As your business develops, you may have higher requirements for the configuration of your Logstash cluster. If the current configuration of your Logstash cluster cannot meet your business requirements, you can upgrade the configuration. This topic describes how to upgrade the configuration of a Logstash cluster and the related precautions.


After you upgrade the configuration of your cluster, the system restarts the cluster to make the changes take effect. The time required for the restart depends on the specifications, data structure, and data volume of the cluster. We recommend that you upgrade the configuration of a Logstash cluster during off-peak hours.


  1. Log on to the Elasticsearch console.
  2. In the top navigation bar, select the region where your Logstash cluster resides.
  3. In the left-side navigation pane, click Logstash Clusters. On the Logstash Clusters page, find the cluster and click its ID.
  4. In the lower-right corner of the Basic Information page, click Upgrade.
    Note Alternatively, you can choose More > Upgrade Configuration in the Actions column that corresponds to the cluster to go to the Upgrade/Downgrade page.
  5. On the Upgrade/Downgrade page, change the value of the Node Specifications, Disk Type, Storage Space per Node, or Nodes parameter based on your business requirements.
    For more information about the parameters, see Create a cluster.

    The Current Config section of the Upgrade/Downgrade page displays the current configuration of the cluster. You can use this as a reference during the upgrade.

  6. Read the terms of service, select Logstash (Subscription) Terms of Service, and then click Buy Now.
    After you complete the payment, the system restarts the cluster to make the changes take effect.