ActionTrail records the operations that you perform in Alibaba Cloud services. ActionTrail itself is also an Alibaba Cloud service. Therefore, ActionTrail also records the operations that you perform in ActionTrail. You can view the events of ActionTrail as needed. ActionTrail can deliver user-initiated events of ActionTrail to a Log Service Logstore or an Object Storage Service (OSS) bucket for real-time audit and backtracking and analysis of issues.

The user-initiated events are generated when you perform operations on ActionTrail resources by calling API operations or in the ActionTrail console. The following table describes the auditable user-initiated events of ActionTrail.

Event Description
CheckOssConfig You check the OSS configuration of a trail.
CreateDeliveryHistoryJob You create a historical event delivery task.
CreateInnerTrail You create a trail for the Inner-ActionTrail feature.
CreateServiceLinkedRole You create a service-linked role for ActionTrail.
CreateTrail You create a trail.
DeleteDeliveryHistoryJob You delete a historical event delivery task.
DeleteInnerTrail You delete a trail for the Inner-ActionTrail feature.
DeleteTrail You delete a trail.
DescribeInnerTrails You query the trails for the Inner-ActionTrail feature in a specific region.
DescribeInsightEnabledTrails You query the trails for which the insight event feature is enabled.
DescribeInsightIpList You query the IP addresses for which insight events are generated.
DescribeInsightMetricData You query the metrics of insight events.
DescribeInsightStrategy You query the IP address blacklist and whitelist for insight events.
DescribeRegions You query the Alibaba Cloud regions that are supported by ActionTrail.
DescribeResourceLifeCycleEvents You query resource lifecycle events.
DescribeScenes You query all scenarios that are supported by the advanced event query feature.
DescribeSearchTemplates You query all templates.
DescribeSupportedServices You query the Alibaba Cloud services that are supported by ActionTrail.
DescribeTrailDeliveryMetricData You query metrics of event delivery.
DescribeTrails You query the trails in a specific region.
GetAccessKeyLastUsedEvents You query the last events in which an AccessKey pair is used.
GetAccessKeyLastUsedInfo You query the last usage records of an AccessKey pair.
GetAccessKeyLastUsedIps You query the IP addresses from which Alibaba Cloud services are accessed in the last usage records of an AccessKey pair.
GetAccessKeyLastUsedProducts You query the Alibaba Cloud services that are accessed in the last usage records of an AccessKey pair.
GetAccessKeyLastUsedResources You query the resources that are consumed in the last usage records of an AccessKey pair.
GetDefaultTrail You query the default trail.
GetDeliveryHistoryJob You query the details of a historical event delivery task.
GetEventsCount You query the total number of user-initiated events.
GetInsightEventCount You query the total number of insight events.
GetInsightIpCount You query the number of IP addresses recorded by insight events.
GetInsightSelectors You query the configuration of insight events.
GetTrailStatus You query the status of a trail.
ListDeliveryHistoryJobs You query the created historical event delivery tasks.
ListEventNames You query event names.
ListProductResourceType You query resource types of a specific Alibaba Cloud service.
ListServiceTrail You query the trails for Alibaba Cloud services.
LookupAggregationEvents You query aggregate events.
LookupEvents You query event details.
LookupInsightEvents You query insight events.
ModifyInsightStrategy You modify the IP address blacklist and whitelist for insight events.
OpenService You activate a service.
PutInsightSelectors You modify the configuration of insight events.
RemoveDefaultTrail You set the default trail as a non-default trail.
SetDefaultTrail You specify the default trail.
StartInnerTrailLogging You enable a trail for the Inner-ActionTrail feature.
StartLogging You enable logging for a trail.
StopInnerTrailLogging You disable a trail for the Inner-ActionTrail feature.
StopLogging You disable logging for a trail.
UpdateInnerTrail You update the configuration of a trail for the Inner-ActionTrail feature.
UpdateTrail You update the configuration of a trail.