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Last Updated:Oct 08, 2023

Queries the information about an API in the published state.


OpenAPI Explorer automatically calculates the signature value. For your convenience, we recommend that you call this operation in OpenAPI Explorer. OpenAPI Explorer dynamically generates the sample code of the operation for different SDKs.

Request parameters






Action String Yes GetDataServicePublishedApi

The operation that you want to perform. Set the value to GetDataServicePublishedApi.

ProjectId Long Yes 10002

The workspace ID.

TenantId Long Yes 10003

The tenant ID. To obtain the tenant ID, perform the following steps: Log on to the DataWorks console. Find your workspace and go to the DataStudio page. On the DataStudio page, click the logon username in the upper-right corner and click User Info in the Menu section.

ApiId Long Yes 10001


Response parameters





HttpStatusCode Integer 200

The HTTP status code.

RequestId String 0000-ABCD-EFG****

The request ID.

ErrorMessage String The connection does not exist.

The error message.

Success Boolean true

Indicates whether the request was successful.

ErrorCode String Invalid.Tenant.ConnectionNotExists

The error code.

Data Object

The latest information about the API in the published state.

Timeout Integer 10000

The timeout period of the API request. Unit: milliseconds.

Status Integer 1

The status of the API. Valid values: 0 and 1. The value 0 indicates that the API is not published. The value 1 indicates that the API is published.

ApiId Long 10000


ApiMode Integer 0

The type of the API. Valid values: 0, 1, and 2. The value 0 indicates that the API is generated in wizard mode. The value 1 indicates that the API is generated in script mode. The value 2 indicates that the API is generated by registration.

ProjectId Long 10001

The workspace ID.

ResponseContentType Integer 0

The format in which the response of the API request is returned. Valid values: 0 and 1. The value 0 indicates the JSON format. The value 1 indicates the XML format. APIs generated in wizard or script mode support the JSON format. APIs generated by registration support the JSON and XML formats.

CreatorId String 1234567

The ID of the Alibaba Cloud account used by the creator of the API.

VisibleRange Integer 0

The scope in which the API is visible. Valid values: 0 and 1. The value 0 indicates that the API is visible within the workspace. The value 1 indicates that the API is visible only to its owner.

ModifiedTime String 2020-06-23T00:21:01+0800

The time when the API was last modified.

OperatorId String 2345678

The ID of the Alibaba Cloud account used by the user who last modified the API.

GroupId String ab12**

The group ID.

Description String Description of the test API

The description of the API.

RequestMethod Integer 0

The request method of the API. Valid values: 0, 1, 2, and 3. The value 0 indicates the GET method. The value 1 indicates the POST method. The value 2 indicates the PUT method. The value 3 indicates the DELETE method. APIs generated in wizard or script mode support the GET and POST methods. APIs generated by registration support the GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE methods.

CreatedTime String 2020-06-23T00:21:01+0800

The time when the API was created.

ApiName String Name of the test API

The name of the API.

TenantId Long 10001

The tenant ID.

ApiPath String /test/1

The path of the API.

Protocols Array of Integer 0

The protocol used by the API. Valid values: 0 and 1. The value 0 indicates HTTP. The value 1 indicates HTTPS. Multiple protocols are presented in a list.

RegistrationDetails Object

The details of the API generated by registration. This parameter is returned only if the API is generated by registration.

ServiceHost String

The URL of the backend service.

ServiceContentType Integer 0

The format in which the response of the API request is returned. Valid values: 0 and 1. The value 0 indicates the JSON format. The value 1 indicates the XML format. APIs generated in wizard or script mode support the JSON format. APIs generated by registration support the JSON and XML formats.

ServicePath String /index

The path of the backend service.

SuccessfulResultSample String {"success": true}

The sample success response of the API.

FailedResultSample String {"success": false}

The sample error response of the API.

ServiceRequestBodyDescription String {"abc":1}

The description of the request body initiated to call the backend service.

RegistrationErrorCodes Array of RegistrationErrorCode

The error codes returned for the API generated by registration.

ErrorMessage String The connection does not exist.

The error message.

ErrorCode String Invalid.Tenant.ConnectionNotExists

The error code.

ErrorSolution String retry

The solution used to fix the error.

RegistrationRequestParameters Array of RegistrationRequestParameter

The request parameters of the API generated by registration.

ParameterName String name1

The name of the parameter.

ParameterPosition Integer 0

The position of the parameter. Valid values: 0, 1, 2, and 3. The value 0 indicates that the parameter is in the URL path of the request. The value 1 indicates that the parameter is in the Query parameter of the request URL. The value 2 indicates that the parameter is in the request header. The value 3 indicates that the parameter is in the request body. APIs generated in wizard or script mode support only the Query position. APIs generated by registration whose request method is GET or DELETE support the Query and Head positions. APIs generated by registration whose request method is PUT or POST support the Query, Head, and Body positions.

ParameterDescription String description1

The description of the parameter.

DefaultValue String default1

The default value.

ParameterOperator Integer 0

The operator used for the value of the parameter. Valid values: 0, 1, 2, and 3. The value 0 indicates the Equal operator. The value 1 indicates the Like operator. The value 2 indicates the Const operator. The value 3 indicates the In operator. APIs generated in wizard mode support the Equal, Like, and In operators. APIs generated in script mode support the Equal operator. APIs generated by registration support the Equal and Const operators.

ExampleValue String example1

The sample value.

ParameterDataType Integer 0

The data type of the parameter. Valid values:

  • 0: String
  • 1: Int
  • 2: Long
  • 3: Float
  • 4: Double
  • 5: Boolean
  • 6: StringList
  • 7: IntList
  • 8: LongList
  • 9: FloatList
  • 10: DoubleList
  • 11: BooleanList
IsRequiredParameter Boolean true

Indicates whether the parameter is required.

ScriptDetails Object

The details of the API generated in script mode. This parameter is returned only if the API is generated in script mode.

IsPagedResponse Boolean true

Indicates whether the entries are returned by page.

SuccessfulResultSample String {"success": true}

The sample success response of the API.

FailedResultSample String {"success": false}

The sample error response of the API.

Script String select a from t

The SQL script.

ScriptErrorCodes Array of ScriptErrorCode

The error codes returned for the API generated in script mode.

ErrorMessage String fail to call

The error message.

ErrorCode String 1001

The error code.

ErrorSolution String retry

The solution used to fix the error.

ScriptRequestParameters Array of ScriptRequestParameter

The request parameters of the API generated in script mode.

ParameterName String param1

The name of the parameter.

ParameterPosition Integer 0

The position of the parameter. Valid values:

  • 0: indicates that the parameter is in the URL path of the request.
  • 1: indicates that the parameter is in the Query parameter of the request URL.
  • 2: indicates that the parameter is in the request header.
  • 3: indicates that the parameter is in the request body.

APIs generated in wizard or script mode support only the Query position. APIs generated by registration whose request method is GET or DELETE support the Query and Head positions. APIs generated by registration whose request method is PUT or POST support the Query, Head, and Body positions.

ParameterDescription String description1

The description of the parameter.

DefaultValue String default1

The default value.

ParameterOperator Integer 0

The operator used for the value of the parameter. Valid values:

  • 0: Equal
  • 1: Like
  • 2: Const
  • 3: In

APIs generated in wizard mode support the Equal, Like, and In operators. APIs generated in script mode support the Equal operator. APIs generated by registration support the Equal and Const operators.

ExampleValue String example1

The sample value.

ParameterDataType Integer 0

The data type of the parameter. Valid values:

  • 0: String
  • 1: Int
  • 2: Long
  • 3: Float
  • 4: Double
  • 5: Boolean
  • 6: StringList
  • 7: IntList
  • 8: LongList
  • 9: FloatList
  • 10: DoubleList
  • 11: BooleanList
IsRequiredParameter Boolean true

Indicates whether the request parameter is required.

ScriptResponseParameters Array of ScriptResponseParameter

The response parameters of the API generated in script mode.

ParameterDescription String description2

The description of the parameter.

ParameterName String param2

The name of the parameter.

ExampleValue String example2

The sample value.

ParameterDataType Integer 0

The data type of the parameter. Valid values:

  • 0: String
  • 1: Int
  • 2: Long
  • 3: Float
  • 4: Double
  • 5: Boolean
  • 6: StringList
  • 7: IntList
  • 8: LongList
  • 9: FloatList
  • 10: DoubleList
  • 11: BooleanList
ScriptConnection Object

The data source information about the API generated in script mode.

TableName String t

The name of the table in the data source.

ConnectionId Long 123

The data source ID.

WizardDetails Object

The details of the API generated in wizard mode. This parameter is returned only if the API is generated in wizard mode.

IsPagedResponse Boolean true

Indicates whether the entries are returned by page.

SuccessfulResultSample String {"success": true}

The sample success response of the API.

FailedResultSample String {"success": false}

The sample error response of the API.

WizardErrorCodes Array of WizardErrorCode

The error codes returned for the API generated in wizard mode.

ErrorMessage String fail to call

The error message.

ErrorCode String 1001

The error code.

ErrorSolution String retry

The solution used to fix the error.

WizardRequestParameters Array of WizardRequestParameter

The request parameters of the API generated in wizard mode.

ParameterName String param1

The name of the parameter.

ParameterPosition Integer 0

The position of the parameter. Valid values: 0, 1, 2, and 3. The value 0 indicates that the parameter is in the URL path of the request. The value 1 indicates that the parameter is in the Query parameter of the request URL. The value 2 indicates that the parameter is in the request header. The value 3 indicates that the parameter is in the request body. APIs generated in wizard or script mode support only the Query position. APIs generated by registration whose request method is GET or DELETE support the Query and Head positions. APIs generated by registration whose request method is PUT or POST support the Query, Head, and Body positions.

ParameterDescription String description1

The description of the parameter.

DefaultValue String default1

The default value.

ParameterOperator Integer 0

The operator used for the value of the parameter. Valid values: 0, 1, 2, and 3. The value 0 indicates the Equal operator. The value 1 indicates the Like operator. The value 2 indicates the Const operator. The value 3 indicates the In operator. APIs generated in wizard mode support the Equal, Like, and In operators. APIs generated in script mode support the Equal operator. APIs generated by registration support the Equal and Const operators.

ExampleValue String example1

The sample value.

ParameterDataType Integer 0

The data type of the parameter. Valid values:

  • 0: String
  • 1: Int
  • 2: Long
  • 3: Float
  • 4: Double
  • 5: Boolean
  • 6: StringList
  • 7: IntList
  • 8: LongList
  • 9: FloatList
  • 10: DoubleList
  • 11: BooleanList
IsRequiredParameter Boolean true

Indicates whether the parameter is required.

WizardResponseParameters Array of WizardResponseParameter

The response parameters of the API generated in wizard mode.

ParameterDescription String description2

The description of the parameter.

ParameterName String param2

The name of the parameter.

ExampleValue String example2

The sample value.

ParameterDataType Integer 0

The data type of the parameter. Valid values:

  • 0: String
  • 1: Int
  • 2: Long
  • 3: Float
  • 4: Double
  • 5: Boolean
  • 6: StringList
  • 7: IntList
  • 8: LongList
  • 9: FloatList
  • 10: DoubleList
  • 11: BooleanList
WizardConnection Object

The data source information about the API generated in wizard mode.

TableName String t

The name of the table in the data source.

ConnectionId Long 123

The data source ID.

The details of different types of APIs are returned in different parameters. The details of an API generated in wizard mode are returned in the WizardDetails parameter. The details of an API generated in script mode are returned in the ScriptDetails parameter. The details of an API generated by registration are returned in the RegistrationDetails parameter.


Sample requests

&Common request parameters

Sample success responses

XML format

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

    <ErrorMessage>The connection does not exist.</ErrorMessage>
        <Description>Description of the test API</Description>
        <ApiName>Name of the test API</ApiName>
            <SuccessfulResultSample>{"success": true}</SuccessfulResultSample>
            <FailedResultSample>{"success": false}</FailedResultSample>
                <ErrorMessage>The connection does not exist.</ErrorMessage>
            <SuccessfulResultSample>{"success": true}</SuccessfulResultSample>
            <FailedResultSample>{"success": false}</FailedResultSample>
            <Script>select a from t</Script>
                <ErrorMessage>fail to call</ErrorMessage>
            <SuccessfulResultSample>{"success": true}</SuccessfulResultSample>
            <FailedResultSample>{"success": false}</FailedResultSample>
                <ErrorMessage>fail to call</ErrorMessage>

JSON format

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

  "HttpStatusCode" : 200,
  "RequestId" : "0000-ABCD-EFG****",
  "ErrorMessage" : "The connection does not exist.",
  "Success" : true,
  "ErrorCode" : "Invalid.Tenant.ConnectionNotExists",
  "Data" : {
    "Timeout" : 10000,
    "Status" : 1,
    "ApiId" : 10000,
    "ApiMode" : 0,
    "ProjectId" : 10001,
    "ResponseContentType" : 0,
    "CreatorId" : 1234567,
    "VisibleRange" : 0,
    "ModifiedTime" : "2020-06-23T00:21:01+0800",
    "OperatorId" : 2345678,
    "GroupId" : "ab12**",
    "Description" : "Description of the test API",
    "RequestMethod" : 0,
    "CreatedTime" : "2020-06-23T00:21:01+0800",
    "ApiName" : "Name of the test API",
    "TenantId" : 10001,
    "ApiPath" : "/test/1",
    "Protocols" : 0,
    "RegistrationDetails" : {
      "ServiceHost" : "",
      "ServiceContentType" : 0,
      "ServicePath" : "/index",
      "SuccessfulResultSample" : "{\"success\": true}",
      "FailedResultSample" : "{\"success\": false}",
      "ServiceRequestBodyDescription" : "{\"abc\":1}",
      "RegistrationErrorCodes" : {
        "ErrorMessage" : "The connection does not exist.",
        "ErrorCode" : "Invalid.Tenant.ConnectionNotExists",
        "ErrorSolution" : "retry"
      "RegistrationRequestParameters" : {
        "ParameterName" : "name1",
        "ParameterPosition" : 0,
        "ParameterDescription" : "description1",
        "DefaultValue" : "default1",
        "ParameterOperator" : 0,
        "ExampleValue" : "example1",
        "ParameterDataType" : 0,
        "IsRequiredParameter" : true
    "ScriptDetails" : {
      "IsPagedResponse" : true,
      "SuccessfulResultSample" : "{\"success\": true}",
      "FailedResultSample" : "{\"success\": false}",
      "Script" : "select a from t",
      "ScriptErrorCodes" : {
        "ErrorMessage" : "fail to call",
        "ErrorCode" : 1001,
        "ErrorSolution" : "retry"
      "ScriptRequestParameters" : {
        "ParameterName" : "param1",
        "ParameterPosition" : 0,
        "ParameterDescription" : "description1",
        "DefaultValue" : "default1",
        "ParameterOperator" : 0,
        "ExampleValue" : "example1",
        "ParameterDataType" : 0,
        "IsRequiredParameter" : true
      "ScriptResponseParameters" : {
        "ParameterDescription" : "description2",
        "ParameterName" : "param2",
        "ExampleValue" : "example2",
        "ParameterDataType" : 0
      "ScriptConnection" : {
        "TableName" : "t",
        "ConnectionId" : 123
    "WizardDetails" : {
      "IsPagedResponse" : true,
      "SuccessfulResultSample" : "{\"success\": true}",
      "FailedResultSample" : "{\"success\": false}",
      "WizardErrorCodes" : {
        "ErrorMessage" : "fail to call",
        "ErrorCode" : 1001,
        "ErrorSolution" : "retry"
      "WizardRequestParameters" : {
        "ParameterName" : "param1",
        "ParameterPosition" : 0,
        "ParameterDescription" : "description1",
        "DefaultValue" : "default1",
        "ParameterOperator" : 0,
        "ExampleValue" : "example1",
        "ParameterDataType" : 0,
        "IsRequiredParameter" : true
      "WizardResponseParameters" : {
        "ParameterDescription" : "description2",
        "ParameterName" : "param2",
        "ExampleValue" : "example2",
        "ParameterDataType" : 0
      "WizardConnection" : {
        "TableName" : "t",
        "ConnectionId" : 123

Error codes

HTTP status code

Error code

Error message


429 Throttling.Api The request for this resource has exceeded your available limit. The number of requests for the resource has exceeded the upper limit.
429 Throttling.System The DataWorks system is busy. Try again later. The DataWorks system is busy. Try again later.
429 Throttling.User Your request is too frequent. Try again later. Excessive requests have been submitted within a short period of time. Try again later.
500 InternalError.System An internal system error occurred. Try again later. An internal error has occurred. Try again later.
500 InternalError.UserId.Missing An internal system error occurred. Try again later. An internal error has occurred. Try again later.

For a list of error codes, see Service error codes.