If the ApsaraDB RDS instance is a dedicated RDS instance, the evaluation result is Compliant.


Dedicated instances enjoy dedicated CPU and memory resources. The performance of a dedicated RDS instance is guaranteed and is not affected by the other instances that are deployed on the same physical host.

Risk level

Default risk level: medium.

When you apply this rule, you can change the risk level based on your business requirements.

Compliance evaluation logic

  • If the ApsaraDB RDS instance is a dedicated RDS instance, the evaluation result is Compliant.
  • If the ApsaraDB RDS instance is not a dedicated RDS instance, the evaluation result is Incompliant. For more information about how to remediate an incompliant configuration, see the "Incompliance remediation" section of this topic.

Rule details

Item Description
Rule name rds-instance-class-type-check
Rule identifier rds-instance-class-type-check
Tag RDS and Instance
Automatic remediation Not supported
Trigger type Configuration change
Supported resource type ApsaraDB RDS instances
Input parameter None

Incompliance remediation

Change the instance families of ApsaraDB RDS instances to the dedicated instance family. For more information, see Change the specifications of an ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL instance.