You can call this operation to query a transaction based on the hash of the transaction on a blockchain in Ant Blockchain.


OpenAPI Explorer automatically calculates the signature value. For your convenience, we recommend that you call this operation in OpenAPI Explorer. OpenAPI Explorer dynamically generates the sample code of the operation for different SDKs.

Request parameters

Parameter Type Required Example Description
AntChainId String Yes pYogqb9v

The ID of the blockchain on which you want to query the transaction based on the transaction hash.

Hash String Yes b3b0d2db83d3e670449d1e2a39d1d13b7e0e6080b0f9c6945f79eca68d1dd2ca

The hash of the transaction to query.

Action String No DescribeAntChainTransaction

The operation that you want to perform. Set the value to DescribeAntChainTransaction.

RegionId String No cn-hangzhou

The ID of the region where Ant Blockchain is used.

Response parameters

Parameter Type Example Description
RequestId String 7DCE6520-E5DB-4859-90AC-BDDB8A5501C6

The ID of the request.


The result of the operation.

BlockHash String 1168bc5dd0b78d15446b15ea5a7f7822a7d07c007dd3a50becf98da220fc08f6

The hash of the block that stores the transaction.

BlockHeight Long 368169

The height of the block.

BlockVersion String 10

The version of the block.

CreateTime Long 1563954336850

The time when the transaction was created.

Hash String b3b0d2db83d3e670449d1e2a39d1d13b7e0e6080b0f9c6945f79eca68d1dd2ca

The hash of the transaction.


The information about the transaction.

Data String ""

The data of the transaction.

Extentions []

The extended information about the transaction.

From String e7d3e769f3f593dadcb8634cc5b09fc90dd3a61c4a06a79cb0923662fe6fae6b

The hash of the account who sent the transaction.

Gas String 4000000

The gas consumed by the transaction.

Hash String b3b0d2db83d3e670449d1e2a39d1d13b7e0e6080b0f9c6945f79eca68d1dd2ca

The hash of the transaction.

Nonce String 5675407026657953619

The nonce generated for the transaction.

Period Long 1563954336850

The period of the transaction.

Signatures 5s6JhauIqAlMb6d+7...

The signatures used to initiate the transaction.

Timestamp Long 1563954336850

The time when the transaction was sent.

To String 961085f3c7ef705ad587d0cbe11d7863a5a11af7451f4e9b1edadd74402addf5

The hash of the account who received the transaction.


The type of the transaction.

Value String 0

The amount of the transaction.


Sample requests

http(s)://[Endpoint]/? Action=DescribeAntChainTransaction
&<Common request parameters>

Sample success responses

JSON format


Error codes

For a list of error codes, visit the API Error Center.