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:Generate charts

Last Updated:May 11, 2020

This topic describes how to generate and use DMS charts.


  • You have access permissions to DMS and you have logged on to the DMS console.
  • To generate DMS charts, you must first log on to your RDS database from the DMS console.


  1. Select a database and click Log on to Database.

  2. In the top navigation bar, choose SQL Operations>SQL Window.

  3. Enter the query that you want to run.

  4. Click Create Report. The SQL Result Set Report dialog box appears.

    The operations are as follows:

    1. Select a dimension, such as the user ID or time.
    2. Select a measure, such as visit times or commodity sales.
    3. Click Analyze and Generate Chart to generate a chart.
  5. Click Analyze and Generate Chart, and DMS will generate a chart based on the queried data.

    Notes :

    • Callout number 1: The x-axis shows a dimension of the chart, such as time or user ID.
    • Callout number 2: Measures of the chart. You can click a measure to show or hide the measured values.
    • Callout number 3: You can select a line chart, bar chart, or pie chart based on your requirements.
    • Callout number 4: Click Save as Picture to save the generated picture to your computer.