This topic describes procedural language (PL) errors, their trigger conditions, and relevant solutions.

Format of PL error messages:
ODPS-02CCCCX: General description - Context-related description
PL errors are related to the following modules: CLIENT, LEXER, PARSER, and SEMANTIC. For the CLIENT, LEXER, and PARSER modules, CCCC ranges from 1000 to 1999. For the SEMANTIC module, CCCC ranges from 2000 to 2999. The following table describes PL errors.
Error message Module Severity Trigger condition Solution
ODPS-0210001:Unable to open input file CLIENT 1 The error message returned because the specified PL file does not exist. Check whether the PL file exists.
ODPS-0210011:Unable to use UTF8 to encoding CLIENT 1 The error message returned because the input file is not encoded in UTF-8. Change the encoding format of the input file.
ODPS-0210021:Exception from lexer/parser LEXER or PARSER 1 The error message returned because a lexical syntax analysis exception has occurred. Submit a ticket to contact MaxCompute technical support.
ODPS-0210039:Unknown exception from lexer/parser LEXER or PARSER 9 The error message returned because a lexical syntax analysis exception is captured at the top level.
ODPS-0210041:Recognition exception from tree walker LEXER/PARSER 1 The error message returned because a recognition exception has occurred when an abstract syntax tree (AST) is traversed.
ODPS-0210059:Unknown exception from tree walker LEXER/PARSER 9 The error message returned because an exception is captured at the top level when an AST is traversed.
ODPS-0220009:Internal error SEMANTIC 9 The error message returned because an internal error has occurred.
ODPS-0220015:Data overflow SEMANTIC 5 The error message returned because data overflow has occurred.
ODPS-0220025:Invalid datetime or format, expected format is 'yyyy-mm-dd hh:mi:ss' SEMANTIC 5 The error message returned because the DATETIME format is invalid or the date does not exist. Modify the DATETIME format or the date.
ODPS-0220035:Illegal implicit type cast SEMANTIC 5 The error message returned because the implicit data type conversion is not supported. Modify the data type conversion mechanism.
ODPS-0220045:Variable has declared previously SEMANTIC 5 The error message returned because the variable is repeatedly defined. Modify the definition syntax.
ODPS-0220055:Variable was not declared SEMANTIC 5 The error message returned because the referenced variable is not defined. Change the undefined variable to a defined variable.
ODPS-0220065:Illegal argument type SEMANTIC 5 The error message returned because the parameter type is not supported. Change the parameter type.
ODPS-0220075:Illegal variable name SEMANTIC 5 The error message returned because the name of the variable exceeds 30 characters in length. Change the name of the variable.
ODPS-0220085:DEPLException from SELECT INTO statement SEMANTIC 5 The error message returned because an exception has occurred in the step-by-step execution of SELECT INTO. Submit a ticket to contact MaxCompute technical support.
ODPS-0220095:Invalid bigint SEMANTIC 5 The error message returned because data of the BIGINT type is invalid or out of the value range. Modify the data of the BIGINT type.
ODPS-0220105:Invalid double SEMANTIC 5 The error message returned because data of the DOUBLE type is invalid or out of the value range. Modify the data of the DOUBLE type.
ODPS-0220115:DEPLException from SQL statement SEMANTIC 5 The error message returned because the SQL statement fails to be executed. Check the syntax of the SQL statement.
ODPS-0220125:Illegal assignment SEMANTIC 5 The error message returned because the variable is assigned an invalid value. Change the value of the variable to a valid value.
ODPS-0220135:Illegal argument value SEMANTIC 5 The error message returned because the parameter value is invalid. Change the value of the parameter to a valid value.
ODPS-0220145:Illegal variable reference SEMANTIC 5 The error message returned because the variable reference is invalid. Modify the variable reference.