Checks whether the duration between the expiration date and the check date of each subscription PolarDB cluster is greater than a specified number of days. If so, the evaluation result is Compliant.


This rule applies when you need to renew a subscription PolarDB cluster at the earliest opportunity. This prevents your business from being interrupted due to an expired cluster.

Risk level

Default risk level: high.

When you apply this rule, you can change the risk level based on your business requirements.

Compliance evaluation logic

  • If the duration between the expiration date and the check date of each subscription PolarDB cluster is greater than a specified number of days, the evaluation result is Compliant.
  • If the duration between the expiration date and the check date of each subscription PolarDB cluster is less than or equal to a specified number of days, the evaluation result is Incompliant. For more information about how to remediate an incompliant configuration, see Incompliance remediation.

Rule details

Item Description
Rule name polardb-cluster-expired-check
Rule identifier polardb-cluster-expired-check
Tag PolarDB and ResourceExpired
Automatic remediation Not supported
Trigger type Configuration change and periodic execution
Evaluation frequency Interval of 24 hours
Supported resource type PolarDB cluster
Input parameter days. Default value: 30. Unit: days.

Incompliance remediation

Renew a subscription PolarDB cluster before it expires. For more information, see Manual renewal.