
You can call this API to create an account for a distributed database instance. You can create a maximum of three accounts for the instance.

Note The required parameters in this operation contain private data such as passwords. For your data security, you must call this operation over HTTPS.

Request parameters

Name Type Required Description
<Common request parameters> - - For more information, see Common parameters.
Action String Yes Required parameter, and the value is CreateAccount.
InstanceId String Yes The ID of the instance.
AccountName String Yes The name of the account. The account name must be 2-10 characters in length. It must start with a lowercase letter and can contain lowercase letters, numbers, and underscores (_).
AccountPassword String Yes The password for the account. The password must be 8-32 characters in length. It must contain at least three types of characters, including uppercase letters, lowercase letters, number, and special characters.
AccountType  String No The type of the account. Valid values: Normal and Super.
  • Normal: a standard account.
  • Super: a super user.
  • Leave the value blank means the default value Normal.
DBInfo String No The key-value pairs that map account privileges to databases. The account privilege can be:
  • ReadWrite
  • ReadOnly
  • DDLOnly

For example, {"ReadOnly":["mydb","mydb2"],"ReadWrite":["mydb3",mydb4]}.

DBName String No The name of the database. Separate multiple databases by commas (,).
AccountPrivilege String No The privilege of the account. Valid values:
  • ReadWrite (default)
  • ReadOnly
  • DDLOnly
AccountDescription String No The description of the account.
Note The description cannot start with http:// or https://. It must start with a Chinese character or a letter. It can contain Chinese characters, letters, numbers, underscores (_), and hyphens (-). The description must be 2-256 characters in length.
ClientToken String No The client token, used to perform idempotence check.
AccountVersion String No The version of an account, and the value can be 0 or 1.
  • 0: Old version, set this value to disable the privilege granting, and the only valid privilege is ReadWrite.
  • 1: New version, set this value to enable account privileges granting.

Response parameters

Table 1. Response Parameters
Name Type Description
<Common response parameters> - For more information, see Common response parameters.

Sample requests
&<[Common request parameters]>

Sample responses

XML format


JSON format

   "RequestId": "2FED790E-FB61-4721-8C1C-07C627FA5A19"