After you register a domain name with Alibaba Cloud and complete the real-name verification for the domain name, you must resolve the domain name to allow access to the website to which the domain name directs. You can query the resolution information of the domain name from the service that you use to resolve the domain name. The resolution information includes the types of Domain Name System (DNS) records, the values of DNS records, and the resolution status. If you use Alibaba Cloud DNS to resolve your domain name, refer to the following procedure to query and manage the resolution information.


  1. Use the Alibaba Cloud account to which the domain name belongs to log on to the Alibaba Cloud DNS console.
  2. On the Manage DNS page, click Configure in the Actions column of the domain name.
  3. On the DNS Settings page, view the DNS records and resolution status of the domain name.
  4. Optional. Modify an existing DNS record.
    If an existing DNS record is invalid and you want to modify it, click Edit in the Actions column of the record to modify it in the Alibaba Cloud DNS console. For more information, see Modify a DNS record.
  5. Optional. Add a new DNS record.
    If no DNS records exist or you want to add a new DNS record for the domain name, click Add Record in the upper-left corner to add a DNS record to the Alibaba Cloud DNS console. For more information, see AddRecord.
  6. Optional. Remove an existing DNS record.
    If an existing DNS record is invalid and you want to remove it, click Delete in the Actions column of the record to remove it from the Alibaba Cloud DNS console. For more information, see DeleteRecord.