This topic describes the error codes that may be returned when you call the ChatApp API. You can troubleshoot errors based on the description of error codes.

Error code Description
OK The code returned because the request is successful.
InvalidParameter.MessageInvalid The error code returned because the type of message template must be specified.
InvalidParameter.MessageInvalid The error code returned because the message contains strings that are not supported by WhatsApp.
InvalidParameter.FooterHaveVariable The error code returned because variables cannot be included in the footer.
InvalidParameter.HeaderMoreVariable The error code returned because only one variable can be included in the header.
InvalidParameter.HeaderTypeNotSupport The error code returned because the type of the content that is contained in the header is not supported.
InvalidParameter.ButtonTextHaveVariable The error code returned because variables cannot be included in the text that you want to display on a button.
InvalidParameter.UrlMoreVariable The error code returned because only one variable can be included in an URL.
InvalidParameter.PhoneNumberError The error code returned because the phone number is invalid.
InvalidParameter.TemplateNameExist The error code returned because the specified name is already used by an existing template.
InvalidParameter.CreateError The error code returned because an error occurred when the system created a template. Check the format of the relevant request parameter.
DelError.TemplateNotExist The error code returned because the specified template does not exist.
Authentication.NoAuth The error code returned because you are not authorized to perform operations on the template.
InvalidParameter.PageInvalid The error code returned because the format of the specified pagination parameter is invalid.
TemplateListError.QueryError The error code returned because an error occurred when the system queried templates. Check the format of the relevant request parameter.
InvalidParameter.LanguageNotSupport The error code returned because the specified language is not supported.
InvalidParameter.AuditStatusNotSupport The error code returned because the specified review status is not supported.
InvalidParameter.TemplateTypeNotSupport The error code returned because the specified template type is not supported.
InvalidParameter.ChannelTypeNotSupport The error code returned because the specified channel type is not supported.
InvalidParameter.MessageTypeNotEmpty The error code returned because the message type must be specified when you send a non-template message.
InvalidParameter.ContentNotEmpty The error code returned because the message content must be specified when you send a non-template message.
InvalidParameter.ContentError The error code returned because the format of the message content is invalid.
InvalidParameter.TextNotEmpty The error code returned because the text content must be specified when you send a text message.
InvalidParameter.MessageTypeNotSupport The error code returned because the specified message type is not supported.
InvalidParameter.LinkNotEmpty The error code returned because the Link parameter must be specified when you send a document, audio, or video message.
InvalidParameter.SendSmsNotSupport The error code returned because fallback messages cannot be sent.
InvalidParameter.LanguageNotEmpty The error code returned because the language must be specified when you send a template message.
InvalidParameter.TemplateCodeNotEmpty The error code returned because the template code must be specified when you send a template message.
InvalidParameter.FromOnlyNumeric The error code returned because only digits can be included in the value of the From parameter.
InvalidParameter.ToOnlyNumeric The error code returned because only digits can be included in the value of the To parameter.
InvalidParameter.FromNotSupport The error code returned because you are not authorized to use this phone number to send messages.
InvalidParameter.TypeNotSupport The error code returned because the specified type is not supported.
InvalidParameter.FromNotEmpty The error code returned because the From parameter must be specified.
InvalidParameter.ToNotEmpty The error code returned because the To parameter must be specified.
InvalidParameter.ChannelTypeNotEmpty The error code returned because the channel type must be specified.
InvalidParameter.TypeNotEmpty The error code returned because the Type parameter must be specified.
InvalidParameter.TemplateCodeError The error code returned because messages that use the specified language template cannot be sent.
InvalidParameter.LongitudeNotEmpty The error code returned because the longitude information must be specified when you send a location message.
InvalidParameter.LatitudeNotEmpty The error code returned because the latitude information must be specified when you send a location message.
InvalidParameter.NameNotEmpty The error code returned because the location name must be specified when you send a location message.
InvalidParameter.AddressNotEmpty The error code returned because the address of the location must be specified when you send a location message.
InvalidParameter.ToMaxSize The error code returned because the value of the To parameter cannot exceed 20 characters in length.
InvalidParameter.FromErrorStatus The error code returned because the phone number must be verified before you can use it to send a message.
InvalidParameter.ContentNull The error code returned because the message Content must be specified when you send a template message.
InvalidParameter.TemplateCodeMaxSize The error code returned because the template code cannot exceed 128 characters in length.
InvalidParameter.TemplateNull The error code returned because the template code must be specified when you send a non-template message.
InvalidParameter.TemplateParamsNull The error code returned because the template parameters must be specified when you send a non-template message.
InvalidParameter.TextMaxSize The error code returned because the text content cannot exceed 1,024 characters in length.
InvalidParameter.TextLinkNull The error code returned because the Link parameter must be specified when you send a text message.
InvalidParameter.TextCaptionNull The error code returned because the description must be specified when you send a text message.
InvalidParameter.TextFileNameNull The error code returned because the file name must be specified when you send a text message.
InvalidParameter.LinkMaxSize The error code returned because the value of the Link parameter cannot exceed 1,024 characters in length.
InvalidParameter.LinkStartHttp The error code returned because the value of the Link parameter must start with http or https.
InvalidParameter.LinkError The error code returned because the file that is specified by the Link parameter is invalid.
InvalidParameter.ImageError The error code returned because the Link parameter must specify an image when you send an image message.
InvalidParameter.VideoError The error code returned because the Link parameter must specify a video when you send a video message.
InvalidParameter.AudioError The error code returned because the Link parameter must specify an audio when you send an audio message.
InvalidParameter.DocumentError The error code returned because the Link parameter must specify a document when you send a document message.
InvalidParameter.AudioCaptionError The error code returned because the Caption parameter must be specified when you send an audio message.
InvalidParameter.ImageCaptionMaxSize The error code returned because the value of the Caption parameter cannot exceed 1,024 characters in length.
InvalidParameter.FileNameNotEmpty The error code returned because the FileName parameter must be specified when you send a document message.
InvalidParameter.MessageTypeNull The error code returned because the MessageType parameter must be specified when you send a template message.
InvalidParameter.InteractiveLinkNull The error code returned because the Link parameter must be specified when you send an Interactive message.
InvalidParameter.InteractiveCaptionNull The error code returned because the Caption parameter must be specified when you send an Interactive message.
InvalidParameter.InteractiveFileNameNull The error code returned because the FileName parameter must be specified when you send an Interactive message.
InvalidParameter.PayloadNull The error code returned because the Payload parameter must be specified when you send a non-template message.
InvalidParameter.PayloadMaxSize The error code returned because a message cannot contain more than three payloads.
InvalidParameter.PayloadMaxLength The error code returned because the value of the Payload parameter cannot exceed 100 characters in length.
InvalidParameter.PreviewUrlWithHttp The error code returned because the preview URL must start with http or https.
InvalidParameter.PreviewUrlMaxSize The error code returned because the preview URL cannot exceed 1,024 characters in length.
InvalidParameter.ImageFileNameEmpty The error code returned because the FileName parameter must be specified when you send an image message.
InvalidParameter.VideoFileNameEmpty The error code returned because the FileName parameter must be specified when you send a video message.
InvalidParameter.AudioFileNameEmpty The error code returned because the FileName parameter must be specified when you send an audio message.