
You can call this API to create an instance. You can connect to the instance using the returned information in the MySQL client.

When you create an instance, you must also create a database and an account for the instance.

Note The required parameters in this operation contain private data such as passwords. For your data security, you must call this API over HTTPS.

Request parameters

Name Type Required Description
<Common request parameters> - Yes For more information, see Common parameters.
Action String Yes Required parameter, and the value is CreateInstance.
RegionId String Yes The ID of the region. You can call the DescribeRegions operation to retrieve the IDs of the available regions.
ZoneId String Yes The ID of the zone. You can call the DescribeRegions operation to retrieve the available zones.
DBName String Yes The name of the database.
NodeSpec String Yes The specification of the instance.
NodeNumber String Yes The number of nodes.
AccountName String Yes The name of the account.
AccountPassword String Yes The password for the account.
PayType String No The billing method. Valid values: PrePaid (Subscription) and PostPaid ( Pay-As-You-Go). The default value is PostPaid.
NetworkType String Yes The network type of an instance. Valid values: Classic and VPC. Default value: Classic.
VPCId String No If you specify InstanceNetworkType as VPC, you must also specify VPCId. The VPC and the instance must be in the same region.
VSwitchId String No When you specify VPC for the InstanceNetworkType, you must specify VSwitchId. The vSwitch and the instance must be in the same zone.
InstanceName String No The description of the instance must be no more than 256 characters in length.
SecurityIPList String No The IP whitelist. Default value:
ClientToken String No The customized token, used for idempotence check.

Response Parameters

Name Type Description
<Common response parameters> String For more information, see Common response parameters.
InstanceId String The ID of the instance.
OrderId String The ID of the order.

Sample requests
&<[Common request parameters]>

Sample responses

XML format


JSON format
