Checks whether the Encryption Method parameter of each Object Storage Service (OSS) bucket is set to KMS. If so, the evaluation result is Compliant.


This rule applies when you need to use a custom Key Management Service (KMS) key to encrypt the data of an OSS bucket to meet security compliance requirements. This ensures the security of your business data at rest.

Risk level

Default risk level: medium.

When you configure this rule, you can change the risk level based on your business requirements.

Compliance evaluation logic

  • If the Encryption Method parameter of each OSS bucket is set to KMS, the evaluation result is Compliant.
  • If the Encryption Method parameter of an OSS bucket is not set to KMS, the evaluation result is Incompliant. For more information about how to remediate an incompliant configuration, see Incompliance remediation.

Rule details

Rule nameoss-encryption-byok-check
Rule identifieross-encryption-byok-check
TagOSS and Bucket
Automatic remediationNot supported
Trigger typeConfiguration change
Supported resource typeOSS buckets
Input parameterNone

Incompliance remediation

Set the Encryption Method parameter of an OSS bucket to KMS. For more information, see Server-side encryption.