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Last Updated:Aug 31, 2023

This topic describes the release notes for the minor versions, console, Ganos, and API of PolarDB for PostgreSQL and provides links to the relevant references.


You can execute the following statement to view the minor version of PolarDB for PostgreSQL:

show polar_version;


Ganos V5.1





Release date

New feature

ST_GeoHashID function

This function is added to convert GeoHash strings to INT-type values.


December 2022

ST_GeoHashFromID function

This function is added to convert INT-type values to Geohash strings.


December 2022

ST_UpdatePyramid function

This function is added to update vector pyramids.


December 2022

ST_SetUpdatePyramidRules function

This function is added to configure a rule to update a vector pyramid.


December 2022

ST_BuildPyramidUseGeomSideLen function

This function is added to build a vector pyramid based on the size of the vector bounding box.


December 2022

ST_InterpolateRaster function

This function is added to perform spatial interpolation operations.


December 2022

ST_Contour function

This function is added to generate contours.


December 2022

ST_Statistics function

This function is added to collect statistics on and analyze custom weights for raster data in MultiPoint mode.


December 2022

ST_Resample function

This function is added to resample a trajectory.


December 2022

ST_Density function

This function is added to collect statistics on the density of a trajectory.


December 2022

ST_StayPoint function

This function is added to identify the stay points of a trajectory.


December 2022

Fixed issue

The following issue is fixed: The raster object becomes empty after the ST_BuildHistogram function is called.

December 2022

The following issue is fixed: Downtime and Z-value errors occur due to the null values of the ST_AsTable function.

December 2022

The following issue is fixed: Incorrect results are returned when the GeoHash mode is used for the ST_Split function.

December 2022

The following issue is fixed: Errors occur in attribute field encoding for the ST_Tile function.

December 2022


Minor engine version





Release date

New feature

Default value modification for some parameters

The default values of some parameters in the minor engine version 1.1.28 or later of PolarDB for PostgreSQL for PostgreSQL 11 and in the minor engine version or later of PolarDB for PostgreSQL 14 are modified. The new default values are valid only for new clusters. The new default values can significantly improve the database performance. You can modify the default values of some parameters in the console based on your business requirements.

Release notes on modified default values for some parameters

November 2022

smlar plug-in

The smlar plug-in is supported. This plug-in is used to calculate the similarity of database data in an efficient manner.


November 2022

hypopg plug-in

The hypopg plug-in is supported. This plug-in is used to help you check whether a type of indexes accelerate one or more queries.


November 2022

pg_bigm plug-in

The pg_bigm plug-in is supported. This plug-in supports full-text search. You can use this plug-in to create 2-gram Generalized Inverted Index (GIN) indexes. The indexes accelerate full-text search queries.


November 2022

hll plug-in

The hll plug-in is supported. This plug-in supports the HyperLogLog (hll) data type. You can use this to estimate page views (PV) and unique visitors (UV).


November 2022

varbitx plug-in

The varbitx plug-in is supported. This plug-in is an extension of the varbit plug-in provided by PolarDB for PostgreSQL. The varbitx plug-in supports a larger number of BIT operations and is ideal for more scenarios.


November 2022

ZomboDB plug-in

ZomboDB is supported. ZomboDB is a PostgreSQL extension plug-in that supports the access methods provided by native PostgreSQL. ZomboDB also provides powerful text search and analytics features.


November 2022

Fixed issue

The following issue is fixed: Users who have the UPDATE permission instead of the SELECT permission on some columns in a partitioned table may obtain the values of denied columns from returned error messages. For more information about this issue, see CVE-2021-3393.

November 2022


Minor engine version





Release date

New feature

Real-time materialized view

Real-time materialized views are supported by PolarDB. When data manipulation language (DML) operations are performed on dependency tables, data in real-time materialized views is consistent with the data in the dependency tables. This significantly improves query performance.

Real-time materialized views

October 2022

log_fdw plug-in

The log_fdw plug-in is supported. This plug-in is used to query database logs in the CSV format.


October 2022

pg_sphere plug-in

The pg_sphere plug-in is supported. This plug-in is a PostgreSQL extension that supports spherical data types, calculation functions, and operators.


October 2022

Support for the Logical Replication Slot Failover feature

The Logical Replication Slot Failover feature of PolarDB for PostgreSQL is supported. If the primary instance of your database system fails, this feature can synchronize all logical replication slots to the secondary instance.

Logical replication slot failover

October 2022

Scanning by tuples in parallel execution

The polar_px_scan_granularity parameter is added to specify the granularity by which data can be scanned in parallel execution. Default value: block. Valid values:

  • row: scans data by tuples in parallel execution.

  • block: scans data by blocks in parallel execution.


When you scan a large amount of data, you can set the polar_px_scan_granularity parameter to block for better scanning performance.


October 2022

polar_enable_strategy_reject_buffer parameter

The polar_enable_strategy_reject_buffer parameter is added to specify whether the ring buffer limit can be exceeded in batch read scenarios. Default values: off. Valid values:

  • off: The ring buffer is still used in batch read scenarios. If the buffer obtained from the ring is a dirty page, the backend process needs to save the dirty page to the disk.

  • on: The ring buffer limit can be exceeded in batch read scenarios. If the buffer obtained from the ring is a dirty page, a new buffer can be obtained from the buffer pool. If this parameter is set to on, the number of backend flush operations decreases, which accelerate queries. However, because the ring buffer limit is exceeded, the buffer pool may be occupied by the table data of the current query. When multiple connections are used to query different tables, buffer eviction and I/O operations may occur.


October 2022


Minor engine version





Release date

New feature

PLV8 plug-in

PLV8 is a trusted JavaScript language extension for PostgreSQL. You can use JavaScript to write PostgreSQL functions.


September 2022

Support for logon and logoff triggers

Logon and logoff triggers are event triggers that can be used to trigger specified functions or stored procedures for logon and logoff.

Logon and logoff triggers

September 2022

Batch writes to cache

The polar_enable_strat_bulkwrite parameter is added to control the cache size for the data written by the session. Default value: true. Valid values:

  • true: Only partial cache space is provided for the data written by the session. This is consistent with the native PostgreSQL.

  • false: All cache space is provided for the data written by the session.

  • In most cases, you can use the default value. This ensures that each session uses a portion of dedicated cache space and does not eliminate cached data that is generated by other sessions.

  • We recommend that you set the parameter to false in the following scenario: All data that you write in batches is cached. This can improve the cache hit ratio and reduce the number of disk reads.

    We recommend that you use this parameter together with the polar_enable_strat_scan parameter. Set the two parameters to false. Data can be written to or read from all cache space.

    set polar_enable_strat_bulkwrite=false; -- Data can be written to all cache space.
    set polar_enable_strat_scan=false; -- Data can be read from or loaded to all cache space.


September 2022

Ganos V4.9





Release date

New feature

ST_Intersection aggregate function

This function is added to aggregate an array of geometry objects.


September 2022

ST_AddZ function

This function is supported. This function accepts z-axis values as the value of an input parameter and converts a 2D or 3DM geometry to a 3D or 4D geometry.


September 2022

ST_SetValue function

This function is added to specify pixel values at specified pixel positions and set pixel values based on the spatial range of a geometry object.


September 2022

Optimized feature

ST_ExportTo function

This function is optimized to export raster objects as COG files.


September 2022

ST_CreateRast function

The function is optimized to convert multiple raster records or arrays into raster objects.


September 2022

ST_Split function

The function is optimized to support the settings of the start time when you want to split a trajectory by time. The optimized function also supports the splitting of a trajectory by trajectory point index.


September 2022

ST_Union function

The function is optimized to support batch execution based on memory usage to prevent out-of-memory (OOM) errors caused by large data volumes.


September 2022

ST_CreateRast function

The function is optimized to create raster data based on Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS).


September 2022

ST_ImportFrom function

The function is optimized to import raster data based on HDFS.


September 2022

ST_ExportTo function

The function is optimized to export raster data to HDFS.


September 2022

Fixed issue

The following issue is fixed: The ST_makeTrajectory function may cause system downtime.

September 2022

The following issue is fixed: The ST_lcsSimilarity function cannot identify the time range measured in days.

September 2022

The following issue is fixed: The ST_AsEWKB function cannot convert trajectories that are created from data tables.

September 2022

The following issue is fixed: Memory usage problems occur when the ST_BuildPyramid function is called to create a vector pyramid based on a large amount of data.

September 2022


Minor engine version





Release date

New feature

pgAudit plug-in

The pgAudit plug-in is supported. This plug-in is used to generate audit logs.


August 2022


Minor engine version





Release date

New feature


The plan_cache_mode parameter is added to configure the plan cache mode. Default value: auto. Valid values:

  • auto: automatically chooses between the custom and generic modes.

  • force_custom_plan: uses the custom plan generated by the optimizer.

  • force_generic_plan: uses the generic plan in the plan cache.


July 2022

Ganos V4.7





Release date

New feature

ST_makeTrajectory function

This function is added to convert rows in a table to trajectories.


July 2022

ST_AsTable function

This function is added to convert trajectories to a table.


July 2022

Fixed issue

The following issue is fixed: Anonymous temporary tables cannot be automatically deleted during raster data operations.

July 2022


Minor engine version





Release date

New feature


The pg_hint_plan plug-in is supported. This plug-in is used to add hints to SQL statements. The hints specify how you want the SQL statements to be executed. This way, you can optimize the execution plans of the SQL statements.


June 2022

New feature

Performance optimization for the memory release of the resource manager

  • The mem_release_policy parameter is added to specify the memory release policy. Default value: default. Valid values:

    • default: When the database thresholds are reached, the resource manager starts the adaptive policy. This parameter cannot be combined with other parameters. The memory is released based on the default policy. Processes are divided into idle processes and active processes. Idle processes are first released and then active processes.

    • cancel_query: cancels queries of active processes.

    • terminate_idle_backend: terminates idle processes.

    • terminate_any_backend: terminates any processes.

    • none: takes no actions.

  • The total_memcontext_dump_rate parameter is added to specify the threshold for memory context output. Default value: 75. Valid values: 20 to 95. The parameter value takes effect after you restart the cluster or perform a reload operation.

  • The max_proc_mcxtdump_num parameter is added to specify the number of processes for memory context output. Default value: 1. Valid values: 1 to 100. The parameter value takes effect after you restart the cluster or perform a reload operation.

  • The interval_max_num parameter is added to specify the number of intervals for memory context output. Default value: 0. Valid values: 0 to INT32_MAX. The parameter value takes effect after you restart the cluster or perform a reload operation.


June 2022


Minor engine version





Release date

New feature

Analyze operations in parallel execution

  • The polar_px_enable_explain_allstat parameter is added to display the execution result (such as the number of tuples processed by each worker and the execution duration) of each worker when the explain analyze command is run in parallel queries.

  • The polar_px_explain_memory_verbosity parameter is added to display the memory usage of each worker when the explain analyze command is run in parallel queries. Default value: WAIT. Valid values:

    • summary: the collective information of the memory usage of each worker.

    • detail: the detailed memory usage information of each worker.


March 2022

Support for Clang

Clang is supported.


March 2022

Ganos V4.6





Release date

New feature

Object storage paths

Raster data can be accessed from self-managed Multi-Cloud Object Storage (MinIO) servers.

Object storage paths

March 2022

ST_PointValues function

This function is added to return the pixel values of all bands.


March 2022

Fixed issue

The following issue is fixed: The band order is incorrect when the ST_Clip function is executed.

March 2022

The following issue is fixed: The performance is low due to lack of primary key indexes during raster updates.

March 2022

The following issue is fixed: Retries are not supported when you cannot access the trajectory objects stored in an Object Storage Service (OSS) bucket.

March 2022

Ganos V4.5





Release date

New feature

Ganos is supported for PostgreSQL 14.


March 2022

Optimized feature

The cache for trajectory objects in external storage is increased to improve access performance.


March 2022

Fixed issue

The following issue is fixed: File suffixes are missing when raster data is exported to OSS.

March 2022

The following issue is fixed: Statistics are not collected for specific raster data.

March 2022


Minor engine version





Release date

New feature

Drop flashback

You can use the drop flashback feature to quickly restore deleted tables and view and clear the recycle bin.

Drop flashback

January 2022

Multi-level partitioned tables in parallel execution

The parallel execution feature can be used to query data from multi-level partitions in parallel.

Use the cross-node parallel execution feature to query data from partitioned tables

January 2022

Ganos V4.4





Release date

New feature

ST_LinearStretch function

This function is added to linearly stretch a raster and return a new raster.


January 2022

ST_BuildPercentiles function

This function is added to return the percentage of pixels for a set of raster bands.


January 2022

ST_ComputeStatistics function

This function is added to return statistics on a raster object, including histograms and percentage.


January 2022

ST_Percentile function

This function is added to return the percentage of pixels for a raster band.


January 2022

Optimized feature

Parallel computing

The ST_SummaryStats and ST_BuildHistogram functions can be used to perform parallel computing.


January 2022

ST_ExportTo function

The ST_ExportTo function returns the value false instead of an error message if the specified file already exists.


January 2022

ST_ImportFrom function

If an import error occurs, the ST_ImportFrom function returns the details of the error. You can troubleshoot the error based on the error details.


January 2022

Fixed issue

The following issue is fixed: Half a pixel is lost due to number rounding when a raster is cropped.

January 2022

The following issue is fixed: The data of a raster cannot be properly imported or collected if the data contains values such as NAN and INF.

January 2022