This topic describes the ST_AsLatLonText function. This function returns the degrees, minutes, and seconds that represent the coordinates of a point object.


text  ST_AsLatLonText(geometry  pt , text  format);


Parameter Description
pt The point object whose degree, minute, and second representation you want to obtain.
format The format in which the degrees, minutes, and seconds are returned. Default value: null. Valid tokens are D, M, S, and C. D represents the degrees, M represents the minutes, S represents the seconds, and C represents the cardinal direction. The cardinal direction can be north, south, east, or west.


  • This function assumes that the point object is in a projection that is based on latitude and longitude coordinates. The x coordinate (longitude) and the y coordinate (latitude) are normalized in the return result by using the following normal ranges: the longitude ranges from -90 to +90, and the latitude ranges from -180 to +180.
  • Tokens M, S, and C are optional.
    • If you do not specify C, the degrees are displayed as a hyphen (-) when the cardinal direction is south or west.
    • If you do not specify S, the minutes are displayed as a decimal string that consists of as many decimal places as you specify.
    • If you do not specify M, the degrees are displayed as a decimal string that consists of as many decimal places as you specify.


  • Retain the default parameter settings.
    SELECT ST_AsLatLonText(ST_GeomFromText('POINT(116 40)',4326));
     40°0'0.000"N 116°0'0.000"E
    (1 row)
  • Generalize the latitude and the longitude.
    SELECT ST_AsLatLonText(ST_GeomFromText('POINT(476 40)',4326));
     40°0'0.000"N 116°0'0.000"E
    (1 row)
  • Specify the format parameter.
    SELECT ST_AsLatLonText(ST_GeomFromText('POINT(116 40)',4326),'D degrees M minutes S.SS seconds (C)');
     40 degrees 0 minutes 0.00 seconds (N) 116 degrees 0 minutes 0.00 seconds (E)
    (1 row)