ACM provides a command line tool for you to retrieve, push, batch-import, and batch-export configuration data.

How to install

The command line tool is installed with ACM Python SDK. For instructions on installation, see ACM Python SDK User Guide.

After the installation, you can run acm -h to get help.

Commands for administration

  • acm add

    This command creates a namespace, with a parameter in the format of endpoint:namespace_id. The default endpoint is, and the default port is 8080. You can use parameter -ak, -sk, -n to specify the ak, sk and alias of the namespace.

    Note If the namespace already exists, then the add command updates this namespace.
  • acm use

    This command switches the current namespace. You can use endpoint:namespace_id or an alias.

  • acm current

    This command shows the current namespace.

  • acm show

    This command shows all namespaces.

Commands for data operation

By default, this command applies to the current namespace. Alternatively, you can use parameter -n to pass the endpoint:namespace_id or alias to specify a target namespace.

  • acm pull

    This command retrieves a configuration item and prints it to the console. The parameter is group/data_id (for default group, only data_id is required).

  • acm push

    This command pushes a configuration item. The parameter is group/data_id (for default group, only data_id is required). By default, it reads content from the standard input stream (pipeline command is allowed). You can also specify the input file with parameter -f. Files take precedence. They can’t be blank at the same time.

  • acm export

    This command exports all configurations in the namespace to local drive in a directory with the structure of group/data_id. By default, it exports to a compressed file named

    • You can specify the export file name with -f, or the export directory name with -d. If directories are used, you can delete unwanted local configuration files with --delete (hidden files and directories are ignored). Directories take precedence over files.
    • If you have more configuration files locally then on the server, and parameter --delete is specified, you’re prompted to delete the files or not before exporting. You can skip the prompt with --force.
  • acm import

    This command imports local configurations to the namespace. The local configurations must be organized in a directory with the structure of group/data_id . By default, it reads data from a compressed file named .

    • You can specify source file name with -f and source directory with -d. You can delete unwanted configuration files on the server with --delete (hidden files and directories are ignored). Directories take precedence over files..
    • If you have more configuration items on the server than locally, and parameter --delete is specified, you’re prompted to delete the configurations on the server or not. You can skip the prompt with --force.