Call the DescribePipelineManagementConfig to obtain the Logstash pipeline management configuration.


OpenAPI Explorer automatically calculates the signature value. For your convenience, we recommend that you call this operation in OpenAPI Explorer. You can use OpenAPI Explorer to search for API operations, call API operations, and dynamically generate SDK sample code.

Request header

This operation uses only common request headers. For more information, see Common parameters.

Request syntax

GET /openapi/logstashes/[InstanceId]/pipeline-management-config HTTPS|HTTP

Request parameters

Parameter Type Required Example Description
InstanceId String Yes ls-cn-oew1qbgl****

The ID of the Logstash instance.

clientToken String No 5A2CFF0E-5718-45B5-9D4D-70B3FF****

A unique token generated by the client to guarantee the idempotency of the request. The value of this parameter is generated by the client and is unique among different requests. The maximum length is 64 ASCII characters.

Response parameters

Parameter Type Example Description
RequestId String 5FFD9ED4-C2EC-4E89-B22B-1ACB6FE1D***

The ID of the request.

Result Struct

The return results.

endpoints String ["http://es-cn-n6w1o1x0w001c****"]

The list of access addresses of the Elasticsearch instance. Format: Domains: port number .

esInstanceId String es-cn-n6w1o1x0w001c****

The ID of the Elasticsearch instance.

pipelineIds List ["testKibanaManagement"]

The list of pipeline names.

pipelineManagementType String MULTIPLE_PIPELINE

Pipeline management method. Supports Kibana and MULTIPLE_PIPELINE.

userName String elastic

The username that is used to access the instance.


Sample requests

GET /openapi/logstashes/ls-cn-oew1qbgl****/pipeline-management-config HTTP/1.1 
common request header 

Sample success responses

JSON Syntax

    "Result": {
        "pipelineManagementType": "MULTIPLE_PIPELINE",
        "esInstanceId": "es-cn-n6w1o1x0w001c****",
        "endpoints": [
        "pipelineIds": [
        "userName": "elastic"
    "RequestId": "6822F07C-A896-4A2C-A430-BC01D5D1****"

Error codes

HttpCode Error code Error message Description
400 InstanceNotFound The instanceId provided does not exist. The error message returned because the instance cannot be found. Check the status of the instance.

For a list of error codes, visit the API Error Center.