This topic describes the system events that CloudMonitor supports for Alibaba Cloud services.

Note This topic is no longer maintained. For more information about the latest system events that CloudMonitor supports for Alibaba Cloud services, see Overview.

System events for ECS

For more information about the system events for Elastic Compute Service (ECS), see Overview.

Event Description Type Status Level Remarks
Instance:InstanceFailure.Reboot The instance reboot caused by an instance error starts. Exception Executing CRITICAL -
Instance:InstanceFailure.Reboot The instance reboot caused by an instance error ends. Exception Executed CRITICAL -
Instance:SystemFailure.Reboot The instance reboot caused by a system error starts. Exception Executing CRITICAL -
Instance:SystemFailure.Reboot The instance reboot caused by a system error ends. Exception Executed CRITICAL -
Instance:SystemMaintenance.Reboot The instance reboot caused by system maintenance is scheduled. Maintenance Scheduled CRITICAL -
Instance:SystemMaintenance.Reboot The scheduled instance reboot caused by system maintenance is averted. Maintenance Avoided CRITICAL -
Instance:SystemMaintenance.Reboot The scheduled instance reboot caused by system maintenance starts. Maintenance Executing CRITICAL -
Instance:SystemMaintenance.Reboot The scheduled instance reboot caused by system maintenance is complete. Maintenance Executed CRITICAL -
Instance:SystemMaintenance.Reboot The scheduled instance reboot caused by system maintenance is canceled. Maintenance Canceled CRITICAL -
Instance:SystemMaintenance.Reboot The scheduled instance reboot caused by system maintenance fails. Maintenance Failed CRITICAL -
Disk:Stalled The negative impact on the disk performance starts. Exception Executing CRITICAL -
Disk:Stalled The negative impact on the disk performance ends. Exception Executed CRITICAL -
Instance:StateChange The status of the instance is changed. StatusNotification Normal INFO The event details contain the status of the instance. An instance can be in the Running, Stopped, or Deleted state. The Running state indicates that the instance is running. The Stopped state indicates that the instance is stopped, has expired, is about to expire, is locked, or is waiting for being released. The Deleted state indicates that the instance is released.
Instance:PreemptibleInstanceInterruption The preemptible instance is interrupted. StatusNotification Normal WARN In specific cases, your preemptible instance enters the To Be Released state. For example, your preemptible instance enters this state if the market price is higher than your bid or the resources are insufficient.
Snapshot:CreateSnapshotCompleted The disk snapshot is created. StatusNotification Normal INFO -

System events for SLB

Event Description Level
CertKeyExpired_1 The certificate expires in one day. WARN
CertKeyExpired_3 The certificate expires in three days. WARN
CertKeyExpired_7 The certificate expires in seven days. WARN
CertKeyExpired_15 The certificate expires in 15 days. WARN
CertKeyExpired_30 The certificate expires in 30 days. WARN
CertKeyExpired_60 The certificate expires in 60 days. WARN

System events for OSS

Event Description Level Description
BucketEgressBandwidth The downstream bandwidth of buckets exceeds the report threshold. INFO This event is triggered if the total downstream bandwidth of all the buckets owned by an Alibaba Cloud account exceeds the report threshold of 128 Mbit/s.
BucketEgressBandwidthThresholdExceeded The downstream bandwidth of a bucket exceeds the throttling threshold. WARN The bucket is subject to regional throttling. Throttling is triggered if the total downstream bandwidth of all the buckets in a region exceeds the throttling threshold. The default threshold is 10 Gbit/s for each region in the Chinese mainland. The default threshold is 5 Gbit/s for each region outside the Chinese mainland, including the China (Hong Kong) region. By default, the bandwidth of a single bucket is not throttled.
BucketIngressBandwidth The upstream bandwidth of buckets exceeds the report threshold. INFO This event is triggered if the total upstream bandwidth of all the buckets owned by an Alibaba Cloud account exceeds the report threshold of 128 Mbit/s.
BucketIngressBandwidthThresholdExceeded The upstream bandwidth of a bucket exceeds the throttling threshold. WARN The bucket is subject to regional throttling. Throttling is triggered if the total upstream bandwidth of all the buckets in a region exceeds the throttling threshold. The default threshold is 10 Gbit/s for each region in the Chinese mainland. The default threshold is 5 Gbit/s for each region outside the Chinese mainland, including the China (Hong Kong) region. By default, the bandwidth of a single bucket is not throttled.
UserEgressBandwidth The downstream bandwidth of a user exceeds the report threshold. INFO This event is triggered if the total downstream bandwidth of all the buckets owned by an Alibaba Cloud account exceeds the report threshold of 128 Mbit/s.
UserEgressBandwidthThresholdExceeded The downstream bandwidth of a user exceeds the throttling threshold. WARN Throttling is triggered if the total downstream bandwidth of all the buckets in a region exceeds the throttling threshold. The default threshold is 10 Gbit/s for each region in the Chinese mainland. The default threshold is 5 Gbit/s for each region outside the Chinese mainland, including the China (Hong Kong) region. By default, the bandwidth of a single bucket is not throttled.
UserIngressBandwidth The upstream bandwidth of a user exceeds the report threshold. INFO This event is triggered if the total upstream bandwidth of all the buckets owned by an Alibaba Cloud account exceeds the report threshold of 128 Mbit/s.
UserIngressBandwidthThresholdExceeded The upstream bandwidth of a user exceeds the throttling threshold. WARN Throttling is triggered if the total upstream bandwidth of all the buckets in a region exceeds the throttling threshold. The default threshold is 10 Gbit/s for each region in the Chinese mainland. The default threshold is 5 Gbit/s for each region outside the Chinese mainland, including the China (Hong Kong) region. By default, the bandwidth of a single bucket is not throttled.

System events for ESS

Event Description Status Level
AUTOSCALING:SCALE_IN_ERROR The scale-in activity of the scaling group fails. Unnormal CRITICAL
AUTOSCALING:SCALE_IN_SUCCESS The scale-in activity of the scaling group is successful. Normal INFO
AUTOSCALING:SCALE_OUT_ERROR The scale-out activity of the scaling group fails. Unnormal CRITICAL
AUTOSCALING:SCALE_OUT_SUCCESS The scale-out activity of the scaling group is successful. Normal INFO
AUTOSCALING:SCALE_REJECT The scaling activity of the scaling group is rejected. Warn WARN
AUTOSCALING:SCALE_OUT_START The scale-out activity of the scaling group starts. normal INFO
AUTOSCALING:SCALE_IN_START The scale-in activity of the scaling group starts. normal INFO

System events for IoT Platform

Event Description Type Status Level
Account_Connect_QPS_Limit The number of connection requests that the current account sends to IoT Platform per second reaches the upper limit. Exception Fail WARN
Account_Downlink_QPS_Limit The number of requests that the current account sends to devices per second reaches the upper limit. Exception Fail WARN
Account_RuleEngine_DataForward_QPS_Limit The number of requests that the current account sends to the rules engine per second reaches the upper limit. Exception Fail WARN
Account_Uplink_QPS_Limit The number of requests that the current account sends per second reaches the upper limit. Exception Fail WARN
Device_Downlink_QPS_Limit The number of messages that a device receives per second reaches the upper limit. Exception Fail WARN
Device_Uplink_QPS_Limit The number of messages that a device sends per second reaches the upper limit. Exception Fail WARN

System events for Smart Access Gateway

Event Description Status Level
AccessGatewayFailover The access point fails over. Agwfailover INFO
ConnectionDisconnect The network is disconnected. Disconnect CRITICAL
DeviceHacked The device is under attack. Hacked CRITICAL
DeviceOffline The device is offline. Offline CRITICAL
DeviceOnline The device is online. Online INFO

System events for CloudMonitor

Event Description Status Level
Group_AddResourcesFailed_QuotaReached Hosts fail to be dynamically added to a group because the resource usage limits are reached. Failed CRITICAL
Agent_Status_Stopped The heartbeat check fails. Stopped CRITICAL
Agent_Status_Running The heartbeat check is resumed. Running CRITICAL

System events for DBS

Event Description Status Level
CloseContBackup Incremental backup is disabled. Failed INFO
ContBackupFail An error occurred during incremental backup. Failed WARN
DataRestoreFail An error occurred during data restoration. Failed WARN
DataRestoreSuccess Data restoration is successful. Running WARN
FullBackupFail An error occurred during full backup. Failed WARN
InstancePause The backup schedule is suspended. Failed INFO
InstanceStart The backup schedule starts. Running INFO
OpenContBackup Incremental log backup is enabled. Running INFO

System events for ApsaraDB RDS

Event Description Status Level
Instance_Failover A failover occurs between the primary and secondary instances. Executed WARN
Instance_Failure_Start The instance failure starts. Executing CRITICAL
Instance_Failure_End The instance failure ends. Executed CRITICAL

System events for ApsaraDB for Redis

Event Description Status Level
Instance_Failover A failover occurs between the primary and secondary instances. Executed WARN
Instance_Failure_Start The instance failure starts. Executing CRITICAL
Instance_Failure_End The instance failure ends. Executed CRITICAL

System events for ApsaraDB for MongoDB

Event Description Status Level
Instance_Failure_Start The instance failure starts. Executing CRITICAL
Instance_Failure_End The instance failure ends. Executed CRITICAL

System events for AnalyticDB

Event Description Level
StorageUsage The disk usage exceeds 80%. CRITICAL
InsertFailureRate The insertion failure rate is 10%. CRITICAL
SelectFailureRate The query failure rate is 10%. CRITICAL

System events for ENS

Event Description Type Status Level
EnsRegion:NetworkDown:Executing The edge node is disconnected from the network. Exception Executing CRITICAL
EnsRegion:NetworkDown:Executed The edge node is connected to the network. Exception Executed CRITICAL
EnsRegion:NetworkMigration:Scheduled The network cutover is scheduled for the edge node. Maintenance Scheduled WARN
EnsRegion:NetworkMigration:Executing The network cutover starts for the edge node. Maintenance Executing CRITICAL
EnsRegion:NetworkMigration:Executed The network cutover is complete for the edge node. Maintenance Executed INFO
EnsRegion:NetworkMigration:Canceled The network cutover is canceled for the edge node. Maintenance Canceled INFO
Instance:SystemFailure.Reboot:Executing The instance reboot caused by a system error starts. Exception Executing CRITICAL
Instance:SystemFailure.Reboot:Executed The instance reboot caused by a system error is complete. Exception Executed CRITICAL

System events for Anti-DDoS Pro

Event Description Status Level
ddoscoo_event_blackhole_add Blackhole filtering is triggered. blackhole_begin CRITICAL
ddoscoo_event_blackhole_end Blackhole filtering stops. blackhole_end CRITICAL
ddoscoo_event_defense_add Traffic scrubbing starts. defense_begin CRITICAL
ddoscoo_event_defense_end Traffic scrubbing stops. defense_end CRITICAL

System events for WAF

Event Description Status Level
waf_event_aclattack An access control event occurs. acl CRITICAL
waf_event_ccattack An HTTP flood attack occurs. cc CRITICAL
waf_event_webattack A web attack occurs. web CRITICAL
waf_event_webscan A web scan attack occurs. webscan CRITICAL