A data owner is responsible for the data of a database or table and controls access to the database or table from other users.


  • A data owner can be configured as an approval node in the approval process of each functional module on the Security Rules page.
  • A data owner can grant specified users the permissions on the owned database or table or revoke the permissions.


  • The data owner of a database or table can be specified by a database administrator (DBA) or the original data owner of the database or table.
    Note For a database instance managed in Security Collaboration mode, you can right-click the database in the left-side navigation pane and choose Management Owner > Set Owner to specify a data owner or choose Management Owner > Transfer Ownership to transfer the ownership to another user.
  • A user can request to become the data owner of a database or table. For more information, see Apply for permissions.
    Note The user becomes the data owner after the request is approved based on the approval process specified for the database instance.