
It deletes ACM configurations automatically with program to reduce operation and maintenance costs with automation.

Note If the specified configuration exists, then it deletes the configuration. If the specified configuration doesn’t exist, then it returns a successful message.
public static boolean removeConfig(String dataId, String group) throws ConfigException

Request parameters

Parameter Parameter Type Description
dataId String Configuration ID
group String Configuration group

Returned values

Parameter type Description
boolean If the deletion is successful

Request example

try {
    // Initialize the configuration service. Retrieves the following parameters in console with sample code.
    ConfigService.init("${endpoint}", "${namespace}", "${accessKey}", "${secretKey}");
    // Actively retrieves configuration
    boolean isRemoveOk = ConfigService.removeConfig("${dataId}", "${group}");
} catch (ConfigException e) {
    // TODO Auto-generated catch block


A ConfigException exception is thrown in case of a configuration read time-out or a network error.