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Container Service for Kubernetes:Use GitOps to manage ACK clusters

Last Updated:Apr 23, 2024

This topic describes how to use GitOps to manage Container Service for Kubernetes (ACK) clusters.


You are logged on to the GitOps system. For more information, see Log on to the GitOps system.


You cannot use the web interface of Argo CD to manage ACK clusters.

View the clusters added to the GitOps system

Run the following command to query the clusters that are added to the GitOps system:

argocd cluster list

Expected output:

SERVER                          NAME                                        VERSION  STATUS   MESSAGE                                                  PROJECT
https://kubernetes.default.svc  in-cluster                                           Unknown  Cluster has no applications and is not being monitored.

Add associated clusters to the GitOps system

After you enable GitOps for an ACK One Fleet instance, GitOps automatically detects the clusters that are associated with the ACK One Fleet instance and adds the clusters to the GitOps system.

  1. Associate Cluster Staging and Cluster Production with the ACK One Fleet instance. For more information, see Manage associated clusters.

    After you associate Cluster Staging and Cluster Production with the ACK One Fleet instance, GitOps automatically adds the clusters to the GitOps system.

  2. Run the following command to query the clusters that are added to the GitOps system:

    argocd cluster list

    Expected output:

    SERVER                          NAME                                        VERSION  STATUS   MESSAGE                                                  PROJECT
    https://47.91.XX.XX:6443        xxxxxxxxxx225aa20e34ac08-Staging           Unknown  Cluster has no applications and is not being monitored.
    https://47.111.XX.XX:6443       xxxxxxxxxx7094a6abeb1423-Prodution         Unknown  Cluster has no applications and is not being monitored.
    https://kubernetes.default.svc  in-cluster                                Unknown  Cluster has no applications and is not being monitored.

Remove associated clusters from the GitOps system

After you disassociate a cluster from the ACK One Fleet instance, GitOps automatically removes the cluster from the GitOps system.