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Elastic Compute Service:DescribeInvocationResults

Last Updated:Apr 16, 2024

Queries the execution results of one or more Cloud Assistant commands on Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instances.

Operation description

Usage notes

  • After you run a command, the command may fail to run or may return unexpected results. You can call this operation to query the execution results of a command.

  • You can query information about command executions within the last four weeks. Up to 100,000 pieces of execution information can be retained.

  • You can use one of the following methods to check the responses:

    • Method 1: During a paged query, when you call the DescribeInvocationResults operation to retrieve the first page of results, set MaxResults to specify the maximum number of entries to return in the call. The return value of NextToken is a pagination token, which can be used in the next request to retrieve a new page of results. When you call the DescribeInvocationResults operation to retrieve a new page of results, set NextToken to the NextToken value returned in the previous call and set MaxResults to specify the maximum number of entries to return in this call.
    • Method 2: Use PageSize to specify the number of entries to return on each page and then use PageNumber to specify the number of the page to return. You can use only one of the preceding methods. If you specify MaxResults or NextToken, the PageSize and PageNumber request parameters do not take effect and the TotalCount response parameter is invalid.


OpenAPI Explorer automatically calculates the signature value. For your convenience, we recommend that you call this operation in OpenAPI Explorer.

Authorization information

There is currently no authorization information disclosed in the API.

Request parameters


The region ID of the command. You can call the DescribeRegions operation to query the most recent region list.


The ID of the resource group. After you set this parameter, command execution results in the specified resource group are queried.


The ID of the command task. You can call the DescribeInvocations operation to query the IDs of all command tasks.


The ID of the instance.


The ID of the command.


The execution status of the command task. Valid values:

  • Running:

    • Scheduled task: Before you stop the scheduled execution of the command, the execution state is always Running.
    • One-time task: If the command is being run on instances, the execution state is Running.
  • Finished:

    • Scheduled task: The execution state can never be Finished.
    • One-time task: The execution is complete on all instances, or the execution is stopped on some instances and is complete on the other instances.
  • Success:

    • One-time task: The execution is complete, and the exit code is 0.
    • Scheduled task: The last execution is complete, the exit code is 0, and the specified period ends.
  • Failed:

    • Scheduled task: The execution state can never be Failed.
    • One-time task: The execution fails on all instances.
  • PartialFailed:

    • Scheduled task: The execution state can never be PartialFailed.
    • One-time task: The execution fails on some instances.
  • Stopped: The task is stopped.

  • Stopping: The task is being stopped.


Specifies whether to return the results of historical scheduled executions. Valid values:

  • true: returns the results of historical scheduled executions. If you set this parameter to true, you must set InvokeId to the ID of a task that is run on a schedule (RepeatMode set to Period) or on each system startup (RepeatMode set to EveryReboot).
  • false: does not return the results of historical scheduled executions.

Default value: false.


The encoding mode of the CommandContent and Output values in the response. Valid values:

  • PlainText: returns the original command content and command output.
  • Base64: returns the Base64-encoded command content and command output.

Default value: Base64.


The page number.

Pages start from page 1.

Default value: 1.


The number of entries per page.

Valid values: 1 to 50.

Default value: 10.


The maximum number of entries per page.

Valid values: 1 to 50.

Default value: 10.


The pagination token that is used in the next request to retrieve a new page of results. You do not need to specify this parameter for the first request. You must specify the token that is obtained from the previous query as the value of NextToken.

Tagobject []No

The tags of the command task.


The key of tag N of the command task. Valid values of N: 1 to 20. The tag key cannot be an empty string.

If a single tag is specified to query resources, up to 1,000 resources that have this tag added can be displayed in the response. If multiple tags are specified to query resources, up to 1,000 resources that have all these tags added can be displayed in the response. To query more than 1,000 resources that have specified tags added, call the ListTagResources operation.

The tag key can be up to 64 characters in length and cannot start with acs: or aliyun. It cannot contain http:// or https://.


The value of tag N of the command task. Valid values of N: 1 to 20. The tag value can be an empty string.

The tag value can be up to 128 characters in length and cannot contain http:// or https://.


Response parameters


The ID of the request.


Details about the execution results.


The number of entries per page.


The page number.


The total number of the commands.


A pagination token. It can be used in the next request to retrieve a new page of results.

InvocationResultsobject []

The execution results.


The execution state on a single instance. Valid values:

  • Pending: The command was being verified or sent.

  • Invalid: The specified command type or parameter was invalid.

  • Aborted: The command failed to be sent to the instance. To send a command to an instance, make sure that the instance is in the Running state and the command can be sent to the instance within 1 minute.

  • Running: The command was being run on the instance.

  • Success:

    • One-time task: The execution was complete, and the exit code was 0.
    • Scheduled task: The last execution was complete, the exit code was 0, and the specified period ended.
  • Failed:

    • One-time task: The execution was complete, but the exit code was not 0.
    • Scheduled task: The last execution was complete, but the exit code was not 0. The specified period was about to end.
  • Error: The execution cannot proceed due to an exception.

  • Timeout: The execution timed out.

  • Cancelled: The execution was canceled, and the command was not run.

  • Stopping: The command task was being stopped.

  • Terminated: The execution was terminated before completion.

  • Scheduled:

    • One-time task: The execution state can never be Scheduled.
    • Scheduled task: The command was waiting to be run.

The number of times that the command was run on the instance.

  • If the command is set to run only once, the value is 0 or 1.
  • If the command is set to run on a schedule, the value is the number of times that the command has been run on the instance.

The command ID.


The instance ID.


The command output.

  • If ContentEncoding is set to PlainText in the request, the original command output is returned.
  • If ContentEncoding is set to Base64 in the request, the Base64-encoded command output is returned.

The size of the Output text that was truncated and discarded because the Output value exceeded 24 KB in size.


The time when the command task was stopped. If you call the StopInvocation operation to stop the command task, the value of this parameter is the time when the operation is called.


The exit code of the command task.

  • For Linux instances, the value is the exit code of the shell command.
  • For Windows instances, the value is the exit code of the batch or PowerShell command.

The time when the command started to be run on the instance.


The error message returned when the command failed to be sent or run. Valid values:

  • If this parameter is empty, the command was run as expected.
  • the specified instance does not exists
  • the instance has released when create task
  • the instance is not running when create task
  • the command is not applicable
  • the specified account does not exists
  • the specified directory does not exists
  • the cron job expression is invalid
  • the aliyun service is not running on the instance
  • the aliyun service in the instance does not response
  • the aliyun service in the instance is upgrading now
  • the aliyun service in the instance need upgrade
  • the command delivery has been timeout
  • the command execution has been timeout
  • the command execution got an exception
  • the command execution has been interrupted
  • the command execution exit code is not zero
  • the specified instance has been released
the specified instance does not exists

The error code for the failure to send or run the command. Valid values:

  • If this parameter is empty, the command was run as expected.
  • InstanceNotExists: The specified instance did not exist or was released.
  • InstanceReleased: The instance was released while the command was being run.
  • InstanceNotRunning: The instance was not running when the command started to be run.
  • CommandNotApplicable: The command was not applicable to the specified instance.
  • AccountNotExists: The specified account did not exist.
  • DirectoryNotExists: The specified directory did not exist.
  • BadCronExpression: The specified cron expression for the execution schedule was invalid.
  • ClientNotRunning: Cloud Assistant Agent was not running.
  • ClientNotResponse: Cloud Assistant Agent did not respond.
  • ClientIsUpgrading: Cloud Assistant Agent was being upgraded.
  • ClientNeedUpgrade: Cloud Assistant Agent needed to be upgraded.
  • DeliveryTimeout: The request to send the command timed out.
  • ExecutionTimeout: The execution timed out.
  • ExecutionException: An exception occurred while the command was being run.
  • ExecutionInterrupted: The execution was interrupted.
  • ExitCodeNonzero: The execution was complete, but the exit code was not 0.

The time when the command task was complete. If the command task times out, the end time is equal to the start time of the command task specified by StartTime plus the timeout period specified by Timeout.


The ID of the command task.


The execution state of the command. Valid values:

  • Running:

    • Scheduled task: Before you stop the scheduled execution of the command, the execution state is always Running.
    • One-time task: If the command is being run on instances, the execution state is Running.
  • Finished:

    • Scheduled task: The execution state can never be Finished.
    • One-time task: The execution was complete on all instances, or the execution was stopped on some instances and was complete on the other instances.
  • Failed:

    • Scheduled task: The execution state can never be Failed.
    • One-time task: The execution failed on all instances.
  • PartialFailed:

    • Scheduled task: The execution state can never be PartialFailed.
    • One-time task: The execution failed on some instances.
  • Stopped: The task was stopped.

  • Stopping: The task was being stopped.


The username used to run the command on the instance.


The container ID.


The container name.


Indicates how the task was stopped. Valid values:

  • Process: The process of the command was stopped.
  • ProcessTree: The process tree was stopped. In this case, the process of the command and all subprocesses of the process were stopped.
Tagsobject []

The tags of the command task.


The tag key of the command task.


The tag value of the command task.



Sample success responses


  "RequestId": "473469C7-AA6F-4DC5-B3DB-A3DC0DE*****",
  "Invocation": {
    "PageSize": 1,
    "PageNumber": 1,
    "TotalCount": 1,
    "NextToken": "AAAAAdDWBF2",
    "InvocationResults": {
      "InvocationResult": [
          "InvocationStatus": "Success",
          "Repeats": 0,
          "CommandId": "c-hz0jdfwcsr****",
          "InstanceId": "i-bp1i7gg30r52z2em****",
          "Output": "MTU6MzA6MDEK",
          "Dropped": 0,
          "StopTime": "2020-01-19T09:15:47Z",
          "ExitCode": 0,
          "StartTime": "2019-12-20T06:15:55Z",
          "ErrorInfo": "the specified instance does not exists",
          "ErrorCode": "InstanceNotExists",
          "FinishedTime": "2019-12-20T06:15:56Z",
          "InvokeId": "t-hz0jdfwd9f****",
          "InvokeRecordStatus": "Running",
          "Username": "root",
          "ContainerId": "ab141ddfbacfe02d9dbc25966ed971536124527097398d419a6746873fea****",
          "ContainerName": "test-container",
          "TerminationMode": "ProcessTree",
          "Tags": {
            "Tag": [
                "TagKey": "owner",
                "TagValue": "zhangsan"

Error codes

HTTP status codeError codeError messageDescription
400RegionId.ApiNotSupportedThe api is not supported in this region.The API operation cannot be called in the specified region. Check whether the specified RegionId parameter is valid.
400NumberExceed.TagsThe Tags parameter number is exceed.The number of tags exceeds the maximum limit.
400Duplicate.TagKeyThe Tag.N.Key contain duplicate key.The specified tag key already exists. Tag keys must be unique.
400InvalidTagKey.MalformedThe specified Tag.n.Key is not valid.The specified Tag.N.Key parameter is invalid.
400InvalidTagValue.MalformedThe specified Tag.n.Value is not valid.The specified tag value is invalid.
400MissingParameter.TagKeyYou must specify Tag.N.Key.The tag key is not specified.
400InvalidParam.PageNumberThe specified parameter is invalid.The specified PageNumber parameter is invalid.
400InvalidParam.PageSizeThe specified parameter is invalid.The specified PageSize parameter is invalid.
400InvalidParameter.NextTokenThe specified parameter NextToken is not valid.The specified parameter NextToken is illegal.
400InvalidParameter.MaxResultsThe specified parameter MaxResults is not valid.The specified parameter MaxResults is illegal.
403Operation.ForbiddenThe operation is not permitted.The operation is not supported.
404InvalidRegionId.NotFoundThe RegionId provided does not exist in our records.The RegionId provided does not exist
500InternalError.DispatchAn error occurred when you dispatched the request.An error occurred while the request is being sent. Try again later.
500ServiceUnavailableThe request has failed due to a temporary failure of the server.-
500InternalErrorThe request processing has failed due to some unknown error.An internal error has occurred. Try again later.

For a list of error codes, visit the Service error codes.

Change history

Change timeSummary of changesOperation
2023-12-21The Error code has changed. The request parameters of the API has changed. The response structure of the API has changedsee changesets
Change itemChange content
Error CodesThe Error code has changed.
    Error Codes 400 change
    delete Error Codes: 403
    delete Error Codes: 404
    delete Error Codes: 500
Input ParametersThe request parameters of the API has changed.
    Added Input Parameters: MaxResults
    Added Input Parameters: NextToken
Output ParametersThe response structure of the API has changed.
2023-05-12The Error code has changedsee changesets
Change itemChange content
Error CodesThe Error code has changed.
    Error Codes 400 change
    Error Codes 403 change
    delete Error Codes: 404
    delete Error Codes: 500
2022-02-25The Error code has changedsee changesets
Change itemChange content
Error CodesThe Error code has changed.
    Error Codes 403 change
    Error Codes 404 change
    delete Error Codes: 400
    delete Error Codes: 500