AnalyticDB for MySQL allows you to configure parameters by executing a SET ADB_CONFIG
statement or specifying a hint. A SET ADB_CONFIG
statement applies to the entire AnalyticDB for MySQL cluster and can be used to make global configurations. A hint applies only to a specific SQL statement and does not affect global configurations. If you use both a SET ADB_CONFIG
statement and a hint to configure a specific configuration item, the hint takes precedence. This topic describes the common config and hint configuration parameters in AnalyticDB for MySQL.
Common config parameters
Configuration item | Parameter | Description | Example | References |
Switchover window | REPLICATION_SWITCH_TIME_RANGE | The window during which the existing cluster is switched over to a new cluster. During a switchover to a new cluster, the existing cluster becomes read-only for a period of 5 to 10 minutes. After you connect to the existing cluster, you can use the REPLICATION_SWITCH_TIME_RANGE parameter to specify the switchover window. Note If you do not specify the switchover window, the existing cluster is switched over to a new cluster after the incremental data of the existing cluster is synchronized in real time to the new cluster. |
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Maximum number of values specified by the IN operator | MAX_IN_ITEMS_COUNT | The maximum number of values that can be specified by the IN operator. The value must be an integer that is greater than 0.
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Query timeout period | QUERY_TIMEOUT | The timeout period of all queries in a cluster. The value must be an integer that is greater than 0. Unit: milliseconds. |
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Timeout period of INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements | INSERT_SELECT_TIMEOUT | The maximum execution duration of the INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements in a cluster. Default value: 24 × 3600000. The value must be an integer that is greater than 0. Unit: milliseconds. |
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Filter conditions without pushdown |
| Disables filter condition pushdown for specific columns in a cluster. |
| |
Query execution mode | QUERY_TYPE | The query execution mode of a cluster. Valid values:
Note You cannot change the query execution mode for an AnalyticDB for MySQL Data Warehouse Edition cluster in reserved mode or an AnalyticDB for MySQL Data Lakehouse Edition cluster. |
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Query queue | XIHE_ENV_QUERY_ETL_MAX_CONCURRENT_SIZE | The maximum number of queries that can be executed for LOWEST queues on a single frontend node. Default value: 20. |
| Priority queues and concurrency control of interactive resource groups |
XIHE_ENV_QUERY_ETL_MAX_QUEUED_SIZE | The maximum number of queries that can be queued for LOWEST queues on a single frontend node. Default value: 200. |
| ||
XIHE_ENV_QUERY_LOW_PRIORITY_MAX_CONCURRENT_SIZE | The maximum number of queries that can be executed for LOW queues on a single frontend node. Default value: 20. |
| ||
XIHE_ENV_QUERY_LOW_PRIORITY_MAX_QUEUED_SIZE | The maximum number of queries that can be queued for LOW queues on a single frontend node. Default value: 200. |
| ||
XIHE_ENV_QUERY_NORMAL_MAX_CONCURRENT_SIZE | The maximum number of queries that can be executed for NORMAL queues on a single frontend node. Default value: 20. |
| ||
XIHE_ENV_QUERY_NORMAL_MAX_QUEUED_SIZE | The maximum number of queries that can be queued for NORMAL queues on a single frontend node. Default value: 200. |
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XIHE_ENV_QUERY_HIGH_MAX_CONCURRENT_SIZE | The maximum number of queries that can be executed for HIGH queues on a single frontend node. Default value: 40. |
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XIHE_ENV_QUERY_HIGH_MAX_QUEUED_SIZE | The maximum number of queries that can be queued for HIGH queues on a single frontend node. Default value: 400. |
| ||
Data import by using Object Storage Service (OSS) external tables | HIVE_SPLIT_ASYNC_GENERATION_ENABLED | Specifies whether to asynchronously submit tasks that run splits to a queue for execution when Hive generates an execution plan. Valid values:
Note This parameter is supported only for AnalyticDB for MySQL clusters of V3.1.10.1 or later. |
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Data import by using MaxCompute external tables | SQL_OUTPUT_BATCH_SIZE | The maximum number of entries that can be imported at a time. The value must be an integer that is greater than 0. |
| |
ENABLE_ODPS_MULTI_PARTITION_PART_MATCH | Specifies whether to obtain the number of entries in each MaxCompute partition in advance. |
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ASYNC_GET_SPLIT | Specifies whether to asynchronously submit tasks to a queue for execution by optimizing the split loading performance when MaxCompute generates an execution plan. Valid values:
Note This parameter is supported only for AnalyticDB for MySQL clusters of V3.1.10.1 or later. |
| ||
Automatic scheduling for BUILD jobs | RC_CSTORE_BUILD_SCHEDULE_PERIOD | The time range within which you want to schedule BUILD jobs. This parameter applies to job scheduling, not job execution. The start time and the end time must be integers. Valid values: 0 to 24. |
| |
Scheduling priority of BUILD jobs | ADB_CONFIG RC_BUILD_TASK_PRIORITY_LIST | The scheduling priorities of BUILD jobs for one or more tables. The configured priorities are effective until you configure new scheduling priorities of BUILD jobs for the tables. The |
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Elastic import | RC_ELASTIC_JOB_SCHEDULER_ENABLE | Enables the elastic import feature. |
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REMOTE_CALL function | XIHE_REMOTE_CALL_SERVER_ENDPOINT | The internal endpoint of Function Compute used when you invoke the REMOTE_CALL function for user-defined functions (UDFs). For more information, see Endpoints. |
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XIHE_REMOTE_CALL_SERVER_AK | The AccessKey ID of the Alibaba Cloud account or Resource Access Management (RAM) user to which the Function Compute service belongs used when you invoke the REMOTE_CALL function for UDFs. |
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XIHE_REMOTE_CALL_SERVER_SK | The AccessKey secret of the Alibaba Cloud account or RAM user to which the Function Compute service belongs used when you invoke the REMOTE_CALL function for UDFs. |
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XIHE_REMOTE_CALL_COMPRESS_ENABLED | Specifies whether to compress data into the GZIP format before sending the data to Function Compute when you invoke the REMOTE_CALL function for UDFs. |
| ||
XIHE_REMOTE_CALL_MAX_BATCH_SIZE | The maximum number of data rows that can be sent at a time to Function Compute when you invoke the REMOTE_CALL function for UDFs. |
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Split flow control | ADB_CONFIG SPLIT_FLOW_CONTROL_ENABLED | Specifies whether to enable the split flow control feature. AnalyticDB for MySQL allows you to configure the quota for concurrent split scans on a node to prevent node instability caused by excessive concurrent split scans and resource usage. Valid values:
| |
ADB_CONFIG NODE_LEVEL_SPLIT_FLOW_CONTROL_ENABLED | Specifies whether to enable the feature that allows the quota for concurrent split scans in a task to be dynamically adjusted. AnalyticDB for MySQL allows you to dynamically adjust the quota for concurrent split scans in a task based on the overall quota for concurrent split scans of the node on which the task runs. Valid values:
| ||
MIN_RUNNING_SPLITS_LIMIT_PER_TASK | The minimum quota for concurrent split scans in a task. Default value: 1. The valid values range from |
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TARGET_RUNNING_SPLITS_LIMIT_PER_TASK | The intermediate quota for concurrent split scans in a task. The actual quota is dynamically increased or decreased based on the value of this parameter. Default value: 32. The valid values range from the value of the |
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MAX_RUNNING_SPLITS_LIMIT_PER_TASK | The maximum quota for concurrent split scans in a task. Default value: 64. The value of this parameter must be greater than the value of the |
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ADB_CONFIG WORKER_MAX_RUNNING_SOURCE_SPLITS_PER_NODE | By default, the quota for concurrent split scans on a storage node is 256. We recommend that you do not change the default value because an excessively large or small quota can affect the cluster performance. |
| ||
ADB_CONFIG EXECUTOR_MAX_RUNNING_SOURCE_SPLITS_PER_NODE | By default, the quota for concurrent split scans on a compute node is 256. We recommend that you do not change the default value because an excessively large or small quota can affect the cluster performance. |
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Case-sensitivity of logical view names | VIEW_OUTPUT_NAME_CASE_SENSITIVE | Specifies whether to set the name of a logical view to be case-sensitive. Valid values:
| |
Consecutive execution of multiple SQL statements | ALLOW_MULTI_QUERIES | Specifies whether to enable the multi-statement feature to consecutively execute multiple SQL statements. Valid values:
| |
Binary logging | BINLOG_ENABLE |
Common hint parameters
Configuration item | Parameter | Description | Example | References |
Query timeout period | QUERY_TIMEOUT | The timeout period of a single query. The value must be an integer that is greater than 0. Unit: milliseconds. |
| |
Timeout period of INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements | INSERT_SELECT_TIMEOUT | The maximum execution duration of the INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements in a query. Default value: 24 × 3600000. The value must be an integer that is greater than 0. Unit: milliseconds. |
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Filter conditions without pushdown |
| Disables filter condition pushdown for specific columns in a query. |
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Scheduling priority of BUILD jobs | build_task_priority | The scheduling priority of BUILD jobs. You can use a hint to configure the scheduling priority of BUILD jobs for only one table at a time. Default value: 0. The value must be an integer that is greater than or equal to 0. A greater value specifies a higher scheduling priority. |
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Elastic import |
| Selects elastic import and configures a resource group for the import job. |
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Execution plan |
| The hash join algorithm uses the right table to build a hash table, and LEFT JOIN does not re-order the left and right tables. As a result, large amounts of data in the right table may cause issues such as slow execution and excessive memory consumption. You can add a hint before an SQL statement to configure an optimizer to change LEFT JOIN to RIGHT JOIN based on the resource consumption. Valid values:
| |
reorder_joins | Specifies whether to enable the automatic join order adjustment feature. By default, the automatic join order adjustment feature of AnalyticDB MySQL is enabled. After you disable this feature, you can manually adjust join orders based on the data characteristics of queries. This allows you to execute queries based on the join orders in the written SQL statements. Valid values:
| ||
aggregation_path_type | Specifies whether to forcibly skip partial aggregation for a query. In grouping and aggregation scenarios that involve a large number of groups, two-step aggregation consumes a large number of computing resources. You can set the value of this hint parameter to single_agg to skip partial aggregation and directly perform final aggregation for a query. Valid values:
| ||
Runtime policy | hash_partition_count | The number of concurrent tasks into which each computing job can be divided. Task division helps make full use of computing resources. Default value: 32. The value must be an integer that is greater than 0. |
| None |
task_writer_count | The number of concurrent import jobs executed by using the INSERT INTO SELECT statement. If a storage node is overloaded, you can use this hint parameter to reduce the number of concurrent import jobs. Default value: 16. The value must be an integer that is greater than 0. |
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cte_execution_mode | Specifies whether to enable the common table expression (CTE) execution optimization feature. If a CTE subquery is referenced repeatedly after the CTE execution optimization feature is enabled, the subquery can be executed only once to improve the performance of specific queries. Valid values:
| ||
Limits on query conditions | query_max_shuffle_data_size_mb | The maximum amount of shuffled data for a query. By default, no error is returned regardless of the amount of queried data. If you specify this parameter and the amount of queried data in a query exceeds the specified value, the system terminates the query and returns an error. The value must be an integer that is greater than 0. Unit: MB. |
| None |
max_select_items_count | The maximum number of SELECT conditions. Default value: 1024. The value must be an integer that is greater than 0. |
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max_in_items_count | The maximum number of IN conditions. Default value: 4000. The value must be an integer that is greater than 0. |
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max_where_items_count | The maximum number of WHERE conditions. Default value: 256. The value must be an integer that is greater than 0. |
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OSS external tables | output_filename | The name of the OSS object to which you want to export data. When you use an OSS external table to export data, you can add this hint before the data export statement to specify the name of an OSS object. |
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sql_output_oss_file_head_enable | Specifies whether to include column names in the data exported to OSS. By default, the data exported to OSS by using an OSS external table does not contain column names. If you want the data to have column names, add the /*+ SQL_OUTPUT_OSS_FILE_HEAD_ENABLE=true*/ hint before the data import statement. Valid values:
| ||
hive_split_async_generation_enabled | Specifies whether to asynchronously submit tasks that run splits to a queue for execution when Hive generates an execution plan. Valid values:
Note This parameter is supported only for AnalyticDB for MySQL clusters of V3.1.10.1 or later. |
| Use external tables to import data to Data Lakehouse Edition | |
fast_parquet_reader_enable | Specifies whether to roll back to the native Parquet reader if the statistics in a Parquet file are incorrect. Valid values:
| ||
oss_vectorized_parquet_reader_enable | Specifies whether to enable vectorized reading of Parquet files if the data does not contain NULL values. Valid values:
| ||
oss_vectorized_parquet_reader_null_scene_enable | Specifies whether to enable vectorized reading of Parquet files when the data contains NULL values. Valid values:
| ||
hudi_metadata_table_enabled | Specifies whether to load Hudi metadata. Valid values:
| ||
hudi_query_type | The mode in which you want to query Hudi tables. Valid values:
| ||
hudi_realtime_skip_merge | Specifies whether to skip the merging of base files and log files when Hudi tables are queried in snapshot mode. Valid values:
| ||
hudi_max_split_size | The maximum size of a split. Default value: 128. Unit: MB. |
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hudi_split_parallel_generation_enabled | Specifies whether to generate splits in parallel. Valid values:
| ||
hudi_data_skipping_enabled | Specifies whether to use the statistics in Hudi MetaTable to skip splits that do not need to be read to improve the query performance. Valid values:
| ||
hudi_split_async_generation_enabled | Specifies whether to asynchronously generate Hudi splits during the generation of an execution plan. Valid values:
| ||
ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL external tables | jdbc_scan_splits | The number of splits that are involved in a Java Database Connectivity (JDBC)-based TableScan operation. Valid values: 1 to 100. Default value: 1. |
| Use external tables to import data to Data Lakehouse Edition |
jdbc_split_column | The name of the column that is used to divide splits when you read an ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL external table. |
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jdbc_insert_directly | Specifies whether to directly write data to the destination table. By default, when you use an ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL external table to write data, data is written first to the temporary table and then to the destination table. You can use the /*+ JDBC_INSERT_DIRECTLY=true*/ hint to configure data to be directly written to the destination table. However, if errors occur during the writing process, the destination table has dirty data. Valid values:
| ||
Tablestore external tables | ots-insert-as-update | Specifies whether to replace the UPDATE statement with the INSERT statement. Valid values:
| |
MaxCompute external tables | odps_split_limit | The maximum number of splits allowed when you use Tunnel to read data. Valid values: 1 to 1000. Default value: 1000. |
| Use external tables to import data to Data Lakehouse Edition |
ignore_partition_cache | Specifies whether to directly query the partition metadata from the MaxCompute table instead of using the cached partition metadata if a query is executed based on partitioning conditions.
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rows_per_split | The maximum number of rows that a single split can contain when you use Tunnel to read data. Valid values: 10000 to 500000. Default value: 500000. |
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storage_api_enabled | Specifies whether to use MaxCompute storage API operations to read MaxCompute data. Compared with the traditional Tunnel service, MaxCompute Storage API greatly improves the read performance. Valid values:
| ||
split_byte_size | The maximum size of a single split when you use MaxCompute Storage API to read data. Default value: 256. Unit: MB. |
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max_batch_row_count | The maximum number of rows that a single split can contain when you use MaxCompute Storage API to read data. Default value: 1024. |
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page_batch_size | The maximum number of rows that each page can contain when you use MaxCompute Storage API to read data. Default value: 1024. |
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max_allocation_per_split | The maximum peak memory that can be allocated at the split level when you use MaxCompute Storage API to read data. Default value: 300. Unit: MB. |
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async_get_split | Specifies whether to asynchronously submit tasks to a queue for execution by optimizing the split loading performance when MaxCompute generates an execution plan. Valid values:
Note This parameter is supported only for AnalyticDB for MySQL clusters of V3.1.10.1 or later. |
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Split flow control | SPLIT_FLOW_CONTROL_ENABLED | Specifies whether to enable the split flow control feature. AnalyticDB for MySQL allows you to configure the quota for concurrent split scans on a node to avoid node instability caused by excessive concurrent split scans and resource usage. Valid values:
| |
MIN_RUNNING_SPLITS_LIMIT_PER_TASK | The minimum quota for concurrent split scans in a task. Default value: 1. The valid values range from |
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TARGET_RUNNING_SPLITS_LIMIT_PER_TASK | The intermediate quota for concurrent split scans in a task. The actual quota is dynamically increased or decreased based on the value of this parameter. Default value: 32. The valid values range from the value of the |
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MAX_RUNNING_SPLITS_LIMIT_PER_TASK | The maximum quota for concurrent split scans in a task. Default value: 64. The value of this parameter must be greater than the value of the |
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Other | resource_group | The resource group used by the query. If you do not specify a resource group, the resource group that is associated with the database account is used. If the database account is not associated with a resource group, the default resource group is used. |
| None |
dml_exception_to_null_enabled | Specifies whether to write NULL values without throwing an exception if the data written by the INSERT SELECT statement contains an invalid value. Valid values:
| ||
display_hint | The identifier of the query, such as a string that specifies the user who executes the query. |