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Data Lake Analytics - Deprecated:Mathematical functions

Last Updated:Apr 20, 2021

  • ABS: returns the absolute value of a number.

  • CBRT: returns the cube root of a number.

  • CEILING/CEIL: rounds up a number to the nearest integer.

  • DEGREES: converts radians into degrees.

  • E: returns the constant Euler’s number.

  • EXP: returns Euler’s number raised to the power of x.

  • FLOOR: rounds down a number to the nearest integer.

  • FROM_BASE: returns the value of the string interpreted as a base-radix number.

  • LN: returns the natural logarithm of a number.

  • LOG2: returns the logarithm of a number with 2 as the base.

  • LOG10: returns the logarithm of a number with 10 as the base.

  • LOG: returns the logarithm of x with b as the base.

  • MOD: returns the remainder.

  • PI: returns the constant pi.

  • POWER/POW: returns x raised to the power of p.

  • RADIANS: converts angle x in degrees to radians.

  • RANDOM/RAND: returns a pseudo-random value.

  • ROUND: returns x rounded to the nearest integer, or returns x rounded to d decimal places.

  • SIGN: returns the signum function of x. The result may be -1, 0, or 1.

  • SQRT: returns the square root of a number.

  • TO_BASE: returns the base-radix representation of x.

  • TRUNCATE: returns x rounded to an integer by dropping digits after the decimal point.

  • WIDTH_BUCKET: returns the value of x in its range after the range delimited by the minimum value bound1 and maximum value bound2 is divided into n equal parts.

  • ACOS: returns the arc cosine of a number.

  • ASIN: returns the arc sine of a number.

  • ATAN: returns the arc tangent of a number.

  • ATAN2: returns the arc tangent of parameter 1 divided by parameter 2.

  • COS: returns the cosine of a number.

  • COSH: returns the hyperbolic cosine of a number.

  • SIN: returns the sine of a number.

  • TAN: returns the tangent of a number.

  • TANH: returns the hyperbolic tangent of a number.

  • COT: returns the cotangent function of a number.

  • INFINITY: returns a constant that represents positive infinity.

  • IS_FINITE: determines whether x is finite.

  • IS_INFINITE: determines whether x is infinite.

  • IS_NAN: determines whether x is not-a-number.

  • NAN: returns the constant representing not-a-number.

  • CRC32: calculates the cyclic redundancy check value and returns a 32-bit unsigned value. If the parameter is NULL, NULL is returned.

  • REMAINDER: returns the remainder of one parameter divided by another parameter.

  • BITAND: returns the result of the bitwise AND operation for two numeric values.

Note: All trigonometric functions are expressed in radians.


  • Command Description: This command returns the absolute value of a number.

  • Return Value Type: the same as the input value type.

  • Example:

     select abs(-9); +-------------+ | _col0 | +-------------+ | 9 |


  • Command Description: This command returns the cube root of a number.

  • Return value type: DOUBLE.

  • Example:

     select cbrt(8); +-------+ | _col0 | +-------+ | 2.0 |


  • command description: This command rounds up a number to an integer.

  • Return value type: LONG.

  • Example:

     select ceiling(2.3); +-------+ | _col0 | +-------+ | 3 |


  • Command Description: This command converts radians into degrees.

  • Return value type: DOUBLE.

  • Example:

     select degrees(1.3); +-------------------+ | _col0 | +-------------------+ | 74.48451336700703 |


  • Command Description: This command returns the constant Euler’s number.

  • Return value type: DOUBLE.

  • Example:

     select e(); +-------------------+ | _col0 | +-------------------+ | 2.718281828459045 |


  • Command description: This command returns Euler’s number raised to the power of x.

  • Return value type: DOUBLE.

  • Example:

     select exp(2); +-------------------+ | _col0 | +-------------------+ | 7.38905609893065 |


floor(int) floor(bigint) floor(double)
  • Command description: This command rounds down a number to an integer.

  • Return value type: LONG.

  • Example:

     select floor(7.8); +-------+ | _col0 | +-------+ | 7 |


from_base(string, radix);
  • Command description: This command returns the value of the string interpreted as a base-radix number.

  • Return value type: BIGINT.

  • Example:

     SELECT from_base('0110', 2); +-------+ | _col0 | +-------+ | 6 | SELECT from_base('0110', 8); +-------+ | 72 | SELECT from_base('00a0', 16); +-------+ | _col0 | +-------+ | 160|


  • Command Description: This command returns the natural logarithm of a number.

  • Return value type: DOUBLE.

  • Example:

     select ln(2.718281828459045); +-------+ | _col0 | +-------+ | 1.0 |


  • Command Description: This command returns the logarithm of a number with 2 as the base.

  • Return value type: DOUBLE.

  • Example:

     select log2(8); +-------+ | _col0 | +-------+ | 3.0 |


  • Command Description: This command returns the logarithm of a number with 10 as the base.

  • Return value type: DOUBLE.

  • Example:

     select log10(100); +-------+ | _col0 | +-------+ | 2.0 |


log(x, b)
  • Command description: This command returns the logarithm of x with b as the base.

  • Return value type: DOUBLE.

  • Example:

     select log(10,100); +-------+ | _col0 | +-------+ | 2.0 |


  • Command Description: This command returns the remainder.

  • Example:

     SELECT mod(cast(4.5 as tinyint), 3); +-------+ | _col0 | +-------+ | 2 | SELECT mod(cast(4.5 as smallint), 3); +-------+ | _col0 | +-------+ | 2 | SELECT mod(cast(4.5 as int), 3); +-------+ | _col0 | +-------+ | 2 | SELECT mod(cast(4.5 as bigint), 3); +-------+ | _col0 | +-------+ | 2 | SELECT mod(cast(4.5 as double), 3); +-------+ | _col0 | +-------+ | 1.5 |


  • Command description: This command returns the constant pi.

  • Return value type: DOUBLE.

  • Example:

     select pi(); +-------------------+ | _col0 | +-------------------+ | 3.141592653589793 |


power(x, p)
  • Command description: This command returns x raised to the power of p.

  • Return value type: DOUBLE.

  • Example:

     select power(1.2,3.4); +-------------------+ | _col0 | +-------------------+ | 1.858729691979481 |


  • Command description: This command converts angle x in degrees to radians.

  • Return value type: DOUBLE.

  • Example:

     select radians(60.0); +--------------------+ | _col0 | +--------------------+ | 1.0471975511965976 |


random() random(n)
  • Command description: This command returns a pseudo-random value.

  • Return value type: DOUBLE.

  • Example:

     select random(); +--------------------+ | _col0 | +--------------------+ | 0.5709993917553757 | select random(cast(3 as tinyint)); +--------------------+ | _col0 | +--------------------+ | 2 | select random(cast(3 as smallint)); +--------------------+ | _col0 | +--------------------+ | 1 | select random(cast(3 as int)); +--------------------+ | _col0 | +--------------------+ | 1 | select random(cast(3 as bigint)); +--------------------+ | _col0 | +--------------------+ | 1 |


round(x) round(x, d)
  • Command description: This command returns x rounded to the nearest integer, or returns x rounded to d decimal places.

  • Return value type: BIGINT or DOUBLE

  • Example:

     SELECT round(cast(4.5 as tinyint), 3); +-------+ | _col0 | +-------+ | 5 | SELECT round(cast(4.5 as smallint), 3); +-------+ | _col0 | +-------+ | 5 | SELECT round(cast(4.5 as int), 3); +-------+ | _col0 | +-------+ | 5 | SELECT round(cast(4.5 as bigint), 3); +-------+ | _col0 | +-------+ | 5 | SELECT round(cast(4.5 as double), 3); +-------+ | _col0 | +-------+ | 4.5 | SELECT round(cast(4.5 as tinyint)); +-------+ | _col0 | +-------+ | 5 | SELECT round(cast(4.5 as smallint)); +-------+ | _col0 | +-------+ | 5 | SELECT round(cast(4.5 as double)); +-------+ | _col0 | +-------+ | 5.0 |


  • Command Description: This command returns the signum function of x. The result may be -1, 0, or 1.

  • Example:

     SELECT sign(0); +-------+ | _col0 | +-------+ | 0 | SELECT sign(34); +-------+ | _col0 | +-------+ | 1 | SELECT sign(-23); +-------+ | _col0 | +-------+ | -1 | SELECT sign(1.023); +-------+ | _col0 | +-------+ | 1.0 | SELECT sign(-1.023); +-------+ | _col0 | +-------+ | -1 |


  • Command Description: This command returns the square root of a number.

  • Return value type: DOUBLE.

  • Example:

     select sqrt(4); +-------+ | _col0 | +-------+ | 2.0 |


to_base(x, radix)
  • Command description: This command returns the base-radix representation of x.

  • Return value type: VARCHAR.

  • Example:

     SELECT to_base(8,8); +-------+ | _col0 | +-------+ | 10 |


  • Command description: This command returns x rounded to integer by dropping digits after decimal point.

  • Return value type: DOUBLE.

  • Example:

     select truncate(2.3); +-------+ | _col0 | +-------+ | 2.0 | select truncate(2.3456,2); +--------+ | _col0 | +--------+ | 2.3400 | SELECT truncate(cast(4.5 as tinyint), 3); +-------+ | _col0 | +-------+ | 5 | SELECT truncate(cast(4.5 as smallint), 3); +-------+ | _col0 | +-------+ | 5 | SELECT truncate(cast(4.5 as int), 3); +-------+ | _col0 | +-------+ | 5 | SELECT truncate(cast(4.5 as bigint), 3); +-------+ | _col0 | +-------+ | 5 |


width_bucket(x, bound1, bound2, n);
  • Command description: This command returns the value of x in its range after the range delimited by the minimum value bound1 and maximum value bound2 is divided into n equal parts.

  • Return value type: BIGINT.

  • Example:

     SELECT WIDTH_BUCKET(5,3,4,5); +--------------------+ | _col0 | +--------------------+ | 6 |


All trigonometric functions are expressed in radians. Please refer to 《DEGREES》 and 《RADIANS》 for unit conversion.


  • Command Description: This command returns the arc cosine of a number.

  • Return value type: DOUBLE.

  • Example:

     select acos(0.5); +--------------------+ | _col0 | +--------------------+ | 1.0471975511965979 |


  • Command Description: This command returns the arc sine of a number.

  • Return value type: DOUBLE.

  • Example:

     select asin(0.5); +--------------------+ | _col0 | +--------------------+ | 0.5235987755982989 |


  • Command description: This command returns the arc tangent of a number.

  • Return value type: DOUBLE.

  • Example:

     select atan(0.5); +--------------------+ | _col0 | +--------------------+ | 0.4636476090008061 |


atan2(double, double)
  • Command description: This command returns the arc tangent of parameter 1 divided by parameter 2.

  • Return value type: DOUBLE.

  • Example:

     select atan2(0.5,0.3); +--------------------+ | _col0 | +--------------------+ | 1.0303768265243125 |


  • Command Description: This command returns the cosine of a number.

  • Return value type: DOUBLE.

  • Example:

     select cos(1.3); +---------------------+ | _col0 | +---------------------+ | 0.26749882862458735 |


  • Command Description: This command returns the hyperbolic cosine of a number.

  • Return value type: DOUBLE.

  • Example:

     select cosh(1.3); +--------------------+ | _col0 | +--------------------+ | 1.9709142303266285 |


  • command description: This command returns the sine of a number.

  • Return value type: DOUBLE.

  • Example:

     select sin(1.3); +--------------------+ | _col0 | +--------------------+ | 0.963558185417193 |


  • command description: This command returns the tangent of a number.

  • Return value type: DOUBLE.

  • Example:

     select tan(8); +--------------------+ | _col0 | +--------------------+ | -6.799711455220379 |


  • command description: This command returns the hyperbolic tangent of a number.

  • Return value type: DOUBLE.

  • Example:

     select tanh(8); +--------------------+ | _col0 | +--------------------+ | 0.9999997749296758 |


  • command description: This command returns the cotangent function of a number.

  • Return value type: DOUBLE.

  • Example:

     SELECT COT(12); +--------------------+ | _col0 | +--------------------+ | 1.5726734063976893 |


  • Command Description: This command returns a constant that represents positive infinity.

  • Return value type: DOUBLE.


  • Command description: This command determines whether x is finite.

  • Return value type: BOOLEAN.


  • Command description: This command determines whether x is infinite.

  • Return value type: BOOLEAN.


  • Command description: This command determines whether x is not-a-number.

  • Return value type: BOOLEAN.


  • Command description: This command returns the constant representing not-a-number.

  • Return value type: DOUBLE.


  • Command Description: This command calculates the cyclic redundancy check value and returns a 32-bit unsigned value. If the parameter is NULL, NULL is returned.

  • Return value type: DOUBLE.

  • Example:

     SELECT CRC32('MySQL'); +--------------------+ | _col0 | +--------------------+ | 3259397556 | SELECT CRC32('mysql'); +--------------------+ | _col0 | +--------------------+ | 2501908538 |


REMAINDER(n1, n2);
  • Command description: This command returns the remainder of one parameter divided by another parameter.

  • Return value type: DOUBLE/BIGINT

  • Example:

     SELECT REMAINDER(3.5, 2); +--------------------+ | _col0 | +--------------------+ | -1.5 | SELECT REMAINDER(11, 4); +--------------------+ | _col0 | +--------------------+ | 4 |


BITAND(expr1, expr2);
  • Command description: This command returns the result of the bitwise AND operation for two numeric values.

    If any of the parameters in a function is not of the integer type, you need to convert the parameter into the integer type before bitwise AND operation.

  • Return value type: BIGINT.

  • Example:

     SELECT BITAND(5, 6); +--------------------+ | _col0 | +--------------------+ | 4 | SELECT BITAND(cast(5.3 as int),cast(6.2 as int)); +--------------------+ | _col0 | +--------------------+ |4 |