The SQL converter provided by the Advanced Database & Application Migration (ADAM) module allows you to convert SQL scripts used for Oracle, Teradata, or Db2 databases to SQL scripts supported by MySQL, PolarDB for Oracle, AnalyticDB for PostgreSQL, ApsaraDB RDS for PostgreSQL, ApsaraDB RDS for PPAS, or PolarDB-X databases.


  1. Log on to the Data Management (DMS) console V5.0.
  2. In the top navigation bar, move the pointer over DTS. Choose Heterogeneous Database Migration(ADAM) > SQL Conversion.
  3. Select the type of the source SQL script.
    Supported types of source SQL scripts are Oracle, Teradata, and Db2.
  4. Select the type of the converted SQL script.
    Supported types of converted SQL scripts are MySQL, PolarDB for Oracle, AnalyticDB for PostgreSQL, ApsaraDB RDS for PostgreSQL, ApsaraDB RDS for PPAS, and PolarDB-X.
  5. Enter scripts that conform to the specifications of the source SQL script type in the field on the left side of the page.
  6. Click Convert Source SQL.
    You can view the converted SQL scripts on the right side of the page.