
You can call this API to retrieve the performance data for a database.

Note You can retrieve a maximum of 400 records for each request. The number of records for each request must satisfy the following formula: (EndTime – StartTime)/Interval < 400. Otherwise, an error message is returned.

Request parameters

Name Type Required Description
<Common request parameters> - - For more information, see Common parameters.
Action String Yes Required parameter, and the value is DescribeDatabasePerformance.
InstanceId String Yes The ID of the instance.
DBName String Yes The name of the database.
Interval String Yes The sampling interval.
KeyList String Yes The monitoring metrics for database performance. Separate multiple metrics by commas (,). For more information about the metrics, see the PerformanceValue table.
StartTime String Yes The start time of the data sampling.
EndTime String Yes The end time of the data sampling.
MonitorGroup String No The monitoring group.

Response parameters

Name Type Description
<Common response parameters> String For more information, see Common response parameters.
MonitorDatas List<MonitorData> The information about the monitoring data.
Table 1. MonitorData
Name Type Description
DBInstanceId String  The ID of the instance to which the database belongs.
Key String The name of the metric.
Unit String The unit of the metric.
PerformanceValues List<PerformanceValue> The performance data.
Table 2. PerformanceValue
Name Type Description
Value String The value of the metric.
Date String The timestamp for the monitoring data, accurate to milliseconds.

Sample requests
&<[Common request parameters]>

Sample responses

XML format


JSON format

