SmartData is a storage service for the E-MapReduce (EMR) Jindo engine. SmartData provides centralized storage, caching, and computing optimization for EMR computing engines. This service also provides additional features. SmartData consists of JindoFS, JindoTable, and related tools. This topic describes the updates in SmartData 3.8.X.


Feature Description
Support for AssumeRoleStsCredentialsProvider This credential provider is suitable for scenarios in which a temporary AccessKey pair that assumes a RAM role is obtained to access Alibaba Cloud Object Storage Service (OSS). For more information, see Use JindoFS OSS credential providers.
Support for JindoRangerCredentialsProvider This credential provider is suitable for scenarios in which you configure parameters in Ranger to control access to OSS. For more information, see Use JindoFS OSS credential providers.