Checks whether public endpoints are configured for the API server in each Container Service for Kubernetes (ACK) cluster.


If you configure public endpoints for the API server in an ACK cluster, your resources, such as pods, Services, and ReplicaControllers, may face attacks from the Internet. Therefore, we recommend that you do not configure public endpoints for the API server.

Risk level

Default risk level: high.

You can change the risk level as required when you apply this rule.

Compliance evaluation logic

  • If no public endpoints are configured for the API server in each ACK cluster, the evaluation result is compliant.
  • If public endpoints are configured for the API server in an ACK cluster, the evaluation result is non-compliant. For more information about how to correct the non-compliant configuration, see Non-compliance remediation.

Rule details

Item Description
Rule name ack-cluster-public-endpoint-check
Rule ID ack-cluster-public-endpoint-check
Automatic remediation Not supported
Trigger type Periodic execution
Time interval 24 hours
Supported resource type ACK cluster
Input parameter None

Non-compliance remediation

Disassociate all elastic IP addresses (EIPs) with the API server in the ACK cluster. For more information, see Control public access to the API server of a cluster.