This topic describes the billing method of storage plans. Storage plans support the subscription billing method.


The following table lists the prices of storage plans in and outside the Chinese mainland. The settlement currency is USD.

Capacity Chinese mainland (USD/month) Outside Chinese mainland (USD/month)
500 GB 64.4 97.9
1 TB 128.8 195.8
2 TB 257.6 391.6
3 TB 386.4 587.3
5 TB 644.0 978.9
10 TB 1,223.6 1,859.9
12 TB 1,468.38 2,231.93
16 TB 1,957.84 2,975.91
20 TB 2,447.3 3,720.1
30 TB 3,670.9 5,579.8
50 TB 6,118.2 9,299.7
100 TB 11,914.5 18,110.1

Billing method

Storage plans support the subscription billing method. The following table describes the billing method of storage plans.

Billing method Payment method Currency
Subscription When you purchase a storage plan, you must pay all fees upfront. You are not additionally charged throughout the lifecycle of the storage plan. USD


After a storage plan expires, it cannot offset the bills of pay-as-you-go storage resources.