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Bastionhost:Diagnose network issues

Last Updated:Oct 11, 2023

Bastionhost automatically checks the connectivity between a bastion host and a specific asset. You can also manually check the connectivity between a bastion host and a specific asset to confirm network accessibility and troubleshoot connectivity exceptions. This topic describes how to configure a periodic connectivity check and how to manually perform a network connectivity test.

Periodically check connectivity

  1. Log on to the Bastionhost console. In the top navigation bar, select the region in which your bastion host resides.

  2. In the bastion host list, find the bastion host that you want to manage and click Manage.

  3. In the left-side navigation pane, click System Settings.

  4. In the Connectivity Check Settings section of the Network Diagnosis tab, select Periodic Check of Asset Connectivity and specify a check period.

    Valid values: 1 hour to 24 hours.

    The connectivity check results are displayed in the Network Status column of the asset list. The valid values of Network Status are Normal, Port Exception, Network Timeout, and Proxy Server Exception. For more information, see Manage a host.

Manually check connectivity

  1. Log on to the Bastionhost console. In the top navigation bar, select the region in which your bastion host resides.

  2. In the bastion host list, find the bastion host that you want to manage and click Manage.

  3. In the left-side navigation pane, click System Settings.

  4. In the Connectivity Test section of the Network Diagnosis tab, configure the Network Status and Port parameters. Then, click Test Connection.

    You can view the test result in the message that appears. For more information about how to troubleshoot connectivity exceptions, see Handle connectivity exceptions.

  • You can choose Assets > Hosts or Assets > Database and click Check Network Status of Asset to view the connectivity between the bastion host and assets.

  • By default, the network status of assets on the O&M page is synchronized from the Assets page every time you refresh the O&M page. After you manually perform a connectivity check on the O&M page, the network status of assets is not synchronized to the Assets page.

Handle connectivity exceptions

If a connectivity test fails, perform the following operations to identify the cause:

  • Check whether the security group rules allow access from the bastion host to the port of the specific host.

  • Check whether Cloud Firewall is deployed for the specific host and policies that allow access from the bastion host to the port of the specific host are configured. For more information, see Configure access control policies in scenarios in which Cloud Firewall is deployed together with Bastionhost.

  • Check whether an on-premises firewall is deployed for the specific host and whether policies that allow access from the bastion host to the port of the specific host are configured.
