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Container Service for Kubernetes:Analyze and optimize models

Last Updated:Oct 22, 2023

Before you deploy a model in a production environment, you can run specific commands to analyze and optimize the performance of the model. This topic describes how to run specific commands to benchmark, analyze, and optimize a model before you deploy the model in a production environment. In this topic, a Resnet18 model provided by PyTorch is used as an example and V100 GPUs are used to accelerate the model.


  • A Container Service for Kubernetes (ACK) Pro cluster is created and the Kubernetes version of the cluster is 1.20 or later. The cluster contains at least one GPU-accelerated node. For more information about how to update an ACK cluster, see Update an ACK cluster.

  • An Object Storage Service (OSS) bucket is created. A persistent volume (PV) and a persistent volume claim (PVC) are created. For more information, see Use the console to mount a statically provisioned OSS volume.

Background information

Data scientists focus on the precision of models, while R&D engineers are more concerned about the performance of models. As a result, a model may not meet the performance requirements after you release the model as an online service. To avoid this issue, you may need to benchmark a model before you release the model. If the model does not meet the performance requirements, you can identify the performance bottlenecks and optimize the model.

Introduction to the model analytics and optimization commands

The AI component set provides multiple model analytics and optimization commands. You can run these commands to benchmark models, analyze the network structure, check the duration of each operator, and view the GPU utilization. Then, you can identify the performance bottlenecks of a model and use TensorRT to optimize the model. This helps you release models that meet the performance requirements of a production environment. The following figure shows the lifecycle of model analysis and optimization.生命周期

  1. Model Training: The model is trained based on a given dataset.

  2. Model Benchmark: A benchmark is performed on the model to check whether the latency, throughput, and GPU utilization of the model meet the requirements.

  3. Model Profile: The model is analyzed to identify performance bottlenecks.

  4. Model Optimize: The GPU inference capability of the model is optimized by using tools such as TensorRT.

  5. Model Serving: The model is deployed as an online service.


If the model still does not meet the performance requirements after you optimize the model, you can repeat the preceding phases.

How to run the commands

You can use Arena to submit model analysis, evaluation, optimization, and benchmark jobs to ACK Pro clusters. You can run the arena model --help command to view the help information.

submit a model analyze job.

Available Commands:
  profile          Submit a model profile job.
  evaluate         Submit a model evaluate job.
  optimize         Submit a model optimize job.
  benchmark        Submit a model benchmark job

  arena model [flags]
  arena model [command]

Available Commands:
  benchmark   Submit a model benchmark job
  delete      Delete a model job
  evaluate    Submit a model evaluate job
  get         Get a model job
  list        List all the model jobs
  optimize    Submit a model optimize job, this is a experimental feature
  profile     Submit a model profile job

Step 1: Prepare a model

We recommend that you use TorchScript to deploy PyTorch models. In this topic, a Resnet18 model provided by PyTorch is used as an example.

  1. Convert the model. Convert the Resnet18 model to a TorchScript model and save the model.

    import torch
    import torchvision
    model = torchvision.models.resnet18(pretrained=True)
    # Switch the model to eval model
    # An example input you would normally provide to your model's forward() method.
    dummy_input = torch.rand(1, 3, 224, 224)
    # Use torch.jit.trace to generate a torch.jit.ScriptModule via tracing.
    traced_script_module = torch.jit.trace(model, dummy_input)
    # Save the TorchScript model"")




    The model name.


    The platform or framework used by the model, such as TorchScript and ONNX.


    The path in which the model is stored.


    The input parameters.


    The output parameters.

  2. After the model is converted, upload the model configuration file to OSS. The OSS path of the configuration file is oss://bucketname/models/resnet18/ For more information, see Upload objects.

Step 2: Perform a benchmark

Before you deploy a model in a production environment, you can perform a benchmark to evaluate the performance of the model. In this step, a benchmark job is submitted in Arena and a PVC named oss-pvc in the default namespace of the cluster is used as an example. For more information, see Use the console to mount a statically provisioned OSS volume.

  1. Prepare and upload the configuration file of the model.

    1. Create a configuration file for the model. In this example, the configuration file is named config.json.

        "model_name": "resnet18",
        "model_platform": "torchscript",
        "model_path": "/data/models/resnet18/",
        "inputs": [
            "name": "input",
            "data_type": "float32",
            "shape": [1, 3, 224, 224]
        "outputs": [
              "name": "output",
              "data_type": "float32",
              "shape": [ 1000 ]
    2. Upload the configuration file to OSS. The OSS path of the configuration file is oss://bucketname/models/resnet18/config.json.

  2. Run the following command to submit a benchmark job to the ACK Pro cluster:

      arena model benchmark \
      --name=resnet18-benchmark \
      --namespace=default \ \
      --gpus=1 \
      --data=oss-pvc:/data \
      --model-config-file=/data/models/resnet18/config.json \
      --report-path=/data/models/resnet18 \
      --concurrency=5 \




    The number of GPUs that are used.


    The PVC and the path to which the PVC is mounted.


    The path of the configuration file.


    The path in which the benchmark report is stored.


    The number of concurrent requests.


    The duration of the benchmark job. Unit: seconds.

    • You cannot specify the --requests parameter and the --duration parameter at the same time. Specify only one of them when you submit a benchmark job. If you specify both, the system uses the --duration parameter by default.

    • To specify the total number of requests sent by the benchmark job, specify the --requests parameter.

  3. Run the following command to query the status of the job:

    arena model list -A

    Expected output:

    NAMESPACE      NAME                        STATUS    TYPE       DURATION  AGE  GPU(Requested)
    default        resnet18-benchmark          COMPLETE  Benchmark  0s        2d   1
  4. View the benchmark report. If the STATUS parameter displays COMPLETE, the benchmark job is completed. Then, you can find a benchmark report named benchmark_result.txt in the path specified in the --report-path parameter.

    Expected output:


    The following table describes the metrics that are included in a benchmark report.





    90th percentile response time



    95th percentile response time



    99th percentile response time



    Fastest response time



    Slowest response time



    Average response time



    Medium response time






    GPU memory usage



    GPU utilization


Step 3: Analyze the model

After you perform a benchmark, you can run the arena model profile command to analyze the model and identify performance bottlenecks.

  1. Run the following command to submit a model analysis job to the ACK Pro cluster.

      arena model profile \
      --name=resnet18-profile \
      --namespace=default \ \
      --gpus=1 \
      --data=oss-pvc:/data \
      --model-config-file=/data/models/resnet18/config.json \
      --report-path=/data/models/resnet18/log/ \
      --tensorboard \




    The number of GPUs that are used.


    The PVC for the cluster and the path to which the PVC is mounted.


    The path of the configuration file.


    The path in which the analysis report is stored.


    Specify whether to view the analysis report in TensorBoard.


    The URL of the image that is used to deploy Tensorboard.

  2. Run the following command to query the status of the job:

    arena model list -A

    Expected output:

    NAMESPACE      NAME                        STATUS    TYPE       DURATION  AGE  GPU(Requested)
    default        resnet18-profile            COMPLETE  Profile    13s       2d   1
  3. Run the following command to query the status of TensorBoard:

    kubectl get service -n default

    Expected output:

    NAME                           TYPE       CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)          AGE
    resnet18-profile-tensorboard   NodePort   <none>        6006:30582/TCP   2d20h
  4. Run the following command to enable port forwarding and access TensorBoard:

    kubectl port-forward svc/resnet18-profile-tensorboard -n default 6006:6006

    Expected output:

    Forwarding from 127.0.X.X:6006 -> 6006
    Forwarding from [::1]:6006 -> 6006
  5. Enter http://localhost:6006 into the address bar of your browser to view the analysis results. In the left-side navigation pane, click Views to view the analysis results based on multiple dimensions and identify performance bottlenecks. You can optimize the model based on the analysis results.查看分析结果

Step 4: Optimize the model

You can use Arena to optimize a model.

  1. Run the following command to submit a model optimization job to the ACK Pro cluster:

      arena model optimize \
      --name=resnet18-optimize \
      --namespace=default \ \
      --gpus=1 \
      --data=oss-pvc:/data \
      --optimizer=tensorrt \
      --model-config-file=/data/models/resnet18/config.json \




    The number of GPUs that are used.


    The PVC for the cluster and the path to which the PVC is mounted.


    The optimization method. Valid values:

    • Default value: tensorrt.

    • aiacc-torch. For more information, see What is AIACC?


    The path of the configuration file.


    The path in which the optimized model is stored.

  2. Run the following command to query the status of the job:

    arena model list -A

    Expected output:

    NAMESPACE      NAME                        STATUS    TYPE       DURATION  AGE  GPU(Requested)
    default        resnet18-optimize           COMPLETE  Optimize   16s       2d   1
  3. View the configuration file of the optimized model. If the STATUS parameter displays COMPLETE, the optimization job is completed. Then, you can find the configuration file named in the path specified in the --export-path parameter.

  4. Change the value of the --model_path parameter in the benchmark job to the path of the configuration file that you obtained in the preceding step, and perform a benchmark again. For more information about how to perform a benchmark test, see Step 2: Perform a benchmark.

    The following table describes the metric values before and after the model is optimized.


    Before optimization

    After optimization


    7.511 milliseconds

    5.162 milliseconds


    7.86 milliseconds

    5.428 milliseconds


    9.34 milliseconds

    6.64 milliseconds


    7.019 milliseconds

    4.827 milliseconds


    12.269 milliseconds

    8.426 milliseconds


    7.312 milliseconds

    5.046 milliseconds


    7.206 milliseconds

    4.972 milliseconds


    136 times

    198 times


    1.47 GB

    1.6 GB




    The statistics show that the performance and GPU utilization of the model are greatly improved after optimization. If the model still does not meet the performance requirements, you can repeat the preceding steps to analyze and optimize the model.

Step 5: Deploy the model

If the model meets the performance requirements, you can deploy the model as an online service. Arena allows you to use NVIDIA Triton Inference Server to deploy TorchScript models. For more information, see Nvidia Triton Server.

  1. Create a configuration file named config.pbtxt.


    Do not change the file name.

    name: "resnet18"
    platform: "pytorch_libtorch"
    max_batch_size: 1
    default_model_filename: ""
    input [
            name: "input__0"
            format: FORMAT_NCHW
            data_type: TYPE_FP32
            dims: [ 3, 224, 224 ]
    output [
            name: "output__0",
            data_type: TYPE_FP32,
            dims: [ 1000 ]

    For more information about the parameters in the configuration file, see Model Repository.

  2. Create the following directory structure in OSS:


    1/ is a convention of NVIDIA Triton Inference Server. The value indicates the version number of the model. A model repository can store different versions of a model. For more information, see Model Repository.

  3. Use Arena to deploy the model. You can deploy a model in GPU sharing mode or GPU exclusive mode.

    • GPU exclusive mode: You can use this mode to deploy inference services that do not require high stability. In this mode, each GPU accelerates only one model. Models do not compete for GPU resources. You can run the following command to deploy a model in GPU exclusive mode:

        arena serve triton \
        --name=resnet18-serving \
        --gpus=1 \
        --replicas=1 \ \
        --data=oss-pvc:/data \
        --model-repository=/data/triton/model-repository \
    • GPU sharing mode: You can use this mode to deploy long-tail inference services or inference services that require cost-efficiency. In this mode, a GPU is shared by multiple models. Each model is allowed to use only a specified amount of GPU memory. You can run the following command to deploy a model in GPU sharing mode:

      If you deploy models in GPU sharing mode, you must configure the --gpumemory parameter. This parameter specifies the amount of memory that is allocated to each pod. You can set a proper value based on the gpu_mem_used metric in the benchmark result. For example, if the value of the gpu_mem_used metric is 1.6 GB, you can set the --gpumemory parameter to 2 GB. The value of this parameter must be a positive integer.

        arena serve triton \
        --name=resnet18 \
        --gpumemory=2 \
        --replicas=1 \ \
        --data=oss-pvc:/data \
        --model-repository=/data/triton/model-repository \
  4. Run the following command to query the status of the deployment:

    arena serve list -A

    Expected output:

    NAMESPACE      NAME              TYPE    VERSION       DESIRED  AVAILABLE  ADDRESS         PORTS                   GPU
    default        resnet18-serving  Triton  202202141817  1        1  RESTFUL:8000,GRPC:8001  1

    If the value of the AVAILABLE parameter equals the value of the DESIRED parameter, the model is deployed.