Updates a trigger for an image repository.

Request information

Request line

POST /repos/[RepoNamespace]/[RepoName]/webhooks/[WebhookId] HTTP/1.1

Request line parameters

Parameter Type Required Description
RepoNamespace String Yes The name of the namespace.
RepoName String Yes The name of the repository.
WebhookId String Yes The ID of the trigger.

Operation-specific request headers


Request body

   "Webhook": {
      "WebhookName": "String",
      "WebhookUrl": "String",
      "TriggerName": "String",
      "TriggerUrl": "String",
      "TriggerType": "String"

Request body parameters

Parameter Type Required Description
WebhookName String Yes The name of the trigger. The name must be 2 to 30 characters in length, and can contain lowercase letters, digits, and underscores (_). It must not start with an underscore.
WebhookUrl String Yes The URL of the trigger. The URL must be 1 to 1,024 characters in length, and can contain lowercase letters, digits, hyphens (-), and underscores (_). It must not start with a hyphen or an underscore.
TriggerName String Yes The name of the trigger.
TriggerUrl String No The URL of the trigger.Example:https://www.test.com.
TriggerType String No The type of the trigger. Valid values:
  • ALL: a trigger that supports both regular expressions and tags.
  • TAG_LISTTAG: a tag trigger.
  • TAG_REG_EXP: a regular expression trigger.

Response information

Response line

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Operation-specific response headers


Response body

    "data": {
    "requestId": "String"

Response body parameters



Sample requests

POST /repos/[RepoNamespace]/[RepoName]/webhooks/[WebhookId] HTTP/1.1
<Common request headers>

   "Webhook": {
      "WebhookName": "justForTest",
      "WebhookUrl": "https://www. ****.com",
      "TriggerName": "justForTest",
      "TriggerUrl": "https://www. ****.com",
      "TriggerType": "ALL"

Sample responses

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
<Common response headers>

    "data": {
    "requestId": "8DBD3292-A232-44F6-93DC-B30D70AF54E9"