This function is used to linearly stretch a raster and return a new raster.


  • Syntax 1
    raster ST_LinearStretch(raster raster_obj ,
                            integer pyramidLevel default 0,    
                            cstring bands default '', 
                            integer minRatio default 0,
                            integer maxRatio default 100, 
                            cstring storageOption  default '',
                            cstring parallelOption default '{}')
  • Syntax 2
    raster ST_LinearStretch(raster raster_obj ,
                            float8[] minValues,
                            float8[] maxValues,
                            integer pyramidLevel default 0,    
                            cstring bands default '',  
                            cstring storageOption  default '',
                            cstring parallelOption default '{}')


Parameter Description
raster_obj The raster that you want to query.
pyramidLevel The pyramid level that you want to stretch. Valid values start from 0. Default value: 0.
bands The IDs of the bands that you want to stretch. Examples: '0-2' and '1,2,3'. Valid band IDs start from 0. Default value: ''. The default value specifies all bands of the raster.
storageOption A JSON string that consists of storage options. For more information, see the "storageOption" table of this topic.
parallelOption A JSON string that consists of parallel operation options. For more information, see the " parallelOption" table of this topic.
minRatio The minimum percentile based on which the raster is stretched. Valid values: 0 to 100.
maxRatio The maximum percentile based which the raster is stretched. Valid values: 0 to 100. The value of this parameter must be greater than the value of the minRatio parameter.
minValues An array that consists of minimum values. The number of minimum values must be the same as the number of bands that you want to stretch.
maxValues An array that consists of maximum values. The number of maximum values must be the same as the number of bands that you want to stretch.

The following table describes the parameters in storageOption parameter.

Parameter Description Type Default value Remarks
chunking Specifies whether to store the data of the new raster as chunks. boolean Same as the value for the original raster. None.
chunkdim The dimensions based on which the system chunks the data of the new raster. string Same as the value for the original raster. This parameter is valid only when you set the chunking parameter to true.
chunktable The name of the chunk table that stores the data of the new raster. string '' If you specify '' or the value NULL, a temporary chunk table with a random name is generated to store the data. The temporary chunk table is valid only in the current session. To create a permanent chunk table for the new raster, you must specify a name for the chunk table.
compression The format in which the system compresses the data of the new raster. string Same as the value for the original raster. Valid values:
  • NONE
  • JPEG
  • ZLIB
  • PNG
  • LZO
  • LZ4
quality The image quality of the new raster after compression. integer Same as the value for the original raster. Valid values: 1 to 99.

This parameter is valid only when you set the compression parameter to JPEG.

interleaving The method that is used to interleave the data of the new raster. string Same as the value for the original raster. Valid values:
  • bip: band interleaved by pixel (BIP)
  • bil: band interleaved by line (BIL)
  • bsq: band sequential (BSQ)
endian The endian format of the new raster. string Same as the value for the original raster. Valid values:
  • NDR: little endian
  • XDR: big endian
celltype The pixel type of the new raster. string Same as the value for the original raster. Valid values:
  • 1bb: 1-bit Boolean value
  • 2bui: 2-bit unsigned integer
  • 4bui: 4-bit unsigned integer
  • 8bsi: 8-bit signed integer
  • 8bui: 8-bit unsigned integer
  • 16bsi: 16-bit signed integer
  • 16bui: 16-bit unsigned integer
  • 32bsi: 32-bit signed integer
  • 32bui: 32-bit unsigned integer
  • 64bsi: 64-bit signed integer
  • 64bui: 64-bit unsigned integer
  • 32bf: 32-bit floating number
  • 64bf: 64-bit floating number

The following table describes the parameters in the parallelOptions parameter.

Parameter Description Type Default value Remarks
parallel The degree of parallelism that is allowed. integer Valid values: 1 to 64.


This function linearly stretches a raster and returns a new raster.
  • Method 1: Use the ST_BuildPercentiles function or the ST_ComputeStatistics function to calculate percentiles. Then, stretch the original raster based on the percentiles.

    For example, the pixel values in the histogram are within the range of 33 to 206, and the minimum percentile and the maximum percentile are set to 2%. This means that 2% of the pixel values below the minimum percentile are within the range of 33 to 45, and 2% of the pixel values above the maximum percentile are within the range of 198 to 206. In this case, the pixel values within the range of 33 to 45 are converted into 0, the pixel values within the range of 198 to 206 are converted into 255, and all the other pixel values in the histogram are redistributed within the range of 0 to 255.

  • Method 2: Stretch the original raster based on the minimum extent that is specified by the minValues parameter and the maximum extent that is specified by the maxValues parameter.

    For example, in an 8-bit data set, a minimum value can be 35, and a maximum value can be 206. This function distributes the pixel values of the original raster within the range of 0 to 255 across the histogram. This way, the brightness and contrast of the image are improved, and the elements in the image are easier to distinguish.


Example 1: Linearly stretch a raster whose minimum percentage and maximum percentage are set to 2%.
INSERT INTO raster_table
SELECT 100, ST_LinearStretch(rast,
                             2,  -- min ratio
                             98, -- max ratio
                             '{"chunktable":"chunk_table", "chunking":true}',
FROM raster_table
WHERE id=1;
Example 2: Stretch a raster to the range of 100 to 200 on all specified bands.
INSERT INTO raster_table
SELECT 200, ST_LinearStretch(rast,
                             ARRAY[100,100, 100]::float8[],  -- min values
                             ARRAY[200,200, 200]::float8[],  -- max values
                             '{"chunktable":"chunk_table", "chunking":true}',
FROM raster_table
WHERE id=1;