You can obtain only time data by configuring scheduling parameters for nodes. After you configure scheduling parameters for specific nodes, such as batch synchronization nodes, the nodes cannot use the return values of the scheduling parameters unless you process the return values by using methods such as functions. This topic describes how to process the return values of scheduling parameters in typical scenarios.

Background information

The time data that scheduling parameters support is not applicable to all scenarios. If you need time data in special formats based on your business requirements, you can use engine functions to process the time data. You cannot use functions to process the return values of the scheduling parameters for some nodes. In this case, you can use assignment nodes to process the return values of the scheduling parameters.

You can process the return values of scheduling parameters by using functions or assignment nodes in the following scenarios:
For more information about operations related to scheduling parameters, see the following topics:

Obtain the last day of the previous month.

The following table describes how to configure a scheduling parameter to obtain the last day of the previous month.
Parameter configuration Scheduled time for testing Returned result
  • Assignment: last_month=$[yyyy-mm]
  • Syntax to process the return value: SELECT REPLACE(DATEADD(date'${last_month}-01',-1,'dd'),'-','');
  • Format of the returned result: yyyymmdd
20210926000000 20210831

Obtain the quarter to which the scheduled time belongs

The following table describes how to configure a scheduling parameter to obtain the quarter to which the scheduled time belongs.
Parameter configuration Scheduled time for testing Returned result
  • Assignment: month=$[mm]
  • Syntax to process the return value: SELECT CEIL(INT('${month}')/3);
  • Type of the returned result: positive integer
20211025001700 4

Obtain the year, month, day, hour, and minute of the time that is 15 minutes before the scheduled time

The following table describes how to configure scheduling parameters to obtain the year, month, day, hour, and minute of the time that is 15 minutes before the scheduled time.
Parameter configuration Scheduled time for testing Returned result
  • Assignment:
    • year=$[yyyy-15/24/60]
    • month=$[yyyymm-15/24/60]
    • day=$[yyyymmdd-15/24/60]
    • hour=$[hh24-15/24/60]
  • Syntax to process the return value: select 'year=${year} month=${month} day=${day} hour=${hour} mi=${mi}';
  • Format of the returned result:
    • Year: yyyy
    • Month: yyyymm
    • Day: yyyymmdd
    • Hour: hh
    • Minute: mm
  • year=2021
  • month=202107
  • day=20210726
  • hour=23
  • mi=50

Obtain the interval for data synchronization with the interval for periodic scheduling being one day

Obtain the interval for data synchronization between 00:00:00 of the previous day and 00:00:00 of the current day. The interval for periodic scheduling is one day and accurate to seconds, in the format of yyyymmddhh24miss.
Note If you create a batch synchronization node to synchronize data generated in a Kafka or LogHub data source in a specified interval and you need to configure the scheduling parameters, you must set the data timestamp in the format of yyyymmddhh24miss, and the interval must be left-closed and right-open. For more information, see Kafka Reader and LogHub Reader. For more information about incremental synchronization in different scenarios, see Synchronize incremental data.
The following table describes how to configure scheduling parameters to obtain the interval for data synchronization.
Parameter configuration Scheduled time for testing Returned result
  • Assignment:
    • beginDateTime=$[yyyymmdd-1]
    • endDateTime=$[yyyymmdd]
  • Syntax to process the return value: select '${beginDateTime}000000 ${endDateTime}000000';
  • Format of the returned result: yyyymmddhh24miss
  • 20220116000000
  • 20220117000000

Obtain the interval for data synchronization with the interval for periodic scheduling being one hour

Obtain the interval for data synchronization between 00:00:00 of the previous day and 00:00:00 of the current day. The interval for periodic scheduling is one hour and accurate to seconds, in the format of yyyymmddhh24miss.
Note If you create a batch synchronization node to synchronize data generated in a Kafka or LogHub data source in a specified interval and you need to configure the scheduling parameters, you must set the data timestamp in the format of yyyymmddhh24miss, and the interval must be left-closed and right-open. For more information, see Kafka Reader and LogHub Reader. For more information about incremental synchronization in different scenarios, see Synchronize incremental data.
The following table describes how to configure scheduling parameters to obtain the interval for data synchronization.
Parameter configuration Scheduled time for testing Returned result
  • Assignment:
    • beginDateTime=$[yyyymmddhh24-1/24]
    • endDateTime=$[yyyymmddhh24]
  • Syntax to process the return value: select '${beginDateTime}0000 ${endDateTime}0000';
  • Format of the returned result: yyyymmddhh24miss
  • 20220116230000
  • 20220117000000