This topic describes the ApsaraDB for Redis instances that are phased out. If you have purchased these instances, you can continue to use them. The following table lists the maximum number of connections, maximum bandwidth, and queries per second (QPS) reference value for these instances.

Standard zone-disaster recovery instances of Community Edition

Instance type InstanceClass value (used in API operations) Maximum number of new connections per second Maximum number of connections Maximum bandwidth (MB/s) QPS reference value
1 GB zone-disaster recovery instance redis.logic.sharding.drredissdb1g.1db.0rodb.4proxy.default 10000 10000 10 80000
2 GB zone-disaster recovery instance redis.logic.sharding.drredissdb2g.1db.0rodb.4proxy.default 10000 10000 16 80000
4 GB zone-disaster recovery instance redis.logic.sharding.drredissdb4g.1db.0rodb.4proxy.default 10000 10000 24 80000
8 GB zone-disaster recovery instance redis.logic.sharding.drredissdb8g.1db.0rodb.4proxy.default 10000 10000 24 80000
16 GB zone-disaster recovery instance redis.logic.sharding.drredissdb16g.1db.0rodb.4proxy.default 10000 10000 32 80000
32 GB zone-disaster recovery instance redis.logic.sharding.drredissdb32g.1db.0rodb.4proxy.default 10000 10000 32 80000
64 GB zone-disaster recovery instance redis.logic.sharding.drredissdb64g.1db.0rodb.4proxy.default 10000 10000 48 80000

Master-replica cluster instances of Community Edition

Instance type InstanceClass value (used in API operations) Number of shards Maximum number of new connections per second Maximum number of connections Maximum bandwidth (MB/s) QPS reference value
1 GB cluster instance (2 shards) redis.logic.sharding.512m.2db.0rodb.4proxy.default 2 20000 20000 48 200000
1 GB cluster instance (4 shards) redis.logic.sharding.256m.4db.0rodb.4proxy.default 4 40000 40000 96 400000
2 GB cluster instance (4 shards) redis.logic.sharding.512m.4db.0rodb.4proxy.default 4 40000 40000 96 400000
2 GB cluster instance (8 shards) redis.logic.sharding.256m.8db.0rodb.8proxy.default 8 50000 80000 192 800000
4 GB cluster instance (8 shards) redis.logic.sharding.512m.8db.0rodb.8proxy.default 8 50000 80000 192 800000
4 GB cluster instance (16 shards) redis.logic.sharding.256m.16db.0rodb.16proxy.default 16 50000 160000 384 1600000
8 GB cluster instance (16 shards) redis.logic.sharding.512m.16db.0rodb.16proxy.default 16 50000 160000 384 1600000
8 GB cluster instance (32 shards) redis.logic.sharding.256m.32db.0rodb.32proxy.default 32 50000 320000 768 3200000
16 GB cluster instance (32 shards) redis.logic.sharding.512m.32db.0rodb.32proxy.default 32 50000 320000 768 3200000
16 GB cluster instance redis.sharding.small.default 8 50000 80000 768 640000
32 GB cluster instance redis.sharding.mid.default 8 50000 80000 768 640000
64 GB cluster instance redis.sharding.large.default 8 50000 80000 768 640000
128 GB cluster instance redis.sharding.2xlarge.default 16 50000 160000 1536 1280000
256 GB cluster instance redis.sharding.4xlarge.default 16 50000 160000 1536 1280000
512 GB cluster instance redis.sharding.8xlarge.default 32 50000 320000 2048 2560000

Zone-disaster recovery cluster instances of Community Edition

Instance type InstanceClass value (used in API operations) Number of shards Maximum number of new connections per second Maximum number of connections Maximum bandwidth (MB/s) QPS reference value
16 GB zone-disaster recovery cluster instance redis.logic.sharding.drredismdb16g.8db.0rodb.8proxy.default 8 50000 80000 768 640000
32 GB zone-disaster recovery cluster instance redis.logic.sharding.drredismdb32g.8db.0rodb.8proxy.default 8 50000 80000 768 640000
64 GB zone-disaster recovery cluster instance redis.logic.sharding.drredismdb64g.8db.0rodb.8proxy.default 8 50000 80000 768 640000
128 GB zone-disaster recovery cluster instance redis.logic.sharding.drredismdb128g.16db.0rodb.16proxy.default 16 50000 160000 1536 1280000
256 GB zone-disaster recovery cluster instance redis.logic.sharding.drredismdb256g.16db.0rodb.16proxy.default 16 50000 160000 1536 1280000
512 GB zone-disaster recovery cluster instance redis.logic.sharding.drredismdb512g.32db.0rodb.32proxy.default 32 50000 320000 2048 2560000

Calculation rules for bandwidth values

  • The bandwidth value in the preceding table is the bandwidth of the instance. The bandwidth value is the sum of the bandwidth of all shards or nodes in the instance.
  • The upper limit of the total bandwidth for a read/write splitting instance is 2,048 MB/s. After the upper limit is reached, the bandwidth cannot be increased even if you add more shards or nodes to the read/write splitting instance.
  • The bandwidth value applies to the upstream and downstream bandwidths. For example, if the bandwidth of an instance is 10 MB/s, the upstream and downstream bandwidths of the instance are both 10 MB/s.
    Note If your instance has unexpected or scheduled traffic peaks, you can adjust the bandwidth of the instance as needed. For more information, see Adjust the bandwidth of an ApsaraDB for Redis instance.
  • The bandwidth value in the preceding table is the internal bandwidth of the ApsaraDB for Redis instance. The Internet bandwidth is determined by the internal bandwidth and is limited by the bandwidth of the connection between the ApsaraDB for Redis instance and the client. We recommend that you connect to the instance over an internal network to maximize performance.

Calculation rules for connections

The following example shows how the maximum number of new connections per second affects the maximum number of connections at a specific second: The maximum number of new connections per second of an instance is 10,000. The maximum number of connections of the instance is 50,000. The actual number of connections at the Nth second after the instance starts to run is 12,000. Then, at the (N+1)th second, the maximum number of connections is 22,000, which is calculated by using the following formula: 12,000 + 10,000.


Q: Zone-disaster recovery instances of ApsaraDB for Redis are phased out. How can I create a zone-disaster recovery instance when I use ApsaraDB for Redis?

A: Zone-disaster recovery instances of ApsaraDB for Redis are upgraded. To use the zone-disaster recovery feature, you can select a zone that supports zone-disaster recovery when you create an ApsaraDB for Redis instance. Zones for zone-disaster recovery instances