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:Data dictionary

Last Updated:Feb 26, 2019


Name Type Description
ProductCode String The code of the specified product.
ProductType String The type of the specified product.
Name String The name of the specified product.
PackageTypes PackageType The type of the specified resource package. For more information, see Data dictionary #PackageType


Name Type Description
Name String The name of the specified resource package type.
PackageType String The code of the specified resource package type.
Properties Property The details of the properties. For more information, see Data dictionary #Property
Specifications Specification The details of the specifications. For more information, see Data dictionary #Specification


Name Type Description
Name String The name of the specified property.
Value String The value of the specified property.


Name Type Description
Name String The name of the specified specification.
Value String The value of the specified specification.
AvailableDurations AvailableDuration The details of available durations. For more information, see Data dictionary #AvailableDuration


Name Type Description
Name String The name of the specified duration.
Value String The value of the specified duration.
PricingCycle String The unit of the specified duration of the specified resource package. Default value: Month. Valid values: Month, Year


Name Type Description
Id Integer The ID of the specified promotion.
Name String The name of the specified promotion.


Name Type Description
PackageType String Package type
Region String AZ
InstanceId String The ID of the specified instance.
TotalAmount String The total data transfers of the specified instance.
totalAmountUnit String The unit of the data transfers of the specified instance.
RemainingAmount String The remaining data transfers of the specified instance.
remainingAmountUnit String The unit of the remaining data transfers.
EffectiveTime String The effective date of the specified instance.
ExpiryTime String The expiration date of the specified instance.
Remark String Target products.