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Last Updated:Jan 16, 2025

AnalyticDB for MySQL allows you to execute the ALTER TABLE statement to change the table schema. You can change a table name, column name, column data type, regular index, clustered index, foreign key index, partition function format, and tiered storage policy for hot and cold data of a table. This topic describes how to use the ALTER TABLE statement.


ALTER TABLE table_name
  { ADD [COLUMN] column_name column_definition 
  | ADD [COLUMN] (column_name column_definition,...) 
  | ADD [CONSTRAINT [symbol]] FOREIGN KEY (fk_column_name) REFERENCES pk_table_name (pk_column_name)
  | ADD {INDEX|KEY} [index_name] (column_name,...) 
  | ADD {INDEX|KEY} [index_name] (column_name|column_name->'$.json_path',...) 
  | ADD {INDEX|KEY} [index_name] (column_name->'$[*]') 
  | ADD CLUSTERED [INDEX|KEY] [index_name] (column_name,...) 
  | ADD FULLTEXT [INDEX|KEY] index_name (column_name) [index_option]
  | ADD ANN [INDEX|KEY] [index_name] (column_name) [algorithm=HNSW_PQ ] [distancemeasure=SquaredL2]
  | COMMENT 'comment'
  | DROP CLUSTERED KEY index_name
  | DROP [COLUMN] column_name
  | DROP FULLTEXT INDEX index_name
  | DROP {INDEX|KEY} index_name
  | DROP PARTITION (partition_name,...)
  | MODIFY [COLUMN] column_name column_definition
  | RENAME COLUMN column_name TO new_column_name
  | RENAME new_table_name
  | storage_policy
  | PARTITION BY VALUE{(column_name)|(DATE_FORMAT(column_name, 'format'))|(FROM_UNIXTIME(column_name, 'format'))} LIFECYCLE N
   column_type [column_attributes][column_constraints][COMMENT 'comment']
   STORAGE_POLICY= {'HOT'|'COLD'|'MIXED' hot_partition_count=N}

All examples in this topic, except the examples of JSON indexes, foreign key indexes, and vector indexes, are provided based on the customer table created by using the CREATE TABLE statement. If you have created the customer table, you can execute the sample statements in this topic. Otherwise, execute the following sample statement to create the customer table:

Sample statement for creating the customer table

CREATE TABLE customer (
  customer_id BIGINT NOT NULL COMMENT 'Customer ID',
  customer_name VARCHAR NOT NULL COMMENT 'Customer name',
  phone_num BIGINT NOT NULL COMMENT 'Phone number',
  city_name VARCHAR NOT NULL COMMENT 'City',
  sex INT NOT NULL COMMENT 'Gender',
  id_number VARCHAR NOT NULL COMMENT 'ID card number',
  home_address VARCHAR NOT NULL COMMENT 'Home address',
  office_address VARCHAR NOT NULL COMMENT 'Office address',
  login_time TIMESTAMP NOT NULL COMMENT 'Logon time',
  PRIMARY KEY (login_time,customer_id,phone_num)
COMMENT 'Customer information table';                   


Change the name of a table


ALTER TABLE db_name.table_name RENAME new_table_name


Change the name of a table from customer to new_customer.

ALTER TABLE customer RENAME new_customer;

Change the comment of a table


ALTER TABLE db_name.table_name COMMENT 'comment'


Change the comment of the customer table to Customer table.

ALTER TABLE customer COMMENT 'Customer table';


Add a column


ALTER TABLE db_name.table_name ADD [COLUMN] 
 {column_name column_type [DEFAULT {constant|CURRENT_TIMESTAMP}|AUTO_INCREMENT] [NULL|NOT NULL] [COMMENT 'comment']
 | (column column_type [DEFAULT {constant|CURRENT_TIMESTAMP}|AUTO_INCREMENT] [NULL|NOT NULL] [COMMENT 'comment'],...)}

Usage notes

You cannot add primary key columns.


  • Add a column of the VARCHAR type named province to the customer table.

ALTER TABLE adb_demo.customer ADD COLUMN province VARCHAR COMMENT 'province';
  • Add a column of the BOOLEAN type named vip and a column of the VARCHAR type named tags to the customer table.


Remove a column


ALTER TABLE db_name.table_name DROP [COLUMN] column_name

Usage notes

You cannot remove primary key columns.


Remove the province column of the VARCHAR type from the customer table.

ALTER TABLE adb_demo.customer DROP COLUMN province;

Change the name of a column


ALTER TABLE db_name.table_name RENAME COLUMN column_name to  new_column_name

Usage notes

You cannot change the name of a primary key column.


Change the name of the city_name column in the customer table to city.

ALTER TABLE customer RENAME COLUMN city_name to city;

Change the data type of a column


ALTER TABLE db_name.table_name MODIFY [COLUMN] column_name new_column_type

Usage notes

  • You cannot change the data type of a primary key column.

  • Data type changes are subject to the following limits:

    • You can change data types only from types with a narrow value range to types with a wide value range.

    • Integer data types include TINYINT, SMALLINT, INT, and BIGINT. You can change data types with a narrow value range to those with a wide value range. For example, you can change the data type of a column from TINYINT to BIGINT, but not the other way around.

    • Floating-point data types include FLOAT and DOUBLE. You can change the data type of a column from FLOAT to DOUBLE, but not from DOUBLE to FLOAT.

    • An integer data type such as TINYINT, SMALLINT, INT, or BIGINT can be changed to a floating-point data type such as FLOAT or DOUBLE.

    • The precision of the DECIMAL type can be changed from low to high.


    Only AnalyticDB for MySQL clusters whose minor versions are to 3.1.8.x, to 3.1.9.x, to 3.1.10.x, and or later support the features of changing an integer data type to a floating-point data type and changing the precision of the DECIMAL type.


Change the data type of the age column in the customer table from INT to the BIGINT.


Change the default value of a column


ALTER TABLE db_name.table_name MODIFY [COLUMN] column_name column_type DEFAULT {constant | CURRENT_TIMESTAMP}


  • Set the default value of the sex column in the customer table to 0.

  • Set the default value of the login_time column in the customer table to CURRENT_TIMESTAMP.


Change the value constraint for a column to NULL


ALTER TABLE db_name.table_name MODIFY [COLUMN] column_name column_type {NULL}

Usage notes

You can change the value constraint for a column from NOT NULL to NULL, but not from NULL to NOT NULL.


Change the value constraint for the province column in the customer table to NULL.

ALTER TABLE adb_demo.customer MODIFY COLUMN province VARCHAR NULL;

Change the comment of a column


ALTER TABLE db_name.table_name MODIFY [COLUMN] column_name column_type COMMENT 'new_comment'


Change the comment of the province column in the customer table to The province where the customer is located.

ALTER TABLE adb_demo.customer MODIFY COLUMN province VARCHAR COMMENT 'The province where the customer is located';


Create an index

When you create a table in AnalyticDB for MySQL, index_all='Y' is used to create a full-column index by default. If no full-column index is created, you can use the following method to create an index.


ALTER TABLE db_name.table_name ADD {INDEX|KEY} [index_name] (column_name,...)


column_name: the name of the column. The preceding statement is used to create an index on columns of simple data types. To create an index on columns of the JSON type, see the "Create a JSON index" section of this topic.


Create an index on the age column in the customer table.

ALTER TABLE adb_demo.customer ADD KEY age_idx(age);

Create a JSON index

JSON indexes


ALTER TABLE db_name.table_name ADD {INDEX|KEY} [index_name] (column_name|column_name->'$.json_path',...)


  • column_name: the name of the column on which you want to create the JSON index. The column must be of the JSON type.

  • column_name->'$.json_path': the JSON property on which you want to create the JSON index. The column specified by the column_name parameter must be of the JSON type. For more information about JSON indexes, see JSON indexes.

    • Only AnalyticDB for MySQL clusters of V3.1.6.8 or later support the column_name->'$.json_path parameter.

      • To query the minor version of an AnalyticDB for MySQL Data Lakehouse Edition cluster, execute the SELECT adb_version(); statement. To update the minor version of a cluster, contact technical support.

      • For information about how to view and update the minor version of an AnalyticDB for MySQL Data Warehouse Edition cluster, see Update the minor version of a cluster.

    • If a JSON column already has an index, you must delete the index for the JSON column before you can create an index for a property key of the JSON column.

Usage notes

The created JSON index takes effect only after the BUILD job is complete. For information about automatic BUILD jobs, manual BUILD jobs, and the status of BUILD jobs, see BUILD. You can execute the SHOW CREATE TABLE db_name.table_name; statement to query whether the JSON index takes effect.


If you create a JSON index in a partitioned table, you must execute a BUILD statement on the entire table to allow the created JSON index to take effect.


The following statements are used create the table schema and insert data:

CREATE TABLE json_test(
  id INT,
  vj JSON
INSERT INTO json_test VALUES(1,'{"a":1,"b":2}'),(2,'{"a":2,"b":3}'));

Create a JSON index on the a property of the vj column in the json_test table.

ALTER TABLE json_test ADD KEY age_idx(vj->'$.a');

JSON array indexes


ALTER TABLE db_name.table_name ADD {INDEX|KEY} [index_name] (column_name->'$[*]')


column_name->'$[*]': column_name specifies the name of the column on which you want to create the JSON array index. For example, vj->'$[*]' specifies to create a JSON array index on the vj column.

Usage notes

The created JSON array index takes effect only after the BUILD job is complete. For information about automatic BUILD jobs, manual BUILD jobs, and the status of BUILD jobs, see BUILD.


The following statements are used create the table schema and insert data:

CREATE TABLE json_test(
  id INT,
  vj JSON
INSERT INTO json_test VALUES(1, '["CP-018673", 1, false]');

Create a JSON array index on the vj column in the json_test table.

ALTER TABLE json_test ADD KEY index_vj(vj->'$[*]');

Delete an index or JSON index


ALTER TABLE db_name.table_name DROP KEY index_name


index_name: the name of the index that you want to delete. You can execute the SHOW INDEX FROM db_name.table_name; statement to query the value of the index_name parameter.


  • Delete the index named age_idx from the customer table.

    ALTER TABLE adb_demo.customer DROP KEY age_idx;
  • Delete the JSON array index named index_vj from the json_test table.

    ALTER TABLE adb_demo.customer DROP KEY index_vj;

Create a clustered index


ALTER TABLE db_name.table_name ADD CLUSTERED [INDEX|KEY] [index_name] (column_name,...)

Usage notes

  • You cannot create a clustered index for a table that already has a clustered index. A table can have only one clustered index.

  • The created clustered index takes effect only after the BUILD job is complete. For information about automatic BUILD jobs, manual BUILD jobs, and the status of BUILD jobs, see BUILD. You can execute the SHOW CREATE TABLE db_name.table_name; statement to query whether the clustered index takes effect.


Create a clustered index on the customer_id column in the customer table.

ALTER TABLE adb_demo.customer ADD CLUSTERED KEY (customer_id);

Delete a clustered index


ALTER TABLE db_name.table_name DROP CLUSTERED KEY index_name


index_name: the name of the clustered index that you want to delete. You can execute the SHOW CREATE TABLE db_name.table_name statement to query the name of the clustered index.


Delete the clustered index on the customer_id column from the customer table.

ALTER TABLE adb_demo.customer DROP CLUSTERED KEY (customer_id);

Create a full-text index


An AnalyticDB for MySQL cluster of V3.1.4.9 or later is created.



ALTER TABLE db_name.table_name ADD FULLTEXT [INDEX|KEY] index_name (column_name) [index_option]


  • column_name: the name of the column on which you want to create the full-text index. The column must be of the VARCHAR type.

  • index_option: the analyzer and the custom dictionary that you want to use for the full-text index. This parameter is optional.

    • WITH ANALYZER analyzer_name: specifies the analyzer used for the full-text index. For more information about the analyzers supported by AnalyticDB for MySQL, see Analyzers for full-text indexes.

    • WITH DICT tbl_dict_name: specifies the custom dictionary used for the full-text index. For more information about the custom dictionaries supported by AnalyticDB for MySQL, see Custom dictionaries for full-text indexes.

Usage notes

The created full-text index takes effect only after the BUILD job is complete. For information about automatic BUILD jobs, manual BUILD jobs, and the status of BUILD jobs, see BUILD.


Create a full-text index on the home_address column in the customer table.

ALTER TABLE adb_demo.customer ADD FULLTEXT INDEX fidx_k(home_address) WITH ANALYZER standard;

Delete a full-text index


ALTER TABLE db_name.table_name DROP FULLTEXT INDEX index_name


  • column_name: the name of the column on which you want to create the full-text index. The column must be of the VARCHAR type.

  • index_option: the analyzer and the custom dictionary that you want to use for the full-text index. This parameter is optional.

    • WITH ANALYZER analyzer_name: specifies the analyzer used for the full-text index. For more information about the analyzers supported by AnalyticDB for MySQL, see Analyzers for full-text indexes.

    • WITH DICT tbl_dict_name: specifies the custom dictionary used for the full-text index. For more information about the custom dictionaries supported by AnalyticDB for MySQL, see Custom dictionaries for full-text indexes.


Delete the full-text index named fidx_k from the customer table.

ALTER TABLE adb_demo.customer DROP FULLTEXT INDEX fidx_k;

For more information, see Create a full-text index.

Create a vector index


An AnalyticDB for MySQL cluster of V3.1.4.0 or later is created.

  • To use the vector search feature, we recommend that you use the following minor versions:,,, and later.

  • If your cluster is not of the preceding versions, we recommend that you set the CSTORE_PROJECT_PUSH_DOWN and CSTORE_PPD_TOP_N_ENABLE parameters to false before you use the vector search feature.

  • For information about how to query the minor version of an AnalyticDB for MySQL cluster, see How do I query the version of an AnalyticDB for MySQL cluster? To update the minor version of a cluster, contact technical support.


ALTER TABLE db_name.table_name ADD ANN [INDEX|KEY] [index_name] (column_name) [algorithm=HNSW_PQ ] [distancemeasure=SquaredL2]


  • index_name: the name of the index. For information about the naming conventions of indexes, see the "Naming limits" section of the Limits topic.

  • column_name: the name of the vector column. The vector column must be of the ARRAY <FLOAT>, ARRAY <BYTE>, or ARRAY <SMALLINT> type.

  • algorithm: the algorithm that is used to calculate the vector distance. Set the value to HNSW_PQ.

  • distancemeasure: the formula that is used to calculate the vector distance. Set the value to SquaredL2. Calculation formula of SquaredL2: (x1 - y1)2 + (x2 - y2)2 + ...(xn - yn)2.


The vector table is created by executing the following statement:

  xid BIGINT not null,
  cid BIGINT not null,
  uid VARCHAR not null,
  vid VARCHAR not null,
  wid VARCHAR not null,
  float_feature array < FLOAT >(4),
  short_feature array < SMALLINT >(4),
  PRIMARY KEY (xid, cid, vid)

Create vector indexes for the float_feature and short_feature columns in the vector table.

ALTER TABLE vector ADD ANN INDEX idx_float_feature(float_feature);
ALTER TABLE vector ADD ANN INDEX idx_short_feature(short_feature);

Create a foreign key index


Only AnalyticDB for MySQL clusters of V3.1.10 or later support the FOREIGN KEY clause.


To query the minor version of an AnalyticDB for MySQL Data Lakehouse Edition cluster, execute the SELECT adb_version(); statement. To update the minor version of a cluster, contact technical support.


ALTER TABLE db_name.table_name ADD [CONSTRAINT [symbol]] FOREIGN KEY (fk_column_name) REFERENCES db_name.pk_table_name (pk_column_name)


  • db_name.table_name: the name of the table for which you want to create the foreign key index.

  • symbol: the name of the foreign key constraint. The name must be unique in a table. This parameter is optional. If you do not specify this parameter, the parser automatically uses the name of the foreign key column suffixed with _fk as the name of the foreign key constraint.

  • fk_column_name: the name of the foreign key column. The column must already exist.

  • pk_table_name: the name of the primary table. The primary table must already exist.

  • pk_column_name: the name of the foreign key constraint column, which is the primary key column of the primary table. The column must already exist.

Usage notes

  • Each table can have multiple foreign key indexes.

  • A foreign key index cannot consist of multiple columns, such as FOREIGN KEY (sr_item_sk, sr_ticket_number) REFERENCES store_sales(ss_item_sk,d_date_sk).

  • AnalyticDB for MySQL does not check data constraints. You must check the data constraint relationships between the primary key of the primary table and the foreign keys of the associated table.

  • You cannot add foreign key constraints to external tables.


The item and store_sales tables are created by executing the following statements:

 i_item_sk BIGINT NOT NULL,
 i_current_price BIGINT,
 PRIMARY KEY(i_item_sk)
CREATE TABLE store_sales
 ss_sale_id BIGINT,
 ss_store_sk BIGINT,
 ss_item_sk BIGINT NOT NULL,
 PRIMARY KEY(ss_sale_id)

Create a foreign key index named ss_item_sk for the store_sales table and allow the foreign key index to be associated with the i_item_sk key of the item table.

ALTER TABLE store_sales ADD CONSTRAINT ss_item_sk FOREIGN KEY (ss_item_sk) REFERENCES item (i_item_sk);

For more information, see Use primary and foreign key constraints to eliminate unnecessary joins.

Delete a foreign key index


ALTER TABLE db_name.table_name DROP FOREIGN KEY fk_symbol


ALTER TABLE store_returns DROP FOREIGN KEY sr_item_sk_fk;


Change the partition function format of a table


Before you change the partition function format, make sure that your AnalyticDB for MySQL cluster meets the following requirements:

  • The minor version of the cluster is,,,, or later.

    • To query the minor version of an AnalyticDB for MySQL Data Lakehouse Edition cluster, execute the SELECT adb_version(); statement. To update the minor version of a cluster, contact technical support.

    • For information about how to view and update the minor version of an AnalyticDB for MySQL Data Warehouse Edition cluster, see Update the minor version of a cluster.

  • The feature of changing the partition function format is enabled by technical support.


ALTER TABLE table_name PARTITION BY VALUE{(column_name)|(DATE_FORMAT(column_name, 'format'))|(FROM_UNIXTIME(column_name, 'format'))} LIFECYCLE N 

Usage notes

  • You cannot change a non-partitioned table to a partitioned table or a partitioned table to a non-partitioned table. Essentially, you cannot add or remove partition keys.

  • You cannot add, remove, or change partition key fields based on existing partition keys.

  • You can change the partition function format between PARTITION BY VALUE(column) and PARTITION BY VALUE(DATE_FORMAT(...)) or PARTITION BY VALUE(FROM_UNIXTIME(...)).

  • You can change the format parameter.

  • The new partition function format takes effect only after the BUILD job is complete.


For information about automatic BUILD jobs, manual BUILD jobs, and the status of BUILD jobs, see BUILD. You can execute the SHOW CREATE TABLE db_name.table_name; statement to query whether the new partition function format takes effect.


  • Change the partition function format of the customer table from PARTITION BY VALUE(login_time) LIFECYCLE 10 to PARTITION BY VALUE(DATE_FORMAT(login_time, '%Y%m')) LIFECYCLE 20.

  • Change the partition function format of the customer table from PARTITION BY VALUE(FROM_UNIXTIME(login_time, '%Y%m%d')) LIFECYCLE 20 to PARTITION BY VALUE(FROM_UNIXTIME(login_time, '%Y%m')) LIFECYCLE 30.


Change the partition lifecycle of a table


ALTER TABLE db_name.table_name PARTITIONS N

Usage notes

The new partition lifecycle takes effect only after the BUILD job is complete. For information about automatic BUILD jobs, manual BUILD jobs, and the status of BUILD jobs, see BUILD. You can execute the SHOW CREATE TABLE db_name.table_name; statement to query whether the new partition lifecycle takes effect.


Change the partition lifecycle of the customer table from 30 to 40.


Delete a partition


The ALTER TABLE DROP PARTITION statement is equivalent to the TRUNCATE TABLE PARTITION statement. For more information about TRUNCATE TABLE PARTITION, see TRUNCATE TABLE.


ALTER TABLE db_name.table_name DROP PARTITION (partition_name,...)

Usage notes

After you delete a partition, the data that is contained in the partition is cleared and cannot be recovered. Proceed with caution.


  • Delete the 20241220 partition from the customer table.

    ALTER TABLE adb_demo.customer DROP PARTITION (20241220);
  • Delete the 20241218 and the 20241219 partitions from the customer table.

    ALTER TABLE adb_demo.customer DROP PARTITION (20241218,20241219);

Storage policies

Change the tiered storage policy of hot and cold data


An AnalyticDB for MySQL Data Lakehouse Edition cluster or Data Warehouse Edition cluster in elastic mode is created.


ALTER TABLE db_name.table_name STORAGE_POLICY= {'HOT'|'COLD'|'MIXED' hot_partition_count=N}

Usage notes

The new tiered storage policy takes effect only after the BUILD job is complete. For information about automatic BUILD jobs, manual BUILD jobs, and the status of BUILD jobs, see BUILD. You can execute the SHOW CREATE TABLE db_name.table_name; statement to query whether the new storage policy takes effect.


  • Change the storage policy of the customer table to COLD.

    ALTER TABLE customer storage_policy = 'COLD';
  • Change the storage policy of the customer table to HOT.

    ALTER TABLE customer storage_policy = 'HOT';
  • Change the storage policy of the customer table to MIXED and use the hot_partition_count parameter to specify 10 hot partitions.

    ALTER TABLE customer storage_policy = 'MIXED' hot_partition_count = 10;


Can I change the column order in a table?

No, you cannot change the column order in a table.

How do I change the data type of a column from VARCHAR to LONGTEXT?

AnalyticDB for MySQL supports strings of the VARCHAR and BINARY types. The VARCHAR type corresponds to the CHAR, VARCHAR, TEXT, MEDIUMTEXT, and LONGTEXT types in MySQL. You do not need to change the data type of a column from VARCHAR to LONGTEXT.

After I add an auto-increment column to an existing table that contains data, does the system automatically populate the column for historical data?

No. After you add an auto-increment column to an existing table that contains data, the system automatically populates the column only for newly inserted data. If you want the system to automatically populate the column for historical data, you must create a table that contains the auto-increment column and migrate data from the existing table to the new table.

Can I change the distribution key or partition key of a table?

No, you cannot add, remove, or change the distribution key or partition key of a table in an AnalyticDB for MySQL cluster. If you want to use a different distribution key or partition key for your table, perform the following steps.

In this example, the distribution key of the order table is changed from order_id to customer_id.

  1. Create a temporary table named order_auto_opt_v1 and set the distribution key to customer_id.

    CREATE TABLE order_auto_opt_v1 (
      order_id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'Order ID',
      customer_id bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'Customer ID',
      customer_name varchar NOT NULL COMMENT 'Customer name',
      order_time timestamp NOT NULL COMMENT 'Order time',
      -- Other fields are omitted.
      PRIMARY KEY (order_id,customer_id,order_time) -- Add the distribution key customer_id and the partition key order_time to the primary key.
    DISTRIBUTED BY HASH(customer_id) -- Change the distribution key from order_id to customer_id.
    PARTITION BY VALUE(DATE_FORMAT(order_time, '%Y%m%d')) LIFECYCLE 90 -- Retain the partition settings.
    COMMENT 'Order information table';
  2. Execute the INSERT OVERWRITE SELECT statement to import data from the source table to the temporary table. For more information, see INSERT OVERWRITE SELECT.

    INSERT OVERWRITE order_auto_opt_v1
    SELECT * FROM order;
  3. After data is imported, check for issues related to the new distribution key, such as data skew. For more information, see Storage diagnostics.

  4. Execute the RENAME TABLE <Name of the source table> to <New name of the source table>; statement to change the name of the source table.

    RENAME TABLE order to order_backup; -- After data is imported, rename the source table as a backup.
  5. Execute the RENAME TABLE <Name of the temporary table> to <Name of the source table>; statement to change the name of the temporary table to the name of the source table.

    RENAME TABLE order_auto_opt_v1 to order;

Can I add or change primary keys?

  • You cannot add or remove primary keys. A table that does not have a primary key cannot be changed to a table that has a primary key. A table that has a primary key cannot be changed to a table that does not have a primary key.

  • You cannot add or remove primary key columns.

  • You cannot change the name of a primary key column.

  • You cannot change the data type of a primary key column.

I changed the partition lifecycle or the tiered storage policy of hot and cold data of a table, but the changes did not take effect. Why?

The new partition lifecycle or tiered storage policy takes effect only after the BUILD job is complete. For information about automatic BUILD jobs, manual BUILD jobs, and the status of BUILD jobs, see BUILD.

You can execute the SHOW CREATE TABLE db_name.table_name; statement to query whether the new partition lifecycle or tiered storage policy takes effect.