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Last Updated:Jul 22, 2022

Responses are returned only in the JSON format. Sample responses provided in API reference are formatted with line breaks and indentations for better readability and clarity. However, the actual responses are not formatted with line breaks or indentations.

Sample success responses

After an API operation is successfully called, a success response that contains the request ID and result is returned. The HTTP status code is 2xx.

    "RequestId": "6CE0E12F-65BF-42B9-BD3C-C85E1832D938",
    "Result": {
        "InstanceId": "airec-cn-90zs1145ddqq83f4y",
        "Name": "airec-cn-90zs1145ddqq83f4y",
        "Type": "Standard",
        "Status": "Running",
        "Industry": "content",
        "Scene": "gul",
        "RegionId": "cn-hangzhou",
        "ChargeType": "PrePaid",
        "CommodityCode": "airecpre",
        "GmtCreate": "2018-11-24T01:42:03.000Z",
        "GmtModified": "2018-11-24T01:45:09.000Z",
        "ExpiredTime": "2018-11-25T01:42:00.000Z",
        "LockMode": "Unlock"

Sample error responses

If an error occurs when you call an operation, an error response that consists of the error code, error message, and request ID is returned. The HTTP status code is 4xx or 5xx.

You can fix errors based on the error codes. If the error persists, you can submit a ticket and provide the RequestId to obtain technical support from Alibaba Cloud.

    "Message":"The specified instance does not exist. Check the instanceId please." 