DATASOURCE::FC::CustomDomains is used to query custom domain names in Function Compute.


  "Type": "DATASOURCE::FC::CustomDomains",
  "Properties": {
    "Prefix": String


Property Type Required Editable Description Constraint
Prefix String No Yes The prefix of the custom domain name that you want to query. The custom domain name must be prefixed with the value of this property. For example, if you set the Prefix property to a, the returned custom domain name is prefixed with a.

Return values (Fn::GetAtt)

  • CustomDomains: the custom domain names.
  • DomainNames: the domain names.
Property Type Description Constraint
DomainNames List The domain names. None.
CustomDomains List The custom domain names. None.
DomainName String The domain name. None.
AccountId String The ID of the Alibaba Cloud account. None.
Protocol String The protocol type that is supported by the custom domain name. Valid values:
  • HTTP: Only HTTP is supported.
  • HTTP/HTTPS: HTTP and HTTPS are supported.
ApiVersion String The version number of the Function Compute API. None.
CreatedTime String The time when the custom domain name was created. None.
LastModifiedTime String The time when the domain name was last modified. None.
CertConfig Map The configurations of the HTTPS certificate. Example: { "CertName": "/login/", "Certificate": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- xxxxx -----END CERTIFICATE-----", "PrivateKey": "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- xxxxx -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----"}
RouteConfig Map The mapping between the path and the function when the function is invoked by using the custom domain name. Example: { "Routes": [ { "FunctionName": "function_name", "Methods": [ "GET" ], "Path": "/login/*", "Qualifier": "test", "ServiceName": "service_name" } ]}.
TlsConfig Map The configurations of Transport Layer Security (TLS). None.


  • JSON format

      "ROSTemplateFormatVersion": "2015-09-01",
      "Parameters": {
        "Prefix": {
          "Type": "String",
          "Description": "Qualified returned custom domain names must be prefixed with Prefix. For example, if the Prefix is \"a\", the returned custom domain names should be started with \"a\"."
      "Resources": {
        "CustomDomains": {
          "Type": "DATASOURCE::FC::CustomDomains",
          "Properties": {
            "Prefix": {
              "Ref": "Prefix"
      "Outputs": {
        "CustomDomains": {
          "Description": "The list of custom_domain.",
          "Value": {
            "Fn::GetAtt": [
        "DomainNames": {
          "Description": "The list of custom_domain names.",
          "Value": {
            "Fn::GetAtt": [
  • YAML format

    ROSTemplateFormatVersion: '2015-09-01'
        Type: String
        Description: Qualified returned custom domain names must be prefixed with Prefix. For example, if the Prefix is "a", the returned custom domain names should be started with "a".
        Type: DATASOURCE::FC::CustomDomains
            Ref: Prefix
        Description: The list of custom_domain.
            - CustomDomains
            - CustomDomains
        Description: The list of custom_domain names.
            - CustomDomains
            - DomainNames