

Output specifies the user name of the instance. The default name is elastic. When configType For collectorTargetInstance or collectorElasticsearchForKibana When displayed.

gmtCreatedTime String 2020-08-18T02:06:12.000+0000

The time when the collector was created.

gmtUpdateTime String 2020-08-18T09:40:43.000+0000

The collector update time.

name String FileBeat001

The name of the collector.

ownerId String 168520994880****

The ID of the Alibaba Cloud account.

resId String ct-cn-0v3xj86085dvq****

The collector instance ID.

resType String fileBeat

The collector type. FileBeat, metricBeat, heartBeat, and auditBeat are supported.

resVersion String 6.8.5_with_community

The collector version.

status String active

The collector status. Then, you can perform the following operations:

  • activating: taking effect
  • active: has taken effect
vpcId String vpc-bp16k1dvzxtma*****

Virtual Private Cloud ID. where the collector is located

extendConfigs There are 3 configType types, namely collectorTargetInstance, collectorElasticsearchForKibana and collectorDeployMachine. Different deployment machines have different returned parameters. The specific combination method is as follows:

  • collectorTargetInstance
    • ECS

      configType, instanceId, instanceType, hosts, userName, password, protocol, enableMonitoring

    • ACK

      configType, instanceId, instanceType, userName, password, protocol, enableMonitoring

  • collectorElasticsearchForKibana
    • ECS

      configType, instanceId, host, kibanaHost, userName, password, protocol

    • ACK


  • collectorDeployMachine
    • ECS

      configType, type, machines, groupId

    • ACK

      configType, type, instanceId, totalPodsCount, successPodsCount


Sample requests

     GET /openapi/collectors?resId=ct-cn-77uqof2s7rg5c ****&page=1&size=10&sourceType=ECS HTTP/1.1 public request header 

Sample success responses

JSON format

     { "Result": [ { "gmtCreatedTime": "2020-11-05T12:42:47.000+0000", "gmtUpdateTime": "2020-11-06T06:06:20.000+0000", "name": "fileBeatOnACK", "resId": "ct-cn-6fy17c8z99c7i****", "resVersion": "6.8.5_with_community", "vpcId": "vpc-bp16k1dvzxtmagcva****", "resType": "fileBeat", "ownerId": "168520994880****", "configs": [ { "fileName": "logCollector.yml" }, { "fileName": "Name of index management policy 1" }, { "fileName": "Name of Index Management Policy 2" } ], "status": "active", "extendConfigs": [ { "configType": "collectorTargetInstance", "instanceId": "es-cn-n6w1o1x0w001c****", "instanceType": "elasticsearch", "hosts": [ "es-cn-n6w1o1x0w001c****" ], "protocol": "HTTP", "userName": "elastic", "enableMonitoring": false }, { "configType": "collectorDeployMachine", "type": "ACKCluster", "instanceId": "c1b9fde5172b84f82b9928e825a7b****" }, { "configType": "collectorElasticsearchForKibana", "instanceId": "es-cn-n6w1o1x0w001c****", "host": "es-cn-n6w1o1x0w001c****", "protocol": "HTTPS", "kibanaHost": "https://es-cn-n6w1o1x0w001c****", "userName": "elastic" } ], "dryRun": false }, { "gmtCreatedTime": "2020-09-25T10:27:02.000+0000", "gmtUpdateTime": "2020-09-25T10:27:02.000+0000", "name": "fileBeatOnECS", "resId": "ct-cn-6cro0lb0dn66c****", "resVersion": "6.8.5_with_community", "vpcId": "vpc-bp12nu14urf0upaf4****", "resType": "fileBeat", "ownerId": "168520994880****", "collectorPaths": [ "/var/log/" ], "configs": [ { "fileName": "fields.yml" }, { "fileName": "filebeat.yml" } ], "status": "active", "extendConfigs": [ { "configType": "collectorTargetInstance", "instanceId": "ls-cn-v0h1kzca****", "instanceType": "logstash", "hosts": [ "10.7.xx.xx:8007" ], "protocol": "HTTP", "enableMonitoring": false }, { "configType": "collectorDeployMachine", "type": "ECSInstanceId", "machines": [ { "instanceId": "i-bp13y63575oypr9d****", "agentStatus": "heartOk" } ], "groupId": "default_ct-cn-6cro0lb0dn66c****" } ], "dryRun": false } ], "RequestId": "70338AB9-231F-412B-A8C0-239CD32F****", "Headers": { "X-Total-Count": 2 } } 

Error codes

For a list of error codes, visit the API Error Center.