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Container Service for Kubernetes:Use RRSA to authorize different pods to access different cloud services

Last Updated:Aug 28, 2023

You can use the RAM Roles for Service Accounts (RRSA) feature to enforce access control on different pods that are deployed in a Container Service for Kubernetes (ACK) cluster. This achieves fine-grained API permission control on pods and reduces security risks. This topic describes how to use RRSA.

Table of contents

Background information

Elastic container instances run on Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instances. ECS instance metadata contains information about ECS instances on Alibaba Cloud. You can log on to a running ECS instance and view its metadata, and then configure or manage the ECS instance based on the metadata. Applications deployed in an ACK cluster can use ECS instance metadata to obtain Security Token Service (STS) tokens that are used to assume different Resource Access Management (RAM) roles. This way, the applications can call the APIs of different cloud services. For more information, see Overview of ECS instance metadata.


In multi-tenant scenarios, ECS instance metadata cannot meet the requirements for controlling the pods of different applications to access different cloud services. In scenarios where ACK Serverless clusters or elastic container instances are used, ECS instance metadata cannot meet the requirements for using STS tokens because RAM roles cannot be assigned to elastic container instances. To address these issues, ACK releases the RRSA feature which is developed based on RAM. By using the RRSA feature, you can allow different applications in an ACK cluster to assume different RAM roles. Applications can obtain STS tokens, use the tokens to assume specific RAM roles, and then access relevant cloud services. This enforces the principle of least privilege

and implements fine-grained access control on the pods of different applications in multi-tenant scenarios. This also allows you to use STS tokens as temporary access tokens when ACK Serverless clusters and elastic container instances are used.


The following steps show how an application accesses a cloud resource when RRSA is used to enforce access control:

  1. The tenant deploys a pod for which the feature of service account token volume projection is enabled.

  2. The ACK cluster creates a service account OpenID Connect (OIDC) token file and mounts the token file to the pod.

  3. The application in the pod uses the OIDC token file to call the AssumeRoleWithOIDC API operation of STS and obtain the STS token that is used to assume a RAM role.


    To enable the application to perform these operations, you must first create an OIDC identity provider and allow the service account used by the pod to assume the specified RAM role. For more information, see AssumeRoleWithOIDC.

  4. The application in the pod uses the obtained STS token to assume the specified RAM role and then calls the API of the relevant cloud service.


RRSA supports only Kubernetes 1.22 and later. The cluster types that support RRSA include ACK standard cluster, ACK Pro cluster, ACK Serverless standard cluster, and ACK Serverless Pro cluster.

Enable RRSA

  1. Log on to the ACK console.

  2. In the left-side navigation pane of the ACK console, click Clusters.

  3. On the Clusters page, find the cluster that you want to manage and click the name of the cluster or click Details in the Actions column. The details page of the cluster appears.

  4. On the cluster details page, click the Basic Information tab. In the Cluster Information section, click Enable RRSA for RRSA OIDC.

  5. In the Enable RRSA message, click Confirm.

    In the Basic Information section, if the cluster status changes from Updating to Running, the RRSA feature is enabled for the cluster and the URL and Alibaba Cloud Resource Name (ARN) of the OIDC provider are displayed next to RRSA OIDC.

ACK performs the following operations in the background to enable RRSA:

  • Automatically creates an OIDC issuer that is dedicated to the cluster. The OIDC issuer is managed by ACK. For more information, see OIDC Issuer.

  • Enables service account token volume projection for your cluster. For more information, see Enable service account token volume projection.


    If your cluster already has this feature enabled, ACK overwrites the value of service-account-issuer with the setting of the OIDC issuer created in the preceding step.

  • Creates a RAM role identity provider within your account. The identity provider uses the created OIDC issuer for single sign-on (SSO). The identity provider is named ack-rrsa-<cluster_id>. <cluster_id> indicates the ID of your cluster. For more information, see Manage an OIDC IdP.

Work with RRSA

After you enable RRSA for your cluster, perform the following steps to enable the applications in the cluster to obtain STS tokens through RRSA. The STS tokens are used to call the APIs of specific cloud services.


In this example, an application is created and RRSA is enabled for the cluster to allow the application to perform the following operations: assuming a specified RAM role and then calling an API operation to query clusters that belong to the current Alibaba Cloud account.

Sample configurations

  • Namespace: rrsa-demo

  • Service account: demo-sa

  • RAM role: demo-role-for-rrsa


  1. Install the ack-pod-identity-webhook component.

    1. On the Clusters page, click the name of your cluster. In the left-side navigation pane, choose Operations > Add-ons.

    2. On the Add-ons page, click the Security tab, find ack-pod-identity-webhook, and then click Install in the lower-right part of the card.

    3. In the message that appears, confirm the information and click OK.

  2. Create a RAM role named demo-role-for-rrsa.

    1. Log on to the RAM console with your Alibaba Cloud account.

    2. In the left-side navigation pane, choose Identities > Roles. On the Roles page, click Create Role.

    3. In the Create Role panel, select IdP for Select Trusted Entity and click Next.

    4. On the Configure Role wizard page, set the following parameters and click OK.

      The following table describes the parameters.



      RAM Role Name

      Set the value to demo-role-for-rrsa.


      Enter the description of the RAM role. This parameter is optional.

      IdP Type

      Select OIDC.

      Select IdP

      Select ack-rrsa-<cluster_id>. <cluster_id> indicates the ID of your cluster.


      • oidc:iss: Use the default value.

      • oidc:aud: Select

      • oidc:sub: Set the condition operator to StringEquals and the value to system:serviceaccount:<namespace>:<serviceAccountName>.

        • <namespace>: Specify the namespace of the application.

        • <serviceAccountName>: Specify the name of the service account.

        In this example, enter system:serviceaccount:rrsa-demo:demo-sa.

  3. Attach the AliyunCSReadOnlyAccess policy to the RAM role created in Step 2 to grant the required permissions to the application. For more information, see Grant permissions to a RAM role.

  4. Deploy an application. For more information about the Alibaba Cloud SDKs that support the OIDC token authentication of RRSA, see Alibaba Cloud SDKs that support the OIDC token authentication of RRSA.

    1. Create a file named demo.yaml based on the following requirements:

      In the following YAML content, the 'on' label is added to the namespace, the demo-role-for-rrsa annotation is added to the service account, and the auto injection feature of ack-pod-identity-webhook is enabled. For more information about how to configure ack-pod-identity-webhook, see ack-pod-identity-webhook.

      Sample YAML template

      apiVersion: v1
      kind: Namespace
        name: rrsa-demo
      apiVersion: v1
      kind: ServiceAccount
        name: demo-sa
        namespace: rrsa-demo
      apiVersion: v1
      kind: Pod
        name: demo
        namespace: rrsa-demo
        serviceAccountName: demo-sa
          - image:
            imagePullPolicy: "Always"
              - rrsa
              - demo
            name: demo
        restartPolicy: OnFailure
    2. Run the following command to deploy the application:

      kubectl apply -f demo.yaml
  5. Run the following command to check whether ack-pod-identity-webhook has injected the required configurations into the pod that is created for the application:

    kubectl -n rrsa-demo get pod demo -o yaml

    Expected output

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Pod
      name: demo
      namespace: rrsa-demo
      - args:
        - rrsa
        - demo
        - name: ALIBABA_CLOUD_ROLE_ARN
          value: acs:ram::1***:role/demo-role-for-rrsa
          value: acs:ram::1***:oidc-provider/ack-rrsa-c***
          value: /var/run/secrets/
        imagePullPolicy: Always
        name: demo
        - mountPath: /var/run/secrets/
          name: kube-api-access-4bwdg
          readOnly: true
        - mountPath: /var/run/secrets/
          name: rrsa-oidc-token
          readOnly: true
      restartPolicy: OnFailure
      serviceAccount: demo-sa
      serviceAccountName: demo-sa
      - name: kube-api-access-4bwdg
          defaultMode: 420
          - serviceAccountToken:
              expirationSeconds: 3607
              path: token
          - configMap:
              - key: ca.crt
                path: ca.crt
              name: kube-root-ca.crt
          - downwardAPI:
              - fieldRef:
                  apiVersion: v1
                  fieldPath: metadata.namespace
                path: namespace
      - name: rrsa-oidc-token
          defaultMode: 420
          - serviceAccountToken:
              expirationSeconds: 3600
              path: token

    The output indicates that ack-pod-identity-webhook has injected the following configurations into the pod.


    Configuration item


    Environment variables


    The ARN of the RAM role to be assumed.


    The ARN of the OIDC IdP.


    The path of the OIDC token file.



    The configuration for mounting the OIDC token.



    The configuration for mounting the OIDC token.

  6. Run the following command to print the log of the application:

    kubectl -n rrsa-demo logs demo

    A list of clusters are displayed in the output:

    cluster id: cf***, cluster name: foo*
    cluster id: c8***, cluster name: bar*
    cluster id: c4***, cluster name: foob*
  7. Optional: Detach the AliyunCSReadOnlyAccess system policy from the RAM role. For more information, see Remove permissions from a RAM role.

    Wait 30 seconds and run the following command to print the log of the application again:

    kubectl -n rrsa-demo logs demo

    The following error message indicates that the application does not have the required permissions:

       StatusCode: 403
       Code: StatusForbidden
       Message: code: 403, STSToken policy Forbidden for action cs:DescribeClusters request id: E78A2E2D-***
       Data: {"accessDeniedDetail":{"AuthAction":"cs:DescribeClusters","AuthPrincipalDisplayName":"demo-role-for-rrsa:ack-ram-tool","AuthPrincipalOwnerId":"11***","AuthPrincipalType":"AssumedRoleUser","NoPermissionType":"ImplicitDeny","PolicyType":"ResourceGroupLevelIdentityBasedPolicy"},"code":"StatusForbidden","message":"STSToken policy Forbidden for action cs:DescribeClusters","requestId":"E78A2E2D-***","status":403,"statusCode":403}

Manually modify the application template to enable RRSA

You can manually specify the required OIDC token file as environment variables in the application template. This way, you can enable RRSA without installing ack-pod-identity-webhook.

The following template provides an example.

View sample code

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: demo
  namespace: rrsa-demo
  - args:
    - rrsa
    - demo
      value: <role_arn>
      value: <oid_provider_arn>
      value: /var/run/secrets/
    imagePullPolicy: Always
    name: demo
    - mountPath: /var/run/secrets/
      name: rrsa-oidc-token
      readOnly: true
  restartPolicy: OnFailure
  serviceAccount: demo-sa
  serviceAccountName: demo-sa
  - name: rrsa-oidc-token
      defaultMode: 420
      - serviceAccountToken:
          expirationSeconds: 3600
          path: token

Modify the following fields in the preceding template:

  • Replace <oid_provider_arn> with the ARN of the OIDC provider used by the cluster. You can obtain the ARN on the Basic Information tab of the cluster details page in the ACK console.

  • Replace <role_arn> with the ARN of the RAM role that is used by the application. You can obtain the ARN on the Roles page in the RAM console.

  • The value of the audience parameter must be set to

  • Set expirationSeconds to a value from 600 to 43200. Unit: seconds. If you specify a value larger than 43200, the validity period of the OIDC token is still 43,200 seconds (12 hours).

After you redeploy the application based on the modified template, the application can use the OIDC token file, the RAM role ARN, and the OIDC provider ARN that you specified in the template to call the AssumeRoleWithOIDC operation of STS and obtain the STS token that is used to assume a specific RAM role. This way, the application can call the APIs of different cloud services. The OIDC token file is specified in the ALIBABA_CLOUD_OIDC_TOKEN_FILE environment variable, the RAM role ARN is specified in the ALIBABA_CLOUD_ROLE_ARN environment variable, and the OIDC provider ARN is specified in the ALIBABA_CLOUD_OIDC_PROVIDER_ARN environment variable. For more information about the RRSA SDK demos used by the application, see Alibaba Cloud SDKs that support the OIDC token authentication of RRSA. For more information, see AssumeRoleWithOIDC.

Use an existing RAM role and grant the required permissions to the RAM role

If you want the application to use an existing RAM role, you must modify the trust policy of the RAM role based on the following template. This way, the application can use the service account to assume the RAM role and obtain an STS token. For more information, see Edit the trust policy of a RAM role.

Example of the Statement configurations:

  "Action": "sts:AssumeRole",
  "Condition": {
    "StringEquals": {
      "oidc:aud": "",
      "oidc:iss": "<oidc_issuer_url>",
      "oidc:sub": "system:serviceaccount:<namespace>:<service_account>"
  "Effect": "Allow",
  "Principal": {
    "Federated": [

Modify the following fields in the Statement configurations:

  • Replace <oidc_issuer_url> with the URL of the OIDC provider used by the cluster. You can obtain the URL on the Basic Information tab of the cluster details page in the ACK console.

  • Replace <oidc_provider_arn> with the ARN of the OIDC provider used by the cluster. You can obtain the ARN on the Basic Information tab of the cluster details page in the ACK console.

  • Replace <namespace> with the namespace of the application.

  • Replace <service_account> with the service account used by the application.

You can also use the ack-ram-tool tool to automate the modification of the trust policy. Sample commands:

ack-ram-tool rrsa associate-role --cluster-id <cluster_id> \
    --namespace <namespace> --service-account <service_account> \
    --role-name <role_name> --create-role-if-not-exist

Alibaba Cloud SDKs that support the OIDC token authentication of RRSA

Some Alibaba Cloud SDKs allow applications to call the APIs of specific cloud services by using the OIDC tokens of RRSA. The following table describes the supported SDK versions.

Programming language

Supported SDK version



Alibaba Cloud Credentials for Go 1.2.6 and later

Examples for SDK for Go


Alibaba Cloud Credentials for Java 0.2.10 and later

Examples for SDK for Java

Python 3

Alibaba Cloud Credentials for Python 0.3.1 and later

Examples for SDK for Python 3

Node.js and TypeScript

Alibaba Cloud Credentials for TypeScript/Node.js 2.2.6 and later

Examples for SDK for Node.js and SDK for TypeScript
